Performance and Compensation System
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
Perfomance management and compensation systems are key components of the HR system and largely affect individual satisfaction and organizational performance. This course aims to provide students with the essential tools to understand, analyse and design strategic compensation systems in modern firms. Issues such as the relationship between compensation and performance, the complementarity between intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, the variety of bases for pay and the development of an effective pay structure will be analysed. The relevance of performance management systems as the basis for designing effective compensation strategies is also a central part of the course. The process of performance management, as well as the different types of appraisals will be discussed.
The objective will be pursued through theory-grounded study as well as through the practical and micro-founded analysis. Critical issues and problems related to performance management and compensation systems will be identified and examined to enhance a pragmatic approach.
The objective will be pursued through theory-grounded study as well as through the practical and micro-founded analysis. Critical issues and problems related to performance management and compensation systems will be identified and examined to enhance a pragmatic approach.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
- Comprehend the different aims and the complexity of contemporary performace management and compensation systems
- Analyse performace management and compensation systems in relationship to firm strategy and performance
- Outline the different types of performance evalutation and pay policies
- Identify the main challenges inherent in setting up and managing a performance and compensation plan.
- Outline the main theoretical approaches in relationship to compensation management
- Evaluate the pros and cons of high performance pay policies
- Outline the main steps related to building a pay structure
- Comprehend the different aims and the complexity of contemporary performace management and compensation systems
- Analyse performace management and compensation systems in relationship to firm strategy and performance
- Outline the different types of performance evalutation and pay policies
- Identify the main challenges inherent in setting up and managing a performance and compensation plan.
- Outline the main theoretical approaches in relationship to compensation management
- Evaluate the pros and cons of high performance pay policies
- Outline the main steps related to building a pay structure
Lesson period: Second trimester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second trimester
Course syllabus
PART ONE - A contextual approach to HRM and compensation; Strategic compensation as a component of HR Systems; Total reward systems
PART TWO: Performance management systems: design and implementation
PART THREE: Essential compensation theories; Forms of Pay: seniority pay, merit pay, incentive pay, person-focused pay, employee benetifs.
PART FOUR: Designing strategic compensation systems: (a) building internally consistent compensation systems, (b) building market-competitive compensation systems, (c) building pay structures that recognize employee contributions
PART FIVE: Contemporary strategic compensation challenges
PART TWO: Performance management systems: design and implementation
PART THREE: Essential compensation theories; Forms of Pay: seniority pay, merit pay, incentive pay, person-focused pay, employee benetifs.
PART FOUR: Designing strategic compensation systems: (a) building internally consistent compensation systems, (b) building market-competitive compensation systems, (c) building pay structures that recognize employee contributions
PART FIVE: Contemporary strategic compensation challenges
Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of Human resource management and organizational behavior
Teaching methods
Lecture, case studies, teamwork, keynotes
Teaching Resources
Gerhart B. and Newman J. (2020), Compensation, 13th Edition, McGraw-Hill.
Materials on Ariel
Materials on Ariel
Assessment methods and Criteria
Final written exam
Lessons: 60 hours
Della Torre Edoardo Ezio
Della Torre Edoardo EzioEducational website(s)
Thursday 16:30-19:30 by appointment (in presence or via Microsoft Teams).
Room n. 34, third floor - Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods