Patents and Management of Innovation

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
To know the patent system from the point of view of the user, so as to learn when it is advisable to patent, when to enforce a patent and what can be expected form a patent.

[Management of Innovation] To understand the general dynamics of the Innovation Process, with particular reference to the nature and roles of the subjects involved in the process, and to the main methods that can be exploited to create value on a socio-economic level, with particular reference to the business model.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge of patent laws with some skill in other IP tools; knowledge about the players in the patent system, especially in Italy and Europe; some guidelines for patent strategy.

[Management of Innovation]
Knowledge of the main conceptual tools engaged in the Innovation Process.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Introduction to IP; definition of invention; some historic knowledge on patents; requirements of patentability for an invention; exceptions to patentability; patents in the pharmaceutical field; general structure of a patent; procedure for getting a patent in Italy and Europe; extension of patent protection abroad; prior art searches; patents as assets; patent evaluation; patent enforcement and main legal tools for protecting an invention; basics of patent strategy; practical cases.

[Management of Innovation]
1. Introduction
1.1. Presentation of the lecturer
1.2. Presentation of the course
1.3. Introduction
1.3.1. Definition of "Innovation"
1.3.2. Innovation vs. Technological Innovation
1.3.3. Continuous Innovation, Discontinuous Innovation
1.3.4. Innovation as a process
1.3.5. Generations of the Innovation Process
1.3.6. Closed, Open, Design-driven Innovation
1.3.7. Innovation Management

2. The Innovation Process (as seen by a company)
2.1. Ideas
2.1.1. TRIZ
2.2. Technology
2.2.1. Technology Roadmap
2.2.2. Technology Forecast
2.3. Market
2.4. Company Organization, Organization Chart, Management Bodies
2.5. Business Strategy
2.5.1. Ansoff Matrix, PEST Analysis, Decision Matrix Analysis<<
2.6. Project Management
2.6.1. The Stage-Gate method
2.6.2. Planning, Gantt Chart
2.6.3. Risk Management
2.7. Technology Transfer
2.7.1. Nanotechnology
2.7.2. Nanotechnology Transfer
2.8. Business and Technology Plan
2.8.1. SWOT Analysis
2.8.2. Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Statement of Cash Flows
2.8.3. Business Model
2.8.4. Value Chain
2.8.5. Value Chain in Technological Innovation Vertical integration, horizontal integration
2.8.6. Value Chain in the Information Age
2.8.7. Business Model in case of AI
2.8.8. Business Model Canvas

3. The Innovation Process (as seen by the Public Administration)
3.1. Publicly Funded Projects
3.1.1. Europe
3.1.2. European Commission, DGs
3.1.3. Funding programmes ESIF, PON, POR
3.1.4. Policy
3.1.5. Horizon Europe
3.1.6. Work Program, Call
3.1.7. Structure of a (H2020 RIA) project proposal
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
Traditional lessons.
Teaching Resources
Notes taken during the lessons, handouts on the Ariel website, literature cited in the handouts.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral examination of around 30 minutes, half on patents and half on management of innovation. As for [Patents], five questions are normally asked, one on general IP matters, three on specific aspects about patents of invention and one, more practical, aiming at testing the ability of the candidate in joining and managing information.
As for [Management of Innovation], the exam is aimed at evaluating the degree of comprehension of the main topics of the course, listed in the document Management_of_Innovation_COURSE_PROGRAM_2021_2022.pdf, available on the UniMi Ariel Portal, and exposed in the nine presentations Management_of_Innovation_2021_2022_1.pdf to Management_of_Innovation_2020_2021_N.pdf, also uploaded on the UniMi Ariel Portal.
Students are also invited to deepen one or more specific topics among those adressable through the Internet references given in the above presentations.
Lessons: 48 hours