Nursing Sciences
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
- Acquire the historical and disciplinary knowledge about nursing care useful for laying the foundations of professional identity.
- Acquire knowledge about historical path of care, nursing care and professionalization in the 20th century.
- Acquire knowledge about the fundamental concepts of nursing, the nursing theories and method, the nursing care process, with its phases, which constitute the nursing discipline.
- To acquire the knowledge about nursing methods and tools for data collection, the interaction in communication with the person, the family and the reference persons.
- Deepen the knowledge of the disciplinary concepts, person, health / illness, environment, nursing care, which constitute the basis for identifying, according to a nursing theory of reference, the state of need for nursing care, through nursing care process.
- Know the fundamental concepts of the historical evolution of the nursing values, including ethical ones.
- Identify the principles of general ethics and nursing profession ethics.
- Acquire knowledge about ethical reasoning methods in order to identify ethical problems and solutions in practice.
- Acquire knowledge about historical path of care, nursing care and professionalization in the 20th century.
- Acquire knowledge about the fundamental concepts of nursing, the nursing theories and method, the nursing care process, with its phases, which constitute the nursing discipline.
- To acquire the knowledge about nursing methods and tools for data collection, the interaction in communication with the person, the family and the reference persons.
- Deepen the knowledge of the disciplinary concepts, person, health / illness, environment, nursing care, which constitute the basis for identifying, according to a nursing theory of reference, the state of need for nursing care, through nursing care process.
- Know the fundamental concepts of the historical evolution of the nursing values, including ethical ones.
- Identify the principles of general ethics and nursing profession ethics.
- Acquire knowledge about ethical reasoning methods in order to identify ethical problems and solutions in practice.
Expected learning outcomes
The student will describe the evolution and fundamental concepts of nursing discipline, the conceptual models of reference and the nursing discipline method, the principles of general ethics and nursing profession ethics, the ethical reasoning method and the code of ethics of nurses.
The student will explain the relevance of the ethical values that guide nursing action, with particular reference to the relationship with the assisted person considering the code of ethics.
The student will explain the relevance of the ethical values that guide nursing action, with particular reference to the relationship with the assisted person considering the code of ethics.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Fondazione Sacra Famiglia
Course syllabus
· History of care and nursing care: contexts, places and subjects from ancient civilizations to the twenty-first century:
The origin of nursing care in "care".
Ancient civilizations, the classical age, the Roman empire
Christianity and the Middle Ages: the first organized forms of assistance (diaconies, confraternities, Benedictine order and chivalric orders).
Renaissance and modern age: the saints reformers precursors of nursing care
The change in the concept of health and healthcare in the Enlightenment.
Florence Nightingale and the birth of nursing profession.
Nursing in Italy from 1925 to the birth of the collegio IPASVI.
The technical crisis.
The disciplinary reflection development
Contemporary history: associationism, education and professional practice, code of ethics
· The professionalization process
· The regulation of nursing
· The nursing discipline:
Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
the nursing discipline concepts,
theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
The reference theoretical / conceptual framework for the education course
the disciplinary method: nursing process
the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
data collection: observation and interview techniques
· Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
· The main ethical models
· Nursing principles and values
· The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019
The origin of nursing care in "care".
Ancient civilizations, the classical age, the Roman empire
Christianity and the Middle Ages: the first organized forms of assistance (diaconies, confraternities, Benedictine order and chivalric orders).
Renaissance and modern age: the saints reformers precursors of nursing care
The change in the concept of health and healthcare in the Enlightenment.
Florence Nightingale and the birth of nursing profession.
Nursing in Italy from 1925 to the birth of the collegio IPASVI.
The technical crisis.
The disciplinary reflection development
Contemporary history: associationism, education and professional practice, code of ethics
· The professionalization process
· The regulation of nursing
· The nursing discipline:
Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
the nursing discipline concepts,
theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
The reference theoretical / conceptual framework for the education course
the disciplinary method: nursing process
the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
data collection: observation and interview techniques
· Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
· The main ethical models
· Nursing principles and values
· The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019
Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Manzoni E, Lusignani M, Mazzoleni B. Storia e filosofia dell'assistenza infermieristica.Milano: CEA; 2019.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell'assistenza e dell'assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
Cantarelli M. Il modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Masson; 2017.
Henderson V. Principi Fondamentali della Assistenza Infermieristica. (4ed). Milano: CII - CNAI; 2003.
Carpenito LI. Manuale delle diagnosi infermieristiche. (8ed).Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell'assistenza e dell'assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
Cantarelli M. Il modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Masson; 2017.
Henderson V. Principi Fondamentali della Assistenza Infermieristica. (4ed). Milano: CII - CNAI; 2003.
Carpenito LI. Manuale delle diagnosi infermieristiche. (8ed).Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral exam.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral exam.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 4
Lessons: 60 hours
Sezione - Istituto Oncologico Europeo
Course syllabus
· History of care and nursing care: contexts, places and subjects from ancient civilizations to the twenty-first century:
The origin of nursing care in "care".
Ancient civilizations, the classical age, the Roman empire
Christianity and the Middle Ages: the first organized forms of assistance (diaconies, confraternities, Benedictine order and chivalric orders).
Renaissance and modern age: the saints reformers precursors of nursing care
The change in the concept of health and healthcare in the Enlightenment.
Florence Nightingale and the birth of nursing profession.
Nursing in Italy from 1925 to the birth of the collegio IPASVI.
The technical crisis.
The disciplinary reflection development
Contemporary history: associationism, education and professional practice, code of ethics
· The professionalization process
· The regulation of nursing
· The nursing discipline:
Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
the nursing discipline concepts,
theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
The reference theoretical / conceptual framework for the education course
the disciplinary method: nursing process
the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
data collection: observation and interview techniques
· Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
· The main ethical models
· Nursing principles and values
· The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019
The origin of nursing care in "care".
Ancient civilizations, the classical age, the Roman empire
Christianity and the Middle Ages: the first organized forms of assistance (diaconies, confraternities, Benedictine order and chivalric orders).
Renaissance and modern age: the saints reformers precursors of nursing care
The change in the concept of health and healthcare in the Enlightenment.
Florence Nightingale and the birth of nursing profession.
Nursing in Italy from 1925 to the birth of the collegio IPASVI.
The technical crisis.
The disciplinary reflection development
Contemporary history: associationism, education and professional practice, code of ethics
· The professionalization process
· The regulation of nursing
· The nursing discipline:
Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
the nursing discipline concepts,
theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
The reference theoretical / conceptual framework for the education course
the disciplinary method: nursing process
the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
data collection: observation and interview techniques
· Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
· The main ethical models
· Nursing principles and values
· The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019
Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Manzoni E, Lusignani M, Mazzoleni B. Storia e filosofia dell'assistenza infermieristica.Milano: CEA; 2019.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell'assistenza e dell'assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
Cantarelli M. Il modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Masson; 2017.
Henderson V. Principi Fondamentali della Assistenza Infermieristica. (4ed). Milano: CII - CNAI; 2003.
Carpenito LI. Manuale delle diagnosi infermieristiche. (8ed).Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell'assistenza e dell'assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
Cantarelli M. Il modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Masson; 2017.
Henderson V. Principi Fondamentali della Assistenza Infermieristica. (4ed). Milano: CII - CNAI; 2003.
Carpenito LI. Manuale delle diagnosi infermieristiche. (8ed).Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral exam.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral exam.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 4
Lessons: 60 hours
Sezione Ospedale di Magenta
Course syllabus
· History of care and nursing care: contexts, places and subjects from ancient civilizations to the twenty-first century:
The origin of nursing care in "care".
Ancient civilizations, the classical age, the Roman empire
Christianity and the Middle Ages: the first organized forms of assistance (diaconies, confraternities, Benedictine order and chivalric orders).
Renaissance and modern age: the saints reformers precursors of nursing care
The change in the concept of health and healthcare in the Enlightenment.
Florence Nightingale and the birth of nursing profession.
Nursing in Italy from 1925 to the birth of the collegio IPASVI.
The technical crisis.
The disciplinary reflection development
Contemporary history: associationism, education and professional practice, code of ethics
· The professionalization process
· The regulation of nursing
· The nursing discipline:
Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
the nursing discipline concepts,
theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
The reference theoretical / conceptual framework for the education course
the disciplinary method: nursing process
the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
data collection: observation and interview techniques
· Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
· The main ethical models
· Nursing principles and values
· The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019
The origin of nursing care in "care".
Ancient civilizations, the classical age, the Roman empire
Christianity and the Middle Ages: the first organized forms of assistance (diaconies, confraternities, Benedictine order and chivalric orders).
Renaissance and modern age: the saints reformers precursors of nursing care
The change in the concept of health and healthcare in the Enlightenment.
Florence Nightingale and the birth of nursing profession.
Nursing in Italy from 1925 to the birth of the collegio IPASVI.
The technical crisis.
The disciplinary reflection development
Contemporary history: associationism, education and professional practice, code of ethics
· The professionalization process
· The regulation of nursing
· The nursing discipline:
Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
the nursing discipline concepts,
theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
The reference theoretical / conceptual framework for the education course
the disciplinary method: nursing process
the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
data collection: observation and interview techniques
· Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
· The main ethical models
· Nursing principles and values
· The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019
Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Manzoni E, Lusignani M, Mazzoleni B. Storia e filosofia dell'assistenza infermieristica.Milano: CEA; 2019.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell'assistenza e dell'assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
Cantarelli M. Il modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Masson; 2017.
Henderson V. Principi Fondamentali della Assistenza Infermieristica. (4ed). Milano: CII - CNAI; 2003.
Carpenito LI. Manuale delle diagnosi infermieristiche. (8ed).Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell'assistenza e dell'assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
Cantarelli M. Il modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Masson; 2017.
Henderson V. Principi Fondamentali della Assistenza Infermieristica. (4ed). Milano: CII - CNAI; 2003.
Carpenito LI. Manuale delle diagnosi infermieristiche. (8ed).Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral exam.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral exam.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 4
Lessons: 60 hours
Boccaccia Cinzia, Signo' Ilaria
Sezione San Giuseppe
Course syllabus
· History of care and nursing care: contexts, places and subjects from ancient civilizations to the twenty-first century:
The origin of nursing care in "care".
Ancient civilizations, the classical age, the Roman empire
Christianity and the Middle Ages: the first organized forms of assistance (diaconies, confraternities, Benedictine order and chivalric orders).
Renaissance and modern age: the saints reformers precursors of nursing care
The change in the concept of health and healthcare in the Enlightenment.
Florence Nightingale and the birth of nursing profession.
Nursing in Italy from 1925 to the birth of the collegio IPASVI.
The technical crisis.
The disciplinary reflection development
Contemporary history: associationism, education and professional practice, code of ethics
· The professionalization process
· The regulation of nursing
· The nursing discipline:
Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
the nursing discipline concepts,
theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
The reference theoretical / conceptual framework for the education course
the disciplinary method: nursing process
the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
data collection: observation and interview techniques
· Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
· The main ethical models
· Nursing principles and values
· The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019
The origin of nursing care in "care".
Ancient civilizations, the classical age, the Roman empire
Christianity and the Middle Ages: the first organized forms of assistance (diaconies, confraternities, Benedictine order and chivalric orders).
Renaissance and modern age: the saints reformers precursors of nursing care
The change in the concept of health and healthcare in the Enlightenment.
Florence Nightingale and the birth of nursing profession.
Nursing in Italy from 1925 to the birth of the collegio IPASVI.
The technical crisis.
The disciplinary reflection development
Contemporary history: associationism, education and professional practice, code of ethics
· The professionalization process
· The regulation of nursing
· The nursing discipline:
Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
the nursing discipline concepts,
theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
The reference theoretical / conceptual framework for the education course
the disciplinary method: nursing process
the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
data collection: observation and interview techniques
· Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
· The main ethical models
· Nursing principles and values
· The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019
Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Manzoni E, Lusignani M, Mazzoleni B. Storia e filosofia dell'assistenza infermieristica.Milano: CEA; 2019.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell'assistenza e dell'assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
Cantarelli M. Il modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Masson; 2017.
Henderson V. Principi Fondamentali della Assistenza Infermieristica. (4ed). Milano: CII - CNAI; 2003.
Carpenito LI. Manuale delle diagnosi infermieristiche. (8ed).Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell'assistenza e dell'assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
Cantarelli M. Il modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Masson; 2017.
Henderson V. Principi Fondamentali della Assistenza Infermieristica. (4ed). Milano: CII - CNAI; 2003.
Carpenito LI. Manuale delle diagnosi infermieristiche. (8ed).Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral exam.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral exam.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 4
Lessons: 60 hours
Sezione: IRCCS Policlinico San Donato
Course syllabus
· History of care and nursing care: contexts, places and subjects from ancient civilizations to the twenty-first century:
The origin of nursing care in "care".
Ancient civilizations, the classical age, the Roman empire
Christianity and the Middle Ages: the first organized forms of assistance (diaconies, confraternities, Benedictine order and chivalric orders).
Renaissance and modern age: the saints reformers precursors of nursing care
The change in the concept of health and healthcare in the Enlightenment.
Florence Nightingale and the birth of nursing profession.
Nursing in Italy from 1925 to the birth of the collegio IPASVI.
The technical crisis.
The disciplinary reflection development
Contemporary history: associationism, education and professional practice, code of ethics
· The professionalization process
· The regulation of nursing
· The nursing discipline:
Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
the nursing discipline concepts,
theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
The reference theoretical / conceptual framework for the education course
the disciplinary method: nursing process
the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
data collection: observation and interview techniques
· Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
· The main ethical models
· Nursing principles and values
· The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019
The origin of nursing care in "care".
Ancient civilizations, the classical age, the Roman empire
Christianity and the Middle Ages: the first organized forms of assistance (diaconies, confraternities, Benedictine order and chivalric orders).
Renaissance and modern age: the saints reformers precursors of nursing care
The change in the concept of health and healthcare in the Enlightenment.
Florence Nightingale and the birth of nursing profession.
Nursing in Italy from 1925 to the birth of the collegio IPASVI.
The technical crisis.
The disciplinary reflection development
Contemporary history: associationism, education and professional practice, code of ethics
· The professionalization process
· The regulation of nursing
· The nursing discipline:
Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
the nursing discipline concepts,
theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
The reference theoretical / conceptual framework for the education course
the disciplinary method: nursing process
the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
data collection: observation and interview techniques
· Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
· The main ethical models
· Nursing principles and values
· The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019
Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Manzoni E, Lusignani M, Mazzoleni B. Storia e filosofia dell'assistenza infermieristica.Milano: CEA; 2019.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell'assistenza e dell'assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
Cantarelli M. Il modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Masson; 2017.
Henderson V. Principi Fondamentali della Assistenza Infermieristica. (4ed). Milano: CII - CNAI; 2003.
Carpenito LI. Manuale delle diagnosi infermieristiche. (8ed).Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell'assistenza e dell'assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
Cantarelli M. Il modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Masson; 2017.
Henderson V. Principi Fondamentali della Assistenza Infermieristica. (4ed). Milano: CII - CNAI; 2003.
Carpenito LI. Manuale delle diagnosi infermieristiche. (8ed).Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral exam.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral exam.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 4
Lessons: 60 hours
Sezione: Ospedale di Crema
Course syllabus
· History of care and nursing care: contexts, places and subjects from ancient civilizations to the twenty-first century:
The origin of nursing care in "care".
Ancient civilizations, the classical age, the Roman empire
Christianity and the Middle Ages: the first organized forms of assistance (diaconies, confraternities, Benedictine order and chivalric orders).
Renaissance and modern age: the saints reformers precursors of nursing care
The change in the concept of health and healthcare in the Enlightenment.
Florence Nightingale and the birth of nursing profession.
Nursing in Italy from 1925 to the birth of the collegio IPASVI.
The technical crisis.
The disciplinary reflection development
Contemporary history: associationism, education and professional practice, code of ethics
· The professionalization process
· The regulation of nursing
· The nursing discipline:
Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
the nursing discipline concepts,
theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
The reference theoretical / conceptual framework for the education course
the disciplinary method: nursing process
the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
data collection: observation and interview techniques
· Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
· The main ethical models
· Nursing principles and values
· The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019
The origin of nursing care in "care".
Ancient civilizations, the classical age, the Roman empire
Christianity and the Middle Ages: the first organized forms of assistance (diaconies, confraternities, Benedictine order and chivalric orders).
Renaissance and modern age: the saints reformers precursors of nursing care
The change in the concept of health and healthcare in the Enlightenment.
Florence Nightingale and the birth of nursing profession.
Nursing in Italy from 1925 to the birth of the collegio IPASVI.
The technical crisis.
The disciplinary reflection development
Contemporary history: associationism, education and professional practice, code of ethics
· The professionalization process
· The regulation of nursing
· The nursing discipline:
Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
the nursing discipline concepts,
theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
The reference theoretical / conceptual framework for the education course
the disciplinary method: nursing process
the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
data collection: observation and interview techniques
· Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
· The main ethical models
· Nursing principles and values
· The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019
Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Manzoni E, Lusignani M, Mazzoleni B. Storia e filosofia dell'assistenza infermieristica.Milano: CEA; 2019.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell'assistenza e dell'assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
Cantarelli M. Il modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Masson; 2017.
Henderson V. Principi Fondamentali della Assistenza Infermieristica. (4ed). Milano: CII - CNAI; 2003.
Carpenito LI. Manuale delle diagnosi infermieristiche. (8ed).Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell'assistenza e dell'assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
Cantarelli M. Il modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Masson; 2017.
Henderson V. Principi Fondamentali della Assistenza Infermieristica. (4ed). Milano: CII - CNAI; 2003.
Carpenito LI. Manuale delle diagnosi infermieristiche. (8ed).Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral exam.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral exam.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 4
Lessons: 60 hours
Milani Laura, Pedrini Daniela
Sezione: Ospedale Maggiore di Lodi.
Course syllabus
· History of care and nursing care: contexts, places and subjects from ancient civilizations to the twenty-first century:
The origin of nursing care in "care".
Ancient civilizations, the classical age, the Roman empire
Christianity and the Middle Ages: the first organized forms of assistance (diaconies, confraternities, Benedictine order and chivalric orders).
Renaissance and modern age: the saints reformers precursors of nursing care
The change in the concept of health and healthcare in the Enlightenment.
Florence Nightingale and the birth of nursing profession.
Nursing in Italy from 1925 to the birth of the collegio IPASVI.
The technical crisis.
The disciplinary reflection development
Contemporary history: associationism, education and professional practice, code of ethics
· The professionalization process
· The regulation of nursing
· The nursing discipline:
Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
the nursing discipline concepts,
theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
The reference theoretical / conceptual framework for the education course
the disciplinary method: nursing process
the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
data collection: observation and interview techniques
· Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
· The main ethical models
· Nursing principles and values
· The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019
The origin of nursing care in "care".
Ancient civilizations, the classical age, the Roman empire
Christianity and the Middle Ages: the first organized forms of assistance (diaconies, confraternities, Benedictine order and chivalric orders).
Renaissance and modern age: the saints reformers precursors of nursing care
The change in the concept of health and healthcare in the Enlightenment.
Florence Nightingale and the birth of nursing profession.
Nursing in Italy from 1925 to the birth of the collegio IPASVI.
The technical crisis.
The disciplinary reflection development
Contemporary history: associationism, education and professional practice, code of ethics
· The professionalization process
· The regulation of nursing
· The nursing discipline:
Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
the nursing discipline concepts,
theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
The reference theoretical / conceptual framework for the education course
the disciplinary method: nursing process
the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
data collection: observation and interview techniques
· Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
· The main ethical models
· Nursing principles and values
· The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019
Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Manzoni E, Lusignani M, Mazzoleni B. Storia e filosofia dell'assistenza infermieristica.Milano: CEA; 2019.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell'assistenza e dell'assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
Cantarelli M. Il modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Masson; 2017.
Henderson V. Principi Fondamentali della Assistenza Infermieristica. (4ed). Milano: CII - CNAI; 2003.
Carpenito LI. Manuale delle diagnosi infermieristiche. (8ed).Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell'assistenza e dell'assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
Cantarelli M. Il modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Masson; 2017.
Henderson V. Principi Fondamentali della Assistenza Infermieristica. (4ed). Milano: CII - CNAI; 2003.
Carpenito LI. Manuale delle diagnosi infermieristiche. (8ed).Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral exam.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral exam.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 4
Lessons: 60 hours
Sezione:Fondazione Don Gnocchi
Course syllabus
· History of care and nursing care: contexts, places and subjects from ancient civilizations to the twenty-first century:
The origin of nursing care in "care".
Ancient civilizations, the classical age, the Roman empire
Christianity and the Middle Ages: the first organized forms of assistance (diaconies, confraternities, Benedictine order and chivalric orders).
Renaissance and modern age: the saints reformers precursors of nursing care
The change in the concept of health and healthcare in the Enlightenment.
Florence Nightingale and the birth of nursing profession.
Nursing in Italy from 1925 to the birth of the collegio IPASVI.
The technical crisis.
The disciplinary reflection development
Contemporary history: associationism, education and professional practice, code of ethics
· The professionalization process
· The regulation of nursing
· The nursing discipline:
Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
the nursing discipline concepts,
theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
The reference theoretical / conceptual framework for the education course
the disciplinary method: nursing process
the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
data collection: observation and interview techniques
· Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
· The main ethical models
· Nursing principles and values
· The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019
The origin of nursing care in "care".
Ancient civilizations, the classical age, the Roman empire
Christianity and the Middle Ages: the first organized forms of assistance (diaconies, confraternities, Benedictine order and chivalric orders).
Renaissance and modern age: the saints reformers precursors of nursing care
The change in the concept of health and healthcare in the Enlightenment.
Florence Nightingale and the birth of nursing profession.
Nursing in Italy from 1925 to the birth of the collegio IPASVI.
The technical crisis.
The disciplinary reflection development
Contemporary history: associationism, education and professional practice, code of ethics
· The professionalization process
· The regulation of nursing
· The nursing discipline:
Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
the nursing discipline concepts,
theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
The reference theoretical / conceptual framework for the education course
the disciplinary method: nursing process
the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
data collection: observation and interview techniques
· Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
· The main ethical models
· Nursing principles and values
· The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019
Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Manzoni E, Lusignani M, Mazzoleni B. Storia e filosofia dell'assistenza infermieristica.Milano: CEA; 2019.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell'assistenza e dell'assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
Cantarelli M. Il modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Masson; 2017.
Henderson V. Principi Fondamentali della Assistenza Infermieristica. (4ed). Milano: CII - CNAI; 2003.
Carpenito LI. Manuale delle diagnosi infermieristiche. (8ed).Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell'assistenza e dell'assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
Cantarelli M. Il modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Masson; 2017.
Henderson V. Principi Fondamentali della Assistenza Infermieristica. (4ed). Milano: CII - CNAI; 2003.
Carpenito LI. Manuale delle diagnosi infermieristiche. (8ed).Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral exam.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral exam.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 4
Lessons: 60 hours
Sezione:Fondazione Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico,Mangiagalli e Regina Elena
Course syllabus
· History of care and nursing care: contexts, places and subjects from ancient civilizations to the twenty-first century:
The origin of nursing care in "care".
Ancient civilizations, the classical age, the Roman empire
Christianity and the Middle Ages: the first organized forms of assistance (diaconies, confraternities, Benedictine order and chivalric orders).
Renaissance and modern age: the saints reformers precursors of nursing care
The change in the concept of health and healthcare in the Enlightenment.
Florence Nightingale and the birth of nursing profession.
Nursing in Italy from 1925 to the birth of the collegio IPASVI.
The technical crisis.
The disciplinary reflection development
Contemporary history: associationism, education and professional practice, code of ethics
· The professionalization process
· The regulation of nursing
· The nursing discipline:
Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
the nursing discipline concepts,
theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
The reference theoretical / conceptual framework for the education course
the disciplinary method: nursing process
the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
data collection: observation and interview techniques
· Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
· The main ethical models
· Nursing principles and values
· The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019
The origin of nursing care in "care".
Ancient civilizations, the classical age, the Roman empire
Christianity and the Middle Ages: the first organized forms of assistance (diaconies, confraternities, Benedictine order and chivalric orders).
Renaissance and modern age: the saints reformers precursors of nursing care
The change in the concept of health and healthcare in the Enlightenment.
Florence Nightingale and the birth of nursing profession.
Nursing in Italy from 1925 to the birth of the collegio IPASVI.
The technical crisis.
The disciplinary reflection development
Contemporary history: associationism, education and professional practice, code of ethics
· The professionalization process
· The regulation of nursing
· The nursing discipline:
Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
the nursing discipline concepts,
theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
The reference theoretical / conceptual framework for the education course
the disciplinary method: nursing process
the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
data collection: observation and interview techniques
· Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
· The main ethical models
· Nursing principles and values
· The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019
Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Manzoni E, Lusignani M, Mazzoleni B. Storia e filosofia dell'assistenza infermieristica.Milano: CEA; 2019.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell'assistenza e dell'assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
Cantarelli M. Il modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Masson; 2017.
Henderson V. Principi Fondamentali della Assistenza Infermieristica. (4ed). Milano: CII - CNAI; 2003.
Carpenito LI. Manuale delle diagnosi infermieristiche. (8ed).Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell'assistenza e dell'assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
Cantarelli M. Il modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Masson; 2017.
Henderson V. Principi Fondamentali della Assistenza Infermieristica. (4ed). Milano: CII - CNAI; 2003.
Carpenito LI. Manuale delle diagnosi infermieristiche. (8ed).Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral exam.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral exam.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 4
Lessons: 60 hours
Fumagalli Anna, Rancati Stefania
Sezione:Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori
Course syllabus
· History of care and nursing care: contexts, places and subjects from ancient civilizations to the twenty-first century:
The origin of nursing care in "care".
Ancient civilizations, the classical age, the Roman empire
Christianity and the Middle Ages: the first organized forms of assistance (diaconies, confraternities, Benedictine order and chivalric orders).
Renaissance and modern age: the saints reformers precursors of nursing care
The change in the concept of health and healthcare in the Enlightenment.
Florence Nightingale and the birth of nursing profession.
Nursing in Italy from 1925 to the birth of the collegio IPASVI.
The technical crisis.
The disciplinary reflection development
Contemporary history: associationism, education and professional practice, code of ethics
· The professionalization process
· The regulation of nursing
· The nursing discipline:
Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
the nursing discipline concepts,
theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
The reference theoretical / conceptual framework for the education course
the disciplinary method: nursing process
the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
data collection: observation and interview techniques
· Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
· The main ethical models
· Nursing principles and values
· The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019
The origin of nursing care in "care".
Ancient civilizations, the classical age, the Roman empire
Christianity and the Middle Ages: the first organized forms of assistance (diaconies, confraternities, Benedictine order and chivalric orders).
Renaissance and modern age: the saints reformers precursors of nursing care
The change in the concept of health and healthcare in the Enlightenment.
Florence Nightingale and the birth of nursing profession.
Nursing in Italy from 1925 to the birth of the collegio IPASVI.
The technical crisis.
The disciplinary reflection development
Contemporary history: associationism, education and professional practice, code of ethics
· The professionalization process
· The regulation of nursing
· The nursing discipline:
Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
the nursing discipline concepts,
theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
The reference theoretical / conceptual framework for the education course
the disciplinary method: nursing process
the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
data collection: observation and interview techniques
· Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
· The main ethical models
· Nursing principles and values
· The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019
Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Manzoni E, Lusignani M, Mazzoleni B. Storia e filosofia dell'assistenza infermieristica.Milano: CEA; 2019.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell'assistenza e dell'assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
Cantarelli M. Il modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Masson; 2017.
Henderson V. Principi Fondamentali della Assistenza Infermieristica. (4ed). Milano: CII - CNAI; 2003.
Carpenito LI. Manuale delle diagnosi infermieristiche. (8ed).Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell'assistenza e dell'assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
Cantarelli M. Il modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Masson; 2017.
Henderson V. Principi Fondamentali della Assistenza Infermieristica. (4ed). Milano: CII - CNAI; 2003.
Carpenito LI. Manuale delle diagnosi infermieristiche. (8ed).Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral exam.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral exam.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 4
Lessons: 60 hours
Condorelli Antonio, Consolo Letteria
Sezione:Ospedale di circolo di RHO
Course syllabus
· History of care and nursing care: contexts, places and subjects from ancient civilizations to the twenty-first century:
The origin of nursing care in "care".
Ancient civilizations, the classical age, the Roman empire
Christianity and the Middle Ages: the first organized forms of assistance (diaconies, confraternities, Benedictine order and chivalric orders).
Renaissance and modern age: the saints reformers precursors of nursing care
The change in the concept of health and healthcare in the Enlightenment.
Florence Nightingale and the birth of nursing profession.
Nursing in Italy from 1925 to the birth of the collegio IPASVI.
The technical crisis.
The disciplinary reflection development
Contemporary history: associationism, education and professional practice, code of ethics
· The professionalization process
· The regulation of nursing
· The nursing discipline:
Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
the nursing discipline concepts,
theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
The reference theoretical / conceptual framework for the education course
the disciplinary method: nursing process
the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
data collection: observation and interview techniques
· Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
· The main ethical models
· Nursing principles and values
· The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019
The origin of nursing care in "care".
Ancient civilizations, the classical age, the Roman empire
Christianity and the Middle Ages: the first organized forms of assistance (diaconies, confraternities, Benedictine order and chivalric orders).
Renaissance and modern age: the saints reformers precursors of nursing care
The change in the concept of health and healthcare in the Enlightenment.
Florence Nightingale and the birth of nursing profession.
Nursing in Italy from 1925 to the birth of the collegio IPASVI.
The technical crisis.
The disciplinary reflection development
Contemporary history: associationism, education and professional practice, code of ethics
· The professionalization process
· The regulation of nursing
· The nursing discipline:
Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
the nursing discipline concepts,
theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
The reference theoretical / conceptual framework for the education course
the disciplinary method: nursing process
the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
data collection: observation and interview techniques
· Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
· The main ethical models
· Nursing principles and values
· The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019
Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Manzoni E, Lusignani M, Mazzoleni B. Storia e filosofia dell'assistenza infermieristica.Milano: CEA; 2019.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell'assistenza e dell'assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
Cantarelli M. Il modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Masson; 2017.
Henderson V. Principi Fondamentali della Assistenza Infermieristica. (4ed). Milano: CII - CNAI; 2003.
Carpenito LI. Manuale delle diagnosi infermieristiche. (8ed).Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell'assistenza e dell'assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
Cantarelli M. Il modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Masson; 2017.
Henderson V. Principi Fondamentali della Assistenza Infermieristica. (4ed). Milano: CII - CNAI; 2003.
Carpenito LI. Manuale delle diagnosi infermieristiche. (8ed).Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral exam.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral exam.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 4
Lessons: 60 hours
Sezione:Ospedale Fatebenefratelli
Course syllabus
· History of care and nursing care: contexts, places and subjects from ancient civilizations to the twenty-first century:
The origin of nursing care in "care".
Ancient civilizations, the classical age, the Roman empire
Christianity and the Middle Ages: the first organized forms of assistance (diaconies, confraternities, Benedictine order and chivalric orders).
Renaissance and modern age: the saints reformers precursors of nursing care
The change in the concept of health and healthcare in the Enlightenment.
Florence Nightingale and the birth of nursing profession.
Nursing in Italy from 1925 to the birth of the collegio IPASVI.
The technical crisis.
The disciplinary reflection development
Contemporary history: associationism, education and professional practice, code of ethics
· The professionalization process
· The regulation of nursing
· The nursing discipline:
Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
the nursing discipline concepts,
theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
The reference theoretical / conceptual framework for the education course
the disciplinary method: nursing process
the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
data collection: observation and interview techniques
· Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
· The main ethical models
· Nursing principles and values
· The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019
The origin of nursing care in "care".
Ancient civilizations, the classical age, the Roman empire
Christianity and the Middle Ages: the first organized forms of assistance (diaconies, confraternities, Benedictine order and chivalric orders).
Renaissance and modern age: the saints reformers precursors of nursing care
The change in the concept of health and healthcare in the Enlightenment.
Florence Nightingale and the birth of nursing profession.
Nursing in Italy from 1925 to the birth of the collegio IPASVI.
The technical crisis.
The disciplinary reflection development
Contemporary history: associationism, education and professional practice, code of ethics
· The professionalization process
· The regulation of nursing
· The nursing discipline:
Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
the nursing discipline concepts,
theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
The reference theoretical / conceptual framework for the education course
the disciplinary method: nursing process
the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
data collection: observation and interview techniques
· Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
· The main ethical models
· Nursing principles and values
· The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019
Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Manzoni E, Lusignani M, Mazzoleni B. Storia e filosofia dell'assistenza infermieristica.Milano: CEA; 2019.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell'assistenza e dell'assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
Cantarelli M. Il modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Masson; 2017.
Henderson V. Principi Fondamentali della Assistenza Infermieristica. (4ed). Milano: CII - CNAI; 2003.
Carpenito LI. Manuale delle diagnosi infermieristiche. (8ed).Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell'assistenza e dell'assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
Cantarelli M. Il modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Masson; 2017.
Henderson V. Principi Fondamentali della Assistenza Infermieristica. (4ed). Milano: CII - CNAI; 2003.
Carpenito LI. Manuale delle diagnosi infermieristiche. (8ed).Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral exam.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral exam.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 4
Lessons: 60 hours
Sezione:Ospedale Luigi Sacco
Course syllabus
· History of care and nursing care: contexts, places and subjects from ancient civilizations to the twenty-first century:
The origin of nursing care in "care".
Ancient civilizations, the classical age, the Roman empire
Christianity and the Middle Ages: the first organized forms of assistance (diaconies, confraternities, Benedictine order and chivalric orders).
Renaissance and modern age: the saints reformers precursors of nursing care
The change in the concept of health and healthcare in the Enlightenment.
Florence Nightingale and the birth of nursing profession.
Nursing in Italy from 1925 to the birth of the collegio IPASVI.
The technical crisis.
The disciplinary reflection development
Contemporary history: associationism, education and professional practice, code of ethics
· The professionalization process
· The regulation of nursing
· The nursing discipline:
Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
the nursing discipline concepts,
theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
The reference theoretical / conceptual framework for the education course
the disciplinary method: nursing process
the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
data collection: observation and interview techniques
· Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
· The main ethical models
· Nursing principles and values
· The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019
The origin of nursing care in "care".
Ancient civilizations, the classical age, the Roman empire
Christianity and the Middle Ages: the first organized forms of assistance (diaconies, confraternities, Benedictine order and chivalric orders).
Renaissance and modern age: the saints reformers precursors of nursing care
The change in the concept of health and healthcare in the Enlightenment.
Florence Nightingale and the birth of nursing profession.
Nursing in Italy from 1925 to the birth of the collegio IPASVI.
The technical crisis.
The disciplinary reflection development
Contemporary history: associationism, education and professional practice, code of ethics
· The professionalization process
· The regulation of nursing
· The nursing discipline:
Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
the nursing discipline concepts,
theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
The reference theoretical / conceptual framework for the education course
the disciplinary method: nursing process
the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
data collection: observation and interview techniques
· Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
· The main ethical models
· Nursing principles and values
· The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019
Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Manzoni E, Lusignani M, Mazzoleni B. Storia e filosofia dell'assistenza infermieristica.Milano: CEA; 2019.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell'assistenza e dell'assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
Cantarelli M. Il modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Masson; 2017.
Henderson V. Principi Fondamentali della Assistenza Infermieristica. (4ed). Milano: CII - CNAI; 2003.
Carpenito LI. Manuale delle diagnosi infermieristiche. (8ed).Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell'assistenza e dell'assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
Cantarelli M. Il modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Masson; 2017.
Henderson V. Principi Fondamentali della Assistenza Infermieristica. (4ed). Milano: CII - CNAI; 2003.
Carpenito LI. Manuale delle diagnosi infermieristiche. (8ed).Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral exam.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral exam.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 4
Lessons: 60 hours
Ledonne Giuseppina, Vaghi Marta
Sezione:Ospedale Niguarda Ca Granda
Course syllabus
· History of care and nursing care: contexts, places and subjects from ancient civilizations to the twenty-first century:
The origin of nursing care in "care".
Ancient civilizations, the classical age, the Roman empire
Christianity and the Middle Ages: the first organized forms of assistance (diaconies, confraternities, Benedictine order and chivalric orders).
Renaissance and modern age: the saints reformers precursors of nursing care
The change in the concept of health and healthcare in the Enlightenment.
Florence Nightingale and the birth of nursing profession.
Nursing in Italy from 1925 to the birth of the collegio IPASVI.
The technical crisis.
The disciplinary reflection development
Contemporary history: associationism, education and professional practice, code of ethics
· The professionalization process
· The regulation of nursing
· The nursing discipline:
Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
the nursing discipline concepts,
theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
The reference theoretical / conceptual framework for the education course
the disciplinary method: nursing process
the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
data collection: observation and interview techniques
· Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
· The main ethical models
· Nursing principles and values
· The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019
The origin of nursing care in "care".
Ancient civilizations, the classical age, the Roman empire
Christianity and the Middle Ages: the first organized forms of assistance (diaconies, confraternities, Benedictine order and chivalric orders).
Renaissance and modern age: the saints reformers precursors of nursing care
The change in the concept of health and healthcare in the Enlightenment.
Florence Nightingale and the birth of nursing profession.
Nursing in Italy from 1925 to the birth of the collegio IPASVI.
The technical crisis.
The disciplinary reflection development
Contemporary history: associationism, education and professional practice, code of ethics
· The professionalization process
· The regulation of nursing
· The nursing discipline:
Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
the nursing discipline concepts,
theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
The reference theoretical / conceptual framework for the education course
the disciplinary method: nursing process
the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
data collection: observation and interview techniques
· Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
· The main ethical models
· Nursing principles and values
· The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019
Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Manzoni E, Lusignani M, Mazzoleni B. Storia e filosofia dell'assistenza infermieristica.Milano: CEA; 2019.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell'assistenza e dell'assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
Cantarelli M. Il modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Masson; 2017.
Henderson V. Principi Fondamentali della Assistenza Infermieristica. (4ed). Milano: CII - CNAI; 2003.
Carpenito LI. Manuale delle diagnosi infermieristiche. (8ed).Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell'assistenza e dell'assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
Cantarelli M. Il modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Masson; 2017.
Henderson V. Principi Fondamentali della Assistenza Infermieristica. (4ed). Milano: CII - CNAI; 2003.
Carpenito LI. Manuale delle diagnosi infermieristiche. (8ed).Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral exam.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral exam.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 4
Lessons: 60 hours
Sezione:Ospedale San Carlo
Course syllabus
· History of care and nursing care: contexts, places and subjects from ancient civilizations to the twenty-first century:
The origin of nursing care in "care".
Ancient civilizations, the classical age, the Roman empire
Christianity and the Middle Ages: the first organized forms of assistance (diaconies, confraternities, Benedictine order and chivalric orders).
Renaissance and modern age: the saints reformers precursors of nursing care
The change in the concept of health and healthcare in the Enlightenment.
Florence Nightingale and the birth of nursing profession.
Nursing in Italy from 1925 to the birth of the collegio IPASVI.
The technical crisis.
The disciplinary reflection development
Contemporary history: associationism, education and professional practice, code of ethics
· The professionalization process
· The regulation of nursing
· The nursing discipline:
Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
the nursing discipline concepts,
theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
The reference theoretical / conceptual framework for the education course
the disciplinary method: nursing process
the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
data collection: observation and interview techniques
· Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
· The main ethical models
· Nursing principles and values
· The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019
The origin of nursing care in "care".
Ancient civilizations, the classical age, the Roman empire
Christianity and the Middle Ages: the first organized forms of assistance (diaconies, confraternities, Benedictine order and chivalric orders).
Renaissance and modern age: the saints reformers precursors of nursing care
The change in the concept of health and healthcare in the Enlightenment.
Florence Nightingale and the birth of nursing profession.
Nursing in Italy from 1925 to the birth of the collegio IPASVI.
The technical crisis.
The disciplinary reflection development
Contemporary history: associationism, education and professional practice, code of ethics
· The professionalization process
· The regulation of nursing
· The nursing discipline:
Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
the nursing discipline concepts,
theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
The reference theoretical / conceptual framework for the education course
the disciplinary method: nursing process
the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
data collection: observation and interview techniques
· Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
· The main ethical models
· Nursing principles and values
· The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019
Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Manzoni E, Lusignani M, Mazzoleni B. Storia e filosofia dell'assistenza infermieristica.Milano: CEA; 2019.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell'assistenza e dell'assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
Cantarelli M. Il modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Masson; 2017.
Henderson V. Principi Fondamentali della Assistenza Infermieristica. (4ed). Milano: CII - CNAI; 2003.
Carpenito LI. Manuale delle diagnosi infermieristiche. (8ed).Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell'assistenza e dell'assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
Cantarelli M. Il modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Masson; 2017.
Henderson V. Principi Fondamentali della Assistenza Infermieristica. (4ed). Milano: CII - CNAI; 2003.
Carpenito LI. Manuale delle diagnosi infermieristiche. (8ed).Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral exam.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral exam.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 4
Lessons: 60 hours
Maniaci Vincenza, Tolomeo Sabrina Agata
Sezione:Ospedale San Paolo
Course syllabus
· History of care and nursing care: contexts, places and subjects from ancient civilizations to the twenty-first century:
The origin of nursing care in "care".
Ancient civilizations, the classical age, the Roman empire
Christianity and the Middle Ages: the first organized forms of assistance (diaconies, confraternities, Benedictine order and chivalric orders).
Renaissance and modern age: the saints reformers precursors of nursing care
The change in the concept of health and healthcare in the Enlightenment.
Florence Nightingale and the birth of nursing profession.
Nursing in Italy from 1925 to the birth of the collegio IPASVI.
The technical crisis.
The disciplinary reflection development
Contemporary history: associationism, education and professional practice, code of ethics
· The professionalization process
· The regulation of nursing
· The nursing discipline:
Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
the nursing discipline concepts,
theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
The reference theoretical / conceptual framework for the education course
the disciplinary method: nursing process
the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
data collection: observation and interview techniques
· Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
· The main ethical models
· Nursing principles and values
· The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019
The origin of nursing care in "care".
Ancient civilizations, the classical age, the Roman empire
Christianity and the Middle Ages: the first organized forms of assistance (diaconies, confraternities, Benedictine order and chivalric orders).
Renaissance and modern age: the saints reformers precursors of nursing care
The change in the concept of health and healthcare in the Enlightenment.
Florence Nightingale and the birth of nursing profession.
Nursing in Italy from 1925 to the birth of the collegio IPASVI.
The technical crisis.
The disciplinary reflection development
Contemporary history: associationism, education and professional practice, code of ethics
· The professionalization process
· The regulation of nursing
· The nursing discipline:
Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
the nursing discipline concepts,
theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
The reference theoretical / conceptual framework for the education course
the disciplinary method: nursing process
the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
data collection: observation and interview techniques
· Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
· The main ethical models
· Nursing principles and values
· The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019
Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Manzoni E, Lusignani M, Mazzoleni B. Storia e filosofia dell'assistenza infermieristica.Milano: CEA; 2019.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell'assistenza e dell'assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
Cantarelli M. Il modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Masson; 2017.
Henderson V. Principi Fondamentali della Assistenza Infermieristica. (4ed). Milano: CII - CNAI; 2003.
Carpenito LI. Manuale delle diagnosi infermieristiche. (8ed).Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell'assistenza e dell'assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
Cantarelli M. Il modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Masson; 2017.
Henderson V. Principi Fondamentali della Assistenza Infermieristica. (4ed). Milano: CII - CNAI; 2003.
Carpenito LI. Manuale delle diagnosi infermieristiche. (8ed).Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral exam.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral exam.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 4
Lessons: 60 hours
Sezione:Ospedale Uboldo di Cernusco sul Naviglio
Course syllabus
· History of care and nursing care: contexts, places and subjects from ancient civilizations to the twenty-first century:
The origin of nursing care in "care".
Ancient civilizations, the classical age, the Roman empire
Christianity and the Middle Ages: the first organized forms of assistance (diaconies, confraternities, Benedictine order and chivalric orders).
Renaissance and modern age: the saints reformers precursors of nursing care
The change in the concept of health and healthcare in the Enlightenment.
Florence Nightingale and the birth of nursing profession.
Nursing in Italy from 1925 to the birth of the collegio IPASVI.
The technical crisis.
The disciplinary reflection development
Contemporary history: associationism, education and professional practice, code of ethics
· The professionalization process
· The regulation of nursing
· The nursing discipline:
Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
the nursing discipline concepts,
theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
The reference theoretical / conceptual framework for the education course
the disciplinary method: nursing process
the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
data collection: observation and interview techniques
· Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
· The main ethical models
· Nursing principles and values
· The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019
The origin of nursing care in "care".
Ancient civilizations, the classical age, the Roman empire
Christianity and the Middle Ages: the first organized forms of assistance (diaconies, confraternities, Benedictine order and chivalric orders).
Renaissance and modern age: the saints reformers precursors of nursing care
The change in the concept of health and healthcare in the Enlightenment.
Florence Nightingale and the birth of nursing profession.
Nursing in Italy from 1925 to the birth of the collegio IPASVI.
The technical crisis.
The disciplinary reflection development
Contemporary history: associationism, education and professional practice, code of ethics
· The professionalization process
· The regulation of nursing
· The nursing discipline:
Epistemological foundations, scientific knowledged envelopment, birth and development of nursing classification and theoring
the nursing discipline concepts,
theories and their classification with particular in-depth analysis of the school of needs
The reference theoretical / conceptual framework for the education course
the disciplinary method: nursing process
the disciplinary tool: nursing care plan
data collection: observation and interview techniques
· Sharing a glossary: ethics, morals, bioethics, deontology; principles and values.
· The main ethical models
· Nursing principles and values
· The codes of ethics of nurses: notes on the national and international scene
The code of ethics of FNOPI 2019
Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Manzoni E, Lusignani M, Mazzoleni B. Storia e filosofia dell'assistenza infermieristica.Milano: CEA; 2019.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell'assistenza e dell'assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
Cantarelli M. Il modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Masson; 2017.
Henderson V. Principi Fondamentali della Assistenza Infermieristica. (4ed). Milano: CII - CNAI; 2003.
Carpenito LI. Manuale delle diagnosi infermieristiche. (8ed).Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Celeri Bellotti G, Destrebecq AL. Storia dell'assistenza e dell'assistenza infermieristica in Occidente.Padova: Piccin; 2014.
Wilkinson J. Processo Infermieristico e Pensiero critico. (3ed). Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
Lattarulo P. Bioetica e deontologia professionale. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2021.
Cantarelli M. Il modello delle Prestazioni Infermieristiche. Milano: Masson; 2017.
Henderson V. Principi Fondamentali della Assistenza Infermieristica. (4ed). Milano: CII - CNAI; 2003.
Carpenito LI. Manuale delle diagnosi infermieristiche. (8ed).Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2024.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral exam.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
The evaluation of the written barrier test DOES NOT give rise to a mark, but only to admission to the oral exam.
The oral exam includes questions the assessment of which relates to the following parameters: content, logic, language properties.
The evaluation of the oral test is out of thirty.
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 4
Lessons: 60 hours
Educational website(s)
Scienze infermieristiche generali - Cernusco (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche generali - Fatebenefratelli (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche generali - IEO (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche generali - Istituto Tumori (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche generali - Lodi (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche generali - Niguarda (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche generali – Sacco (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche generali - Sacra Famiglia (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche generali - San Carlo (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche generali - Fatebenefratelli (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche generali - IEO (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche generali - Istituto Tumori (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche generali - Lodi (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche generali - Niguarda (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche generali – Sacco (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche generali - Sacra Famiglia (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche generali - San Carlo (a.a. 2024/25)
by appointment