Physical Chemistry of the Solid State
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The aim is to introduce the students to the physical chemistry of the solid state emphasizing the close relationships among structure, defect thermodynamics and physical properties of crystalline and amorphous phases. To this purpose, concepts of the solid state of matter, of its properties and of the pertinent experimental techniques are shown.
Expected learning outcomes
Students will master structures of crystalline materials by the symmetry and connectivity point of view; will gain comprehension of defects thermodynamics, theoretical and practical knowledge of experimental techniques for average and local structural investigation, comprehension of the electronic and magnetic properties of solids, focusing on electron correlation, electron localisation and collective phenomena.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Crystal structure: symmetry in solids following the Hermann-Mauguin notation. Properties of space groups. Structure classification of inorganic crystalline phases. Structure and thermodynamics of amorphous phases.
Defects in solids: point and extended defects in metals, semiconductors and compounds; their influence on the physical properties of solids (structure, charge transport, magnetic properties).
Magnetic properties of solids: basic magnetism, atomic origins of magnetism; ferromagnetism ferrimagnetism, antiferromagnetism; magnetic anisotropy, magnetoresistance; magnetic data storage
Experimental techniques for structural investigation: introduction to diffraction; principles of special relativity; synchrotron radiation and neutron sources for research; applications of X-ray powder diffraction to material science; Pair Distribution Function Analysis; Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure.
Electrons in solids: brief introduction to the band structure; electronic correlation in solids and localization phenomena: Hubbard model, polarons, Anderson Localization. Magnetoresistive and (poly)ferroic materials. Introduction to superconductivity and superconductive materials.
Defects in solids: point and extended defects in metals, semiconductors and compounds; their influence on the physical properties of solids (structure, charge transport, magnetic properties).
Magnetic properties of solids: basic magnetism, atomic origins of magnetism; ferromagnetism ferrimagnetism, antiferromagnetism; magnetic anisotropy, magnetoresistance; magnetic data storage
Experimental techniques for structural investigation: introduction to diffraction; principles of special relativity; synchrotron radiation and neutron sources for research; applications of X-ray powder diffraction to material science; Pair Distribution Function Analysis; Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure.
Electrons in solids: brief introduction to the band structure; electronic correlation in solids and localization phenomena: Hubbard model, polarons, Anderson Localization. Magnetoresistive and (poly)ferroic materials. Introduction to superconductivity and superconductive materials.
Prerequisites for admission
No prerequisites requested. A basic knowledge of symmetry, diffraction and band theory is welcome. However these concepts will be described in an extended form in the course. The same can be found also in the following courses: Cristallochimica, Strutturistica chimica and/or Chimica Fisica B
Teaching methods
The course is organized through a series of lectures using both slides and the blackboard.
Teaching Resources
Slides supplied by the teacher; in addition, selected chapters (suggested by the teacher) of the following text books:
- "Solid State Chemistry and its applications", Anthony R. West, Wiley India ed. 2007
- "Magnetic Materials", N. Spaldin, Cambridge University Press, 2006
- "The Electronic Structure and Chemistry of solids" P.A. Cox, Oxford Univ. Press
- "Solid State Chemistry and its applications", Anthony R. West, Wiley India ed. 2007
- "Magnetic Materials", N. Spaldin, Cambridge University Press, 2006
- "The Electronic Structure and Chemistry of solids" P.A. Cox, Oxford Univ. Press
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination is oral, in general 30-40 minutes long, and consists of open questions on topics discussed in classroom lectures. Discussions during the exam will help to figure out the student's skill level. The evaluation is expressed in thirty.
Educational website(s)
from Monday to Thursday from 9.00 am to 05.00 pm, by appointment via email
videoconference or Chemistry Dept., wing C, ground floor, room R020