Nanoparticle Physics

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims at providing an introduction to the physics of (nano)aggregates (metallicm quantum dots, and molecular) both theoretical, numerical and phenomenological approaches will be discussed. We will revise the peculiar thermodynamical, optical, and electronic properties of nanoaggreates. Thanks to them nanoaggregates are considered a new states of matter, and they are employed as the building-blocks of future, novel materials and future technological applications. The student will gain the capabilities to reading and understanding the state-of-the-art literature in the field.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students are expected to have the following skills:
1) will gain a rational view of matter at the nanoscale, and why and how is changing our daily life
2) will be able to describe the different morphologies of nano-aggregates and their trend with size and chemical composition
3) will know how to use possible approaches (including numerical) to sample potential energy surfaces
4) will know the major aspects of the phenomenology of (nano) aggregates and its dependence on the morphology, composition, and size of the system
5) will be able to discuss how optical properties depend on the morphology, composition, and size of the (nano)aggreagtes
6) will be able to discuss how catalytic properties depend on the morphology, composition, and size of the (nano)aggreagtes
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
The course aims at providing an introduction to the physics of (nano)aggregates (metallicm quantum dots, and molecular) both theoretical, numerical and phenomenological approaches will be discussed. We will revise the peculiar thermodynamical, optical, and electronic properties of nanoaggreates. Thanks to them nanoaggregates are considered a new states of matter, and they are employed as the building-blocks of future, novel materials and future technological applications.
The module can be easily offered in English and ideal for ERASMUS/international students.
The student will gain the capabilities to reading and understanding the state-of-the-art literature in the field.

At the end of the course, students are expected to have the following skills:
1) will gain a rational view of matter at the nanoscale, and why and how is changing our daily life
2) will be able to describe the different morphologies of nano-aggregates and their trend with size and chemical composition
3) will know how to use possible approaches (including numerical) to sample potential energy surfaces
4) will know the major aspects of the phenomenology of (nano) aggregates and its dependence on the morphology, composition, and size of the system
5) will be able to discuss how optical properties depend on the morphology, composition, and size of the (nano)aggregates
6) will be able to discuss how catalytic properties depend on the morphology, composition, and size of the (nano)aggregates
Course syllabus
Introduction to the physics of matter at the nanoscale
Methods for the synthesis of nanoaggregates
Different types of nanoaggregates: i.e. noble gases; molecular; metallic; quantum dots
Optical, catalytic, magnetic properties and their dependence on nanoparticle morphology
Prerequisites for admission
Solid state physics
Inorganic Chemistry (basics)
Teaching methods
Forntal lecture
Numerical simulations (with practicals)
Lab visits
Journal club
Teaching Resources
Atomic and Molecular Clusters -
Roy L. Johnston -
ISBN 9780748409310
Published April 25, 2002 by CRC Press

Structure and Properties of Nanoalloys
1st Edition, Volume 10 - August 5, 2016
Author: Riccardo Ferrando
Language: English
Hardback ISBN: 9780081002124
eBook ISBN: 9780081002476
Assessment methods and Criteria
Individual seminar
Journal club presentation (with short, written reports; team work)
Numerical experience written lab reports
FIS/03 - PHYSICS OF MATTER - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Professor: Baletto Francesca
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