Pathophysiology of Wild Animals

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aim of the course in PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF WILD ANIMALS is for students to acquire knowledge about the causes and mechanisms of disease and the assessment of the welfare of wildlife, with particular focus to stress and some critical phases such as capture, starvation, and hibernation. One of the objectives of the course is to develop a critical spirit and the ability to interact with the different professionals involved in wildlife management.
Expected learning outcomes
1. Knowledge and Understanding: By the end of the course, students should be able to recognize and understand the causes and mechanisms of disease in wildlife, as well as the mechanisms underlying different types of stress, starvation, and hibernation.
2. Applying Knowledge and Understanding: Students should demonstrate the ability to apply the acquired knowledge to the management of wildlife welfare, interacting appropriately with the different professionals involved.
3. Critical and Judgmental Skills: Students should demonstrate the ability to critically discuss the acquired information. The entire course and the field trips are designed to provide students with the opportunity to engage with a scientific approach to the perspectives of various stakeholders involved in wildlife management.
4. Communication Skills: Students should demonstrate the ability to use scientifically appropriate terminology, particularly regarding pathology. Exercises and field trips are intended to stimulate the ability to express themselves correctly and to discuss scientifically with peers, hunters, and professionals in the conservation and wildlife management sectors.
5. Lifelong Learning Skills: Students should demonstrate the ability to independently research sources to solve issues related to the welfare of wild species, using the acquired knowledge and available knowledge sources, along with good mental organization.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Eziologia generale: richiami su agenti eziologici di interesse nella fauna selvatica: cause fisiche (temperatura, traumi) , cause chimiche (tossiche, alimentari), , agenti viventi (parassiti, batteri, virus, non convenzionali), cause ereditarie (5 h)
Lo stress: patogenesi e definizione, sindrome generale di adattamento, stress acuto e freezing, stress cronico e antropico (4h)
La cattura: tipologia di catture ed effetti sul metabolismo, lo shock, miopatia da cattura (3h)
Starvation conseguenze e quadri patologici (2h)
Termoregolazione e ibernazione: fisiologia e patologie correlate (2h)
Prerequisites for admission
Preliminary knowledge is not required
Teaching methods
The course is composed by some theoric lectures with slides, movies and webinars on topics of pathophysiology of wild animals and some didactic in field experiences to deepen what learned in theory and interact with different stakeholders and professionals involved in conservation of wildlife
Teaching Resources
Slides projected during lectures and some articles useful for personal reading will be provided on Ariel platform
Assessment methods and Criteria
The evaluation of learning consists in a written exam composed by short answers in which the skill of facing issues about pathophysiology of domestic animals will be evaluated. Exam will take 60 minutes. Final score will be expressed out of 30 and communicated via online service. Students will be allowed to reject the score and repeat the exam.
VET/03 - VETERINARY PATHOLOGY - University credits: 3
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Professor: Comazzi Stefano
Professor: Comazzi Stefano