Neuroradiology and Interventional Radiology: Techniques
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course intends to provide the student with:
- technical interventional methods in breast and angiography
- knowledge of diagnostic techniques applied in neuroradiology.
- technical interventional methods in breast and angiography
- knowledge of diagnostic techniques applied in neuroradiology.
Expected learning outcomes
- To provide the essential elements for the methodological approach and the technical parameters of the CT and MRI exams in the main pathologies of the central nervous system according to the image quality
- acquire knowledge of normal neuroradiological anatomy and of the main pathological conditions
- acquire knowledge of the study protocols of the main pathological conditions.
- acquire knowledge of normal neuroradiological anatomy and of the main pathological conditions
- acquire knowledge of the study protocols of the main pathological conditions.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Prerequisites for admission
In-depth knowledge of the contents of the course "Morphological and functional Basis of Life".
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final grade of the entire integrated course will be defined through a written test with 30 quizzes (with 3 or 4 answer options). Each exact answer will be assigned 1 point. There are no penalties for unanswered or incorrect answers. The test can also be taken twice in the same session.
The final exam aims to assess the achievement of the set educational objectives.
The booking on the UNIMIA portal, within the dates established for each appeal, is mandatory for the examination.
The final exam aims to assess the achievement of the set educational objectives.
The booking on the UNIMIA portal, within the dates established for each appeal, is mandatory for the examination.
Invasive radiography imaging
Course syllabus
Interventional vascular radiology.
Angiography with MRI.
Interventional ultrasound.
Angiography with MRI.
Interventional ultrasound.
Teaching methods
The course is divided into a series of lectures with slide shows in Power Point. The lectures slides are uploaded to the Ariel website.
Teaching Resources
DONDELINGER: Interventional Radiology - 1990
Course syllabus
What is Neuroradiology: a brief history, what it does, where it is needed.
Anatomy of CNS 1: definitions, anatomy of the brain with Computed Tomography.
Anatomy of CNS 2: anatomy through Magnetic Resonance.
Anatomy of CNS 3: anatomy of intracranial vessels, cranial nerves, spine and marrow.
Introduction to advanced techniques in MRI and their use in clinical practice, introduction to post processing.
Neurological Assistive Diagnostic Therapeutic Protocols: practical examples; stroke, multiple sclerosis, degenerative diseases.
Anatomy of CNS 1: definitions, anatomy of the brain with Computed Tomography.
Anatomy of CNS 2: anatomy through Magnetic Resonance.
Anatomy of CNS 3: anatomy of intracranial vessels, cranial nerves, spine and marrow.
Introduction to advanced techniques in MRI and their use in clinical practice, introduction to post processing.
Neurological Assistive Diagnostic Therapeutic Protocols: practical examples; stroke, multiple sclerosis, degenerative diseases.
Teaching methods
The course is divided into a series of lectures with slide shows in Power Point. The lectures slides are uploaded to the Ariel website.
Teaching Resources
VANZULLI, TORRICELLI, RAIMONDI: Manuale di RM per TSRM - Poletto editore, 2018 (2a edizione)
COLOSIMO: Neuroradiologia - Edra Masson editore, 2013
COLOSIMO: Neuroradiologia - Edra Masson editore, 2013
Emergencies in radiology and first aid
Course syllabus
Notions of anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology of the circulatory system.
The heart and the large vessels: functional anatomy.
Concepts of hemodynamics: cardiac contractility, volume and vascular tone.
Cardiovascular monitoring.
Notions of anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology of the respiratory system.
The airway respiratory tract structure, innervation and relationships, with particular reference to the possible anatomical and functional causes of obstruction.
The lung and the chest wall. Structure and functional interactions.
Ventilation and oxygenation.
Respiratory monitoring and outline of physiopathology.
Anesthesiological pharmacology.
Local anesthetics.
Hypnotic drugs and general anesthetics.
Major analgesics.
Minor analgesics.
The heart and the large vessels: functional anatomy.
Concepts of hemodynamics: cardiac contractility, volume and vascular tone.
Cardiovascular monitoring.
Notions of anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology of the respiratory system.
The airway respiratory tract structure, innervation and relationships, with particular reference to the possible anatomical and functional causes of obstruction.
The lung and the chest wall. Structure and functional interactions.
Ventilation and oxygenation.
Respiratory monitoring and outline of physiopathology.
Anesthesiological pharmacology.
Local anesthetics.
Hypnotic drugs and general anesthetics.
Major analgesics.
Minor analgesics.
Teaching methods
The course is divided into a series of lectures with slide shows in Power Point. The lectures slides are uploaded to the Ariel website.
Teaching Resources
COEN, ANDREONI, CHIARA, VESCONI: Diagnosi e trattamento delle emergenze medico-chirurgico - Elsevier, 2009
Invasive and haemodynamic techniques
Course syllabus
Outline of interventional radiology equipment; radiation protection in interventional radiology: materials.
Iodinated contrast medium: side effects. Patient preparation and positioning. Patient safety.
Survey technique and interventional technique body.
Neurological technique of investigation and interventional technique.
Digital angiography: technique, interventionist, indications and execution according to the districts.
Iodinated contrast medium: side effects. Patient preparation and positioning. Patient safety.
Survey technique and interventional technique body.
Neurological technique of investigation and interventional technique.
Digital angiography: technique, interventionist, indications and execution according to the districts.
Teaching methods
The course is divided into a series of lectures with slide shows in Power Point. The lectures slides are uploaded to the Ariel website.
Teaching Resources
MAGLIONE, NIOLA: Manuale di radiologia interventistica per TT.SS.RR.MM - Idelson-Gnocchi, 2001 (ISBN 8879473433, 9788879473439, 162 pagine)
SIMONETTI, GANDINI: Diagnostica per immagini e radiologia interventistica del cuore e del sistema arterioso - Idelson-Gnocchi, 2003 (ISBN 8879473530, 9788879473538, 236 pagine)
SIMONETTI, GANDINI: Diagnostica per immagini e radiologia interventistica del cuore e del sistema arterioso - Idelson-Gnocchi, 2003 (ISBN 8879473530, 9788879473538, 236 pagine)
Neuro-radiology techniques
Course syllabus
Diagnostic and interventional cerebral angiography: technique, intra- and extra-cranial vascular anatomy.
Intravascular procedures: carotid stenting, intra-arterial thrombolysis, thrombectomy, aneurysm occlusion (coils and flow diversion stents).
Endovascular embolization treatment in the arteriovenous malformations, cavernous carotid fistulas, dural arteriovenous fistulas, epistaxis: ONYX, GLUBRAN, Particles.
Diagnostic and interventional medullary angiography.
Magnetic Resonance in neuroradiology: main sequences used
MRI study of the brain, orbits, facial massif, pituitary gland, cranial nerves, petrous rock, temporal lobe: sequences used, orientation of the reference planes.
MRI study of the spine and spinal cord: main sequences used, orientation of the reference planes
Magnetic Resonance Angiography: TOF technique, Phase Contrast, MRI Angiography Contrast Enhancement
Magnetic Susceptibility Imaging: SWI single-echo and multi-echo technique
Advanced MRI Techniques: DWI, DTI and tractography, MRI Perfusion (DSC technique), Spectroscopy (Single-Voxel and Multi-Voxel technique), references to fMRI.
Intravascular procedures: carotid stenting, intra-arterial thrombolysis, thrombectomy, aneurysm occlusion (coils and flow diversion stents).
Endovascular embolization treatment in the arteriovenous malformations, cavernous carotid fistulas, dural arteriovenous fistulas, epistaxis: ONYX, GLUBRAN, Particles.
Diagnostic and interventional medullary angiography.
Magnetic Resonance in neuroradiology: main sequences used
MRI study of the brain, orbits, facial massif, pituitary gland, cranial nerves, petrous rock, temporal lobe: sequences used, orientation of the reference planes.
MRI study of the spine and spinal cord: main sequences used, orientation of the reference planes
Magnetic Resonance Angiography: TOF technique, Phase Contrast, MRI Angiography Contrast Enhancement
Magnetic Susceptibility Imaging: SWI single-echo and multi-echo technique
Advanced MRI Techniques: DWI, DTI and tractography, MRI Perfusion (DSC technique), Spectroscopy (Single-Voxel and Multi-Voxel technique), references to fMRI.
Teaching methods
The course is divided into a series of lectures with slide shows in Power Point. The lectures slides are uploaded to the Ariel website.
Teaching Resources
GIANNI BORIS BRADAC: Cerebral Angiography. Normal anatomy and vascular pathology - Edizioni Springer
KIERAN MURPHY, FERGUS ROBERTSON (a cura di): Interventional Neuroradiology - Edizioni Springer
JAMES C. CARR, TIMOTHY J. CARROLL: Magnetic Resonance Angiography - Edizioni Springer
PETER B. BARKER, XAVIER GOLAY, GREG ZAHARCHUK: Clinical Perfusion MRI - Edizioni Cambridge
SUSUMU MORI: Introduction to Diffusion Tensor Imaging - Edizioni Elsevier
MARIO CORIASCO, OSVALDO RAMPADO, GIANNI BORIS BRADAC: Elementi di Risonanza Magnetica. Dal protone alle sequenze per le principali applicazioni diagnostiche - Edizioni Springer
A.L. BAERT, M. KNAUTH, K. SARTOR: Spinal imaging. Diagnostic Imaging of the spine and spinal cord - Edizioni Springer
E. MARK HAACKE, JÜRGEN R. REICHENBACH: Susceptibility Weighted Imaging in MRI. Basic concepts and clinical application - Edizioni Wiley-Blackwell
KIERAN MURPHY, FERGUS ROBERTSON (a cura di): Interventional Neuroradiology - Edizioni Springer
JAMES C. CARR, TIMOTHY J. CARROLL: Magnetic Resonance Angiography - Edizioni Springer
PETER B. BARKER, XAVIER GOLAY, GREG ZAHARCHUK: Clinical Perfusion MRI - Edizioni Cambridge
SUSUMU MORI: Introduction to Diffusion Tensor Imaging - Edizioni Elsevier
MARIO CORIASCO, OSVALDO RAMPADO, GIANNI BORIS BRADAC: Elementi di Risonanza Magnetica. Dal protone alle sequenze per le principali applicazioni diagnostiche - Edizioni Springer
A.L. BAERT, M. KNAUTH, K. SARTOR: Spinal imaging. Diagnostic Imaging of the spine and spinal cord - Edizioni Springer
E. MARK HAACKE, JÜRGEN R. REICHENBACH: Susceptibility Weighted Imaging in MRI. Basic concepts and clinical application - Edizioni Wiley-Blackwell
Emergencies in radiology and first aid
MED/41 - ANAESTHESIOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Zanella Alberto
Invasive and haemodynamic techniques
Lessons: 10 hours
Bizzarri Paola
Invasive radiography imaging
MED/36 - IMAGING AND RADIOTHERAPY - University credits: 1
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Carrafiello Gianpaolo
Neuro-radiology techniques
Lessons: 10 hours
Lombardi Luciano
MED/37 - NEURORADIOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Conte Giorgio