
A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims at introducing students to the concept of fotogeology and at giving them methods and techniques of remote sensing to describe and analyze the natural elements of the physical landscape thus supporting geological studies.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students will have learnt how to analyse aerial photos, othophotos and satellite imagines, how to extract geomorphological and geological information from these data, and how to combine such materials with the ones from traditional field surveys
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Basic principles of remote sensing. Basic analysis for the use of aerial photographic, multispectral, and radar images in territorial analyses. Data acquisition in remote sensing: active and passive remote sensing, purposes and fields of application in Earth Sciences. Photogrammetric cameras and scanners; an overview of radar surveys.
Basic analysis in image interpretation: absolute and relative dimensions, shape, shadow, tone and color, texture, structure, spatial distribution, location, association, convergence. Photoreading, photoidentification, and photointerpretation. Interpretation keys.
Elements of digital photogrammetry: internal, relative, and absolute orientation; ground control points (GCP). Examples of applications of digital photogrammetry in Earth Sciences. Use of remotely sensed data (multispatial, multitemporal, and multispectral) in environmental monitoring and examples of data management in GIS environments.
Interpretation of aerial photographs through three-dimensional vision: classification of landforms and land cover; identification of morphotypes and natural physical phenomena. Criteria for defining the activity status of phenomena. Classification and delineation of homogeneous zones from a morphological and vegetational point of view.
Transfer of photointerpretation data onto cartographic bases.
Prerequisites for admission
Mandatory prerequisites are not requested; however, students must have good knowledge of Earth Sciences, cartography and remote-sensing.
Teaching methods
The course will employ a variety of methods to accomplish the objectives, including some of the following:
- Lectures
- Photo and aerial photo interpretation
- Landforms and geomorphic processes interpretation from field activities.
Teaching Resources
Slide, scientific papers, audio-video material available on the Ariel website of the course, personal notes.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of submitting a cartographic project produced during the course, answering some theoretical questions, and completing a photointerpretation test on orthophotos or satellite images.
Lessons: 48 hours