Nanotechnology in the Food Industry

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The teaching course aims to provide students with the basic knowledge related to nanotechnologies together with practical and applicative examples concerning the food sector. The aim of the teaching course is also to provide students with the concepts related to the most common analytical techniques applied to "nano" systems. Finally, the teaching course aims to provide students with the knowledge for a critical analysis of potential and risks associated with nanoparticles on consumer health, providing knowledge also on current legislation.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the teaching course, students will be able to apply the main technical-analytical and methodological aspects for the characterization of nanoparticles in the food sector. Students will also be able to choose the most appropriate nanotechnology applications depending on the type of food in the current legislation.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course includes an initial part dedicated to the historical development of nanotechnologies from the early achievements in the 50s up to the current discoveries and applications. Afterwards, the most important 'key-words' pertaining to the nanotechnology field will be introduced, so that fundamental concepts (e.g., nanostructures and nanosystems) can be elucidated. The most relevant applications of nanotechnology belonging to different fields of the food sector (e.g., nutrition, manufacturing/processing, security, safety, and packaging) will be also discussed. The potential benefits arising from the nanotechnologies, as well as the potential risks associated to their applications, especially under a consumer's perspective, will be then presented. The final part of the course will be devoted to the reference regulations within the European legislative framework.
Specifically, the course will develop according to the following topics:
- Introduction: definition of the goals and general information
- Nanotechnologies from the 50s to today
- Definitions, nomenclature and key-words
- Intermolecular interactions and supramolecular structures
- Nanotechnologies in the food sector - Applications
· Nutrition
· Food manufacturing and processing
· Food security
· Food safety
· Food packaging materials
- Main instrumental techniques related to 'nano' systems
- Potential of nanotechnologies and risks for the consumers
- Legislative framework
Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of chemistry and physics.
Teaching methods
Frontal classes and lab experiments.
Frontal classes will allow to cover and develop the topics of the course starting from a deep analysis of theoretical and basic concepts by means of practical examples from the industrial world. Lab experiments will enable the students to put in practice some theoretical aspects seen during the frontal classes, with special reference to the analytical techniques used to characterize the 'nano' systems.
Teaching Resources
Slides of the course.

1) Nanotechnology in the Agri-Food Sector. Edited by L. J. Frewer, W. Norde, A. R. H. Fischer, F. W. H. Kampers. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co., 2011.

Scientific papers.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam will include an oral interview in presence. The final grade will be expressed in /30ths. The oral exam is deemed in line with the expected learning outcomes because it will serve the purpose to verify the comprehension and use of the students of the main analytical and methodological tools for the characterization of 'nano' systems in the food sector, while evaluating the learning process related to a specific nanotechnology application and the related knowledge gained by the student according to a critical and aware thinking way.
Specific procedures for students with disabilities or specific learning disabilities (DSA) will be applied also for telematic exams. Here the complete information:
In case you need specific procedures, please inform the teacher by mail at least 15 days before the exam, including in the addresses [email protected] or [email protected].
AGR/15 - FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - University credits: 4
Laboratories: 8 hours
Lessons: 28 hours
Professors: Carullo Daniele, Farris Stefano
By appointment
Office (Building 21040 - entrance below the metallic staircase to Aula 4 - ground floor)