Physical Geography and Cartography

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course intend to provide the basis for understanding and reading the earth landscape, by underlining the relationships among the environmental components.
Expected learning outcomes
Basis for understanding and reading the earth landscape and the relationships among the different components of the environment. Ability of using large scale cartography
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization


Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The Earth and its representation: The Earth in the Solar System. Planetary motions and their influence on the planet. Elements of cartography and geodesy; cartographic representations and their use; how to read a topographic map. Remote sensing and its application in environmental sciences
- The atmosphere and climate: The planet energy budget; Atmosphere composition and features. The greenhouse effect and its role for the Earth; Meteorological weather and climate: temperature, pressure, humidity and other climatic variables. Global atmospheric circulation, winds, meteorological systems. Climate: classification and variability. Elements of biogeography.
- The hydrosphere: Distribution of water on Earth: Oceans and seas, the continental waters. The hydrological cycle. Hydrological variables, channelled waters, fluvial processes. The lakes. The cryosphere (Glaciers, sea ice, snow and permafrost). Coastal processes: tides, waves and currents and their effects on the coasts.
- The lithosphere: Distribution of continents and oceans. The large morphostructures of the Earth's surface in relation to the endogenous processes and their effects on the landscape.
- Physical landscapes: geomorphological processes (alteration, gravity action, dynamic of continental ans sea waters, ice dynamic, wind dynamic, etc.. ) and their effects on the evolution of the landscape. Types of landscape in relation to climatic zones (cold, temperate, arid-desert, zones etc).
- Man and Environment; anthropic processes and sustainable use of natural resources.
Prerequisites for admission
It is a fundamentale basic course.
In any case, all the introductory notions of Italian, European and extra-European regional geography that are not presented during the course, but which can be recalled during the exam tests, are taken for granted.
Teaching methods
This course will employ a variety of instructional methods to accomplish its objectives, including some of the following:

Field Work
Individual and/or Team Projects
Small Group Discussions
Map and Air Photo Analysis
Teaching Resources
Notes available at ARIEL web site
videoclips and tutorial at the ARIEL WEB site

STRAHLER A. Fondamenti del Geografia fisica, Zanichelli 2015 e ristampe
LAVAGNA & LUCARNO, Geocartografia, Zanichelli, 2008

(chapters to be studied will be indicated during the lectures)

Advanced books (not mandatory)
· PRESS, SIEVER, GROTZINGER & JORDAN, Capire la Terra, Zanichelli, Bologna, 2006
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam aims at:
- ascertaining the student's knowledge of the basic aspects of the subject by means of questions e
- verifing through exercises the student's ability to use large-scale cartography.

As for the theory exam, this can take place as a single test at the end of the course (and then periodically proposed in each available exam window) or as partial exams (in itinere tests offered to students attending the course), and will consist of a time trial test, in particular:
- the in itinere tests will be proposed as tests involving both a multiple choice part and a part reserved for open answers;
- the cartography test will be proposed as exercises to be carried out both manually (calculation of the coordinates on a map provided by the teachers) and through Microsoft Excel (e.g.: chart of the elevation profile assigned by the teachers on a map);
-total theory test for those students who will not take partials will be an exam extended to the whole program with both open and multiple choice questions.
The final mark proposed to the student for verbalization will be the weighted average of the theory part (7 ECTS) and of the cartography part (1 ECTS) after passing with at least the sufficiency (or at least 18/30) of both tests.
During the tests, the student cannot consult books, manuals or notes except for the mental / conceptual maps for DSA certified students only and who have agreed on the compensatory tools with the teachers.
Practicals with elements of theory: 12 hours
Lessons: 56 hours
Professor: Diolaiuti Guglielmina Adele


Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The program includes 1) the analysis of the different components of the Earth system (atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, biosphere/anthroposphere) and their mutual interactions with regard to the role of the hydrological cycle; 2) the analysis of Earth planet in relation to the solar system and the cartographic representation of the Earth's surface at different spatial scales. 3) The analysis of changes (climatic and environmental) also in relation to the human component.

More in details
-The Earth and its representation: The Earth in the Solar System. Planetary motions and their influence on the planet. Elements of cartography and geodesy; cartographic representations and their use; how to read a topographic map.
-The atmosphere and climate: The planet energy budget; Atmosphere composition and features. The greenhouse effect and its role for the Earth; Meteorological weather and climate: temperature, pressure, humidity and other climatic variables. Global atmospheric circulation, winds, clouds meteorological systems. Climate: classification and variability. Climatic changes.
- The hydrosphere: Distribution of water on Earth: Oceans and seas, the continental waters. The hydrological cycle. Hydrological variables, channeled waters, fluvial processes. Catchment areas; The lakes. Groundwater. The cryosphere (Glaciers, sea ice, snow and permafrost).
- Elements of biogeography and soils.
- The lithosphere: Distribution of continents and oceans. The great morphostructures of the Earth's surface in relation to the endogenous processes and their effects on the landscape.
- Introduction to the physical landscape: geomorphological processes (alteration and karst processes, gravity action, dynamic of continental and sea waters - waves and currents, tides-, ice and glacier dynamic, wind dynamic, Landscapes in relation to climatic zones (cold, temperate, arid-desert zones etc).
- Man and Environment; introduction to the anthropic processes.
Exercises on topographic maps: lecture, observations; calculation of the coordinates and distances on a map, elevation profile, hydrographic basin delimitation.
Prerequisites for admission
It is a fundamental basic course for the first year. There are no prerequisites. In any case, all the introductory notions of Italian, European and extra-European regional geography are taken for granted; they are not presented during the course but can be recalled during the exam tests.
Teaching methods
Individual and/or Team Projects
Small Group Discussions
Map and Air Photo Analysis
Teaching Resources
PDF of the slides shown in class, personal notes, material posted by the teacher on the ARIEL educational site, basic textbook. Further information on the material to prepare for the exam can be provided in class and upon request.

MCKNICHT'S by DARREL HESS Geografia fisica - comprendere il paesaggio II edizione italiana a cura di F.Dramis e P.Mozzi, Piccin, 2022
LAVAGNA & LUCARNO, Geocartografia, Zanichelli, 2008
(during the lessons the chapters to be prepared will be indicated)
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam aims at:
- ascertaining the student's knowledge of the basic aspects of the subject by means of questions
- verifing through exercises the student's ability to use large-scale cartography.

As for the theory exam, this can take place as a single test at the end of the course (and then periodically proposed in each available exam window) or as partial exams ("in itinere" tests offered to students attending the course), and will consist of a time trial test, in particular:
- the "in itinere" tests will be proposed as tests involving both a multiple choice part and a part reserved for open answers;
- the cartography test will be proposed as exercises to be carried out both manually (calculation of the coordinates on a map provided by the teachers) and through Microsoft Excel (chart of the elevation profile assigned by the teachers on a map);
-total theory test for those students who will not take partials will be an exam extended to the whole program with both open and multiple choice questions.
The final mark proposed to the student for verbalization will be the weighted average of the theory part (7 ECTS) and of the cartography part (1 ECTS) after passing with at least the sufficiency (or at least 18/30) of both tests.
The exam can be registered only when both the cartography and the theory part have been passed.
During the tests, the student cannot consult books, manuals or notes except for the mental / conceptual maps for DSA certified students only and who have agreed on the compensatory tools with the teachers.
Practicals with elements of theory: 12 hours
Lessons: 56 hours
Professor: Pelfini Manuela
turno 1
Professor: Azzoni Roberto Sergio
turno 2
Professor: Azzoni Roberto Sergio