Physical Chemistry Industrial

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Introduction to transport phenomena with their applications (e.g. in heterogeneous catalysis and in sizing of chemical plants).
Principles for sizing of chemical plants.
Fluid dynamics.
Expected learning outcomes
The student should be able to perform quantitative calculations (mass, heat and force balances) applied to fluid motion. He/she should quantify energy dissipation during fluid motion and size the equipment to supply energy to fluids.
The student gets competences to quantify heat transfer (conduction, convection and radiation) with sizing of the relative equipment. The student should quantify mass transfer problems, which limit the rate of chemical transformations, finding appropriate solutions.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Unified transport theory. Molecular definition of transport phenomena. Balances (Energy, mass, force). Equations for fluid motion. Dimentional analysis. Motion of fluids in pipes and through porous systems. Heat conduction (steady, unsteady). Convection, determination of liminar coefficients. Heat exchangers. Heat transfer by radiation. Diffusion (steady, unsteady). Generalized continuity equation. Mass transfer coefficients. Simultaneous heat and mass transfer. Mass transfer through porous media. Thiele modulus and catalyst effectiveness. Introduction to heterogeneous catalysts and applicative aspects
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have sufficient knowledge of the basic concepts of mathematics and physics: the rules of integration and derivation, the concepts of force, acceleration and friction. He/she must know stoichiometry and the fundamental concepts of thermodynamics, including the definition and meaning of heat, work, enthalpy, entropy, specific heats, latent heats, etc.. In particular, it is recalled that the exams of "Physical Chemistry I" and " Kinetics with Lab" must be taken before that of "Industrial Physical Chemistry".
Teaching methods
Front lectures and exercises. Few examples of numerical methods will be provided.
Teaching Resources
L. Forni, I. Rossetti, Fenomeni di Trasporto, Cortina, Milano 2009;
R. B. Bird, W. E.Stewart, E.N.Lightfoot, Transport Phenomena, 2nd Ed.,Wiley, London, 2002.

Slides, video and tutorials available on the Ariel site of the course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written + oral esamination. The written test is constituted by the solution of one problem similar to those done during lectures. The oral examination is constituted by 2 questions on any topic of the program.
CHIM/02 - PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY - University credits: 6
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Chiarello Gian Luca