Nanoscale Solid State Physics

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
This course will treat the fundamentals and applications of nanoscale solid state physics for frontier science with a focus on sustainable energy and computing. Topics that will be discussed are nanoscale solutions for solar cells, including plasmonics, quantum confinement, up- and down-converters and Mie resonances. In relation to that, the science and applications of two dimensional materials will be treated. Battery science is very important for sustainable energy and therefore nanoscale solutions with respect to hydrogen and lithium storage will be discussed. Nanoscale for alternative computing, such as quantum computing and spintronics will be treated. Besides these fundamentals, the experimental techniques, such as scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), femto-second pulse probe ultra-fast spectroscopy, electrochemistry, optical spectroscopy, near field spectroscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), modern synchrotron techniques such as Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS). Complementary simulation techniques such as finite difference time domain (FDTD) will be treated and used for exercises.
Expected learning outcomes
The students will know:
1) how nanostructures apply to novel concept solar cells, hydrogen/lithium storage/generation, quantum computing and spintronics.
2) solid state physics about semiconductors and hydrogen/lithium intercalation
3) various technical methods to characterise and understand these novel nanomaterials
4) to do simple simulations to understand the working of a novel concept solar cell.
5) To present and discuss state of the art information about solid state nanostructures for novel concept solar cells, hydrogen/lithium storage and computing
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
In case of emergency all lectures will be provided by Zoom at exactly the same schedule. The exam and presentations from students will then also be provided by Zoom.
Course syllabus
Aiming at sustainability (green energy) and computing:
Semiconductor physics, doping, pn-junctions
Various solar cell technologies such as single junction and tandem
Nanoscale solid state physics for solar cells, quantum confinement
Novel concepts for solar cells: Plasmonics, quantum confinement, Mie resonances/scattering
Simulations 1: finite difference time domain (FDTD) simulations (Maxwell solver) of plasmonic and dielectric enhancement of solar cells
2D-materials for solar cells
Battery technology: intercalation of hydrogen and lithium
Electrochemistry of batteries
Nanoscale systems for improved batteries
Hydrogen/Lithium diffusion
Liquid and solid state ion conductors
Characterisation techniques: STM, TEM, XPS, EXAFS, UV-Vis spectroscopy, pump-probe ultra-fast spectroscopy
Simulations 2: XRD and EXAFS simulations to characterise nanomaterials
Q-bits for quantum computing: quantum dots, diamond defect centres, nanowires
Spintronics: nanoscale magnetic materials, spin transport, nano for spintronics
Semiconductor-based spintronic devices
Prerequisites for admission
Courses from the Bachelor: Solid State Physics I, Electromagnetism
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Lecture notes (from books and papers)
Assessment methods and Criteria
There will be an oral exam of about 20 minutes during which various (random) topics of the course will be discussed. The students have to prepare a small report of about 6 pages on a topic of their choice with a 10 minutes presentation.
FIS/03 - PHYSICS OF MATTER - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Professor: Di Vece Marcel