Personal Well-Being, Social Connections and New Technologies

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Knowledge of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the social psychology of health.
Understanding of the processes through which social connections impact people's physical and psychological well-being.
Knowledge of the ways through which new technologies change social connections and impact people's well-being.
Understanding of the specific needs associated with the various pathologies, with respect to the quantity and quality of social connections and new technologies.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student:
- will have developed the ability to identify the social factors that contribute to the promotion and maintenance of health;
- will demonstrate the ability to identify the social factors that contribute to disease prevention and rehabilitation;
- will be able to use the main psychological theories to describe the complex relationship between social connections and physical and psychological well-being;
- will be able to describe the main areas and ways of applying the social psychology of health in the context of new technologies;
- will be able to apply the acquired knowledge to promote the well-being, online and offline, of individuals, groups, and communities.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
- Social psychology, community psychology and health psychology
- Health and wellness
- Social determinants of health
- Social connections and well-being
- Impact of new technologies on social connections and well-being
- Patients' needs
- Research and intervention through new technologies.
Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson. Group work.
Teaching Resources
Andrighetto L., Riva P. (a cura di), 2020. Psicologia sociale. Fondamenti teorici ed empirici. Il Mulino. Capitoli: 1, 9, 11.

Santinello, M, Vieno, A., Lenzi, M. (2018). Fondamenti di Psicologia di Comunità. Il Mulino. Capitoli 1, 3, 4, 5.

Riva, P., & Mazzoni, D. (2019). Il volto sociale della psiche: Connessioni sociali per il benessere della persona. In D. Lazzari (a cura di), La psiche tra salute e malattia. Evidenze ed epidemiologia (pp. 275-297). Edra.
Pacilli, M. G., Giovannelli, I., Spaccatini, F. (2021). Psicologia sociale dei media digitali. Il Mulino. Capitoli: 4, 5, 6.

Further documents will be indicated by the teacher.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and/or open-ended questions.
The result will be expressed out of thirty and shared through official channels.
M-PSI/05 - SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Professor: Mazzoni Davide
Professor: Mazzoni Davide