Physics and Statistics

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
FIS/07 ING-INF/07 MED/01
Learning objectives
- Acquisition of the physical knowledge necessary for the understanding and interpretation of physical and biological and biophysical phenomena related mainly to acoustic physics.
- Acquisition of statistical knowledge for the understanding of physical and biological phenomena.
Expected learning outcomes
Acquisition of basic knowledge of Physics, indispensable for understanding concepts that will be deepen in more specific courses, of Medical Statistics, to develop useful skills both for research, management and data processing and for the critical evaluation of scientific literature for a correct and more rigorous exercise of the profession and of Electrical and electronic measurements, to understand acoustic phenomena
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
No specific preliminary knowledge is required beyond what is already foreseen in relation to the admission to the Degree Course which includes: General culture, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics
Assessment methods and Criteria
The evaluation criteria are based on a written test, which can be followed by an optional oral test. The evaluation is expressed in thirtieths. During the written test, where relevant, the use of a calculator is allowed.

The test includes multiple choice questions which also include exercises. Furthermore, when considered of interest, open questions on specific topics covered in the course and with particular attention to those concerning the applications of interest for the degree course can also be included. The oral test consists of the discussion of the written test on subjects of the discipline and generally it is two questions.
Applied physics
Course syllabus
- Introduction: role of measurement in Physics, International System of Units of Measurement, physical quantities and units of measurement, references to vectors and operations on vectors, scalar and vector quantities. - Mechanics: - Kinematics, uniform rectilinear motion, uniformly accelerated motion, harmonic motion. - Dynamics, principles of dynamics, forces, mechanical work, kinetic energy, potential energy (gravitational and elastic). - Wave phenomena: - Types of waves, elastic forces and oscillatory motions, damped oscillations and resonance, longitudinal and transverse waves, Fourier's theorem, sinusoidal wave propagation equation, wave characteristics: frequency, wavelength, velocity propagation - Superposition of waves: interference, standing waves (with nodes or troughs at the constraint). Sound waves: frequency, amplitude; height, intensity and timbre of the wave; sound power; sound intensity; sound intensity level and measurement in decibels; Doppler effect.
Teaching methods
Lectures and exercises for adequate consolidation of the physical contents, including physical laws. Slides will be available (MyAriel).
Teaching Resources
D. Scannicchio. Elementi di Fisica Biomedica. EdiSES.
A. Lascialfari, F. Borsa, A. M. Gueli. Principi di fisica. EdiSES
Medical statistics
Course syllabus
1. The statistical language
- what the medical statistician does
- data collection
- the measurement scales of the information collected
- how to summarize and describe the data
- critical interpretation of the data
- images and numbers as a description tool
- one thing at a time or several things together: describe individual aspects or describe relationships.
2. Uncertainty
- how to deal with uncertainty
- how to make it an instrument of knowledge
- know the probabilities and quantify the risks
- measurement errors and their distribution.
- an example of certain uncertainties: population screening
3. How to build knowledge
- epidemiological studies and clinical studies: what they are, how they plan, which tools they use
- the uncertain causal relationship: measuring the risks and understanding their significance in the epidemiological field
4. Know through (and despite) the case
- know how to use the appropriate rules
- from population to sample, from sample to population
- put trust in what I see to know what I don't see (inference)
- the confidence interval or perhaps a very precise one
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
M.G.Valsecchi, C. La Vecchia. Epidemiologia e metodologia clinica. Accademia Nazionale di Medicina , pg 106, Genova 1999,
G.Dunn, B.Everitt. Biostatistica Clinica, una introduzione alla evidence-based medicine. Il pensiero scientifico editore, pg 177, Roma 1999.
P.B.Lantieri, D.Risso, G.Ravera. Statistica medica per le professioni sanitarie. MCGraw-Hill, pg 251, Milano 2004
Electric and electronic measurements
Course syllabus
1.Metrology (3 Hours):
direct and indirect measurements, physical quantities, units of measurement, measuring instruments, characteristics and criteria for choosing measuring instruments, sensitivity, precision and readiness; Systematic and random errors, confidence intervals; orders of magnitude and significant figures.

2. Study of uncertainties in physical measurements (3 hours):
error propagation (sum, difference, product, quotient, quadrature sum). Measurement errors and their representation: confidence interval, significant figures, consistency / discrepancy between measurements, verification of physical laws.

3. Electricity elements (6 Hours):
Coulomb's law. Electrostatic field. Gauss theorem and its applications. Electrostatic potential. Conductors and insulators. Capacity concept. Series and parallel capacitors. Dielectric effect in capacitors. Energy stored in a condenser. The movement of the charges: intensity of electric current. Ohmic conductors. Ohm's laws. The power associated with a device as a function of current and voltage. Ideal voltage generators. Internal resistance of the generator. Introduction to Kirchhoff's laws of circuits. Resolution of a circuit. Series and parallel resistors.

4. Elements of magnetostatics (3 hours):
General information on the magnetic field. Lorentz force. Magnetic field flow. Outline of the magnetic behavior of materials: diamagnetism, paramagnetism, ferromagnetism.

5. Instrumentation for electrical measurements (3):
Ammeters, Voltmeters, Basic operating principles. Digital tester and multimeter. Operating principles and applications.

6. Dedicated exercises (2 hours)
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons through electronic presentations and blackboard exercises.
Teaching Resources
J. R. Taylor, Introduzione all'analisi degli errori.

D. C. Giancoli, Fisica. Principi e applicazioni. (alternativamente è possibile utilizzare il testo consigliato per il corso di Fisica Generale o testi a livello universitario).

Dispense del docente fornite a conclusione delle lezioni.
Applied physics
FIS/07 - APPLIED PHYSICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Electric and electronic measurements
Lessons: 20 hours
Medical statistics
MED/01 - MEDICAL STATISTICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours