Neurotechnology and Innovation in Therapeutics

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The Course aims at providing the novel techniques of neuroimaging,
pharmacological and non-pharmacological neuromodulation. By discussing the recent scientific literature, the Course aims at providing to students the tools for a critical vision of these techniques and to
identify the potential use of these methods for both experimental and clinical purposes.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the Course, the students will achieve the following leaning outcomes:
1. Acquire knowledge regarding the methodological aspects of neuroimaging, the implants for
pharmacological brain delivery and the non-pharmacological techniques of neuromodulation.
2. Connect the processes of neural plasticity, networks, synapses to interpret which method of
neuromodulation could be more suitable.
3. Interpret, with an active attitude to the themes, the scientific literature in the field of neuroscience and
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
The Course will be scheduled into three parts, in accordance with the learning objectives and the expected learning outcomes:

A) A first part will discuss the innovative pharmacological technologies of neuromodulation, by introducing:
-Implantable devices of intrathecal and in situ delivery of pharmacological compounds
- technological implants to surmount the blood-brain barrier for neuromodulation

B) A second part will get into the techniques of non-pharmacological neuromodulation and neuroimaging.

The following contents will be addressed:
-Fundamentals of electrical neuronal stimulation and high-frequency block of neuronal conduction;
-Neuroimaging for brain and neuronal peripheral areas I (electroencephalography, magnetoencephalography);
-Neuroimaging for brain and neuronal peripheral areas II (TC, structural/functional MRI, PET).
-Implantable devices and microstimulators; Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS);
-Non-invasive neuromodulation: rTMS and tDCS;
-Peripheral neuromodulation: perimedullary neuromodulation (Spinal Cord Stimulation), neuromodulation of dorsal ganglia, vagal nerve (Vagus Nerve stimulation);

C) A third part will introduce the genetics/epigenetics aspects in neurosciences and potential of neutromodulation:

-Genetics/epigenetics principles in neurobiology;
-Genetic and epigenetic in studies and clinical translation; ethical concerns of genetic/epigenetics
-Perspectives of therapeutic genetics: from gene editing to stem cell based reprogramming of the nervous system, to optogenetics.

All these contents will be discussed:
i) by taking advantage of examples of direct clinical applicability of neuromodulation;
ii) by comparing the promise of non-pharmacological neuromodulation as compared to the existing pharmacological standard of care in neuro-psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders.

The following themes will be introduced:

-Epigenetic neuromodulation of food disorders; the "gut-brain axis"
-Neuronal and cellular imaging connecting the brain and the heart;
-Neuromodulation in metabolic disorders (diabetes);
-Application of neuromodulation in inflammatory pathologies;

For all these contents the Course will significantly rely on an active and critical analysis, in an open discussion mode, of published experimental studies or clinical trials involving neuromodulation.
Prerequisites for admission
To address the topics of this Course, the main principles and a minimal background of the following aspect is required:

-Genetics and cellular neurobiology;
-Pharmacological mechanisms involved in neurosciences.

Finally, a good or optimal fluency of scientific English, both as writing, reading and speaking is strongly required.
Teaching methods
The Course will be scheduled as lectures with the use of PowerPoint slides.
The presentation of a topic of neurotechnology/neuromodulation will be structured as a panel discussion among students about published paper (either as experimental study or clinical trial), to stimulate interactive discussions regarding scientific, technical, clinical and ethical concerns.
Teaching Resources
a) "Neuromodulation: Comprehensive Textbook of Principles, Technologies, and Therapies ", Ed. II, Krames ES, Peckham PH, Rezai AR. ISBN: 978-0128053539, 2018 Academic Press;
b) "A Systematic Literature Review of Spine Neurostimulation Therapies for the Treatment of Pain". Deer RT et al. Pain Med. 2020 Nov 7;21(7):1421-1432. doi: 10.1093/pm/pnz353.
c) "Brain Imaging Technologies: Clinical and Neuronal Applications" Asbury CH, Detre JA. Dana Foundation.
d) "Neuropsicologia Cognitiva" Martin NG, Balconi M. ISBN: 9788871929422, 2013 Editore Pearson;
e) "Farmacologia - Principi di base e applicazioni terapeutiche, IV Ed." Rossi F, Cuomo V, Riccardi C. ISBN: 978-88-7711-995-7, 2020 Edizioni Minerva Medica S.p.A. Corso Bramante, 83/85 - 10126 Torino;

In addition, to these base references, the Course will also significantly rely on:
a) Scientific papers, which will be online available through the use of the personal institutional credentials in the library platforms of the University.
b) Personal notes, links to websites and selected documents. Extracts of the principal concepts, bibliographic references, videos, links to websites and other possible informatics presented by slides during lessons will be also provided over the development of the Course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Skills acquired and developed during the Course will be assessed by a final exam following this schedule:

A) PRESENTATION OF A TOPIC OF NEUROTECHNOLOGY/NEUROMODULATION. Each student will present, in the form of PowerPoint slides and as open panel discussions with colleagues, a single experimental study/clinical trial/review on a theme of neurotechnology/neuromodulation.

The presentation of the single study will be evaluated according to these criteria:

1) Understanding the rationales, the design, the scientific outputs and the exploitable clinical outcomes of the study;
2) Demonstrating a critical vision of the topic in relation to the knowledge acquired from the lectures;
3) Stimulating interactive discussion with colleagues.

The presentation will be evaluated with a maximum score of 3 points.

B) ORAL EXAMINATION. This examination will test the knowledge and the learnt outcomes achieved from lectures. The oral examination is passed if the student reaches a minimum score of 18; the final exam grade will include the points (up to 3) from the presentation of the topic.
It is mandatory to sign up to the examination through the UNIMIA platform within the predetermined dates for each examination.


The oral examination is conceived to evaluate the following knowledge and competences:
1) Acquire the principal innovative technologies for neuromodulation;
2) Demonstrate a critical approach to the understanding, discussion and applicability of the different techniques of neuromodulation;
3) Critically evaluate the translational aspects and ethical consequences in clinical practice and research.
BIO/14 - PHARMACOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Baragetti Andrea
Professor: Baragetti Andrea
by appointment (email)
Dipartimento di Scienze Farmacologiche e Biomolecolari "Rodolfo Paoletti", via Balzaretti 9, Milano