Natural Additives in Food Producing Animals

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Aim of the course in Natural additives in food producing animals is that the student develops knowledge on additives that can be used in animal husbandry, with particular focus to phytogenics one.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding: The student at the end of the course will have to demonstrate knowledge on feed additives and the purpose of inclusion.
Applying knowledge and understanding: The student will have to demonstrate knowledge of feed additives in order to identify and suggest the natural feed additives more suitable in animal farming according to needs of animals at different growth stages and health conditions.
Making judgments: The student must demonstrate the ability to critically present the acquired information especially on the effects of such natural feed additives in animal farm. To this aim practical acitivities, such as visit to farms and or to EFSA, lab activity will be proposed.
Communication: The student is expected to use scientifically appropriate language, in particular terminology referring to feed additives. The practical activities are intended to stimulate the ability to use specific terminology and the ability to discuss scientifically with peers.
Lifelong learning skills: The student must gain the ability to use acquired knowledge to place the feed additives within the framework Regulation and to interpret new scenario searching scientific articles and database.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Definitions of medicinal plant, aromatic plant, officinal plant, hystory; Properties, active compounds of selected plants 3 hours
Medicinal plants supply chain and transformations 3 hours
Role of EFSA and Regster of Feed Additives 3 hours
Plant extract production 2 hours
Botanicals in animal nutrition Effects in vivo 3
Botanicals in animal nutrition; effects on derived products 2
Register of additives; annex 1 and 2 (3 hours)
Lab activity; polyphenol content and TAC in plant or plant extract (4 hours)
Visit at company, farm or EFSA (6 hours)
Literature search and Regulation consulting (3 hours)
Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge is required
Teaching methods
The course will be based on
Classroom lectures
Practice on farm, lab and at companies
Teaching Resources
The course topics will be available by power point slide presentations uploaded on ARIEL platform, together with textbooks, scientific article suggested by the professor
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written exam with 15 multiple choice questions; duration of the written test 1 hour integrated by an interview on presentation on a natural feed additive chosen by student.
Evaluation parameters: knowledge of the subject and critical reasoning skills on the study carried out. Vote expressed in thirtieths
AGR/18 - ANIMAL NUTRITION AND FEEDING - University credits: 3
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Professor: Pastorelli Grazia