Multimedia Architectures

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims at presenting digital models and systems for the processing, coding, storage, retrieval and distribution of multimedia information (texts, images, audio, video). The course deals with issues about the analysis, design and synchronization of complex multimedia applications as well as research and development activities in this field will be discussed.
Expected learning outcomes
The students will acquire the necessary knowledge for managing multimedia information and developing related architectures for the storage and communication of images, audio and video. In addition, students will develop high-level analytical and operational skills for the development of complex multi-disciplinary applications.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Introduction. Multimedia and digital communication

Interaction design for multimedia content management
Multimedia Data Modeling: ORDBMs and ORDBMS in Oracle

Interactive systems for managing digital texts.
Boolean Retrieval Model, Vector Space Model, Probabilistic Model, Semantic Networks
Text IR vs database systems --> Oracle Text
Text IR system --> Sorl

Conversational Agent Design: Question Answering
Design of Conversational Experience
Building Conversational Experience with DialogFlow and with generative AI (RAG)

Interactive systems for managing digital images.
Human perception of colour. Color models. Data compression. Standards for digital image encoding.
Image IR vs database systems --> Oracle Multimedia
Image Retrieval: from pixels to the semantic space

Interactive systems for digital audio.
Sampling, quantization, signal to noise ratio. Standards for digital audio encoding: WAV, AIFF. Audio compression. Elements of psychoacoustics, critical bands, spatial and temporal masking.

Interactive systems for digital video. Video color models. Video compression,predictive coding, motion vectors. Standards for digital video encoding.
Audio-video IR vs database systems --> Oracle Multimedia

Information systems for the standard management of multimedia data.
Content description. Languages for metadata: MPEG-7.

Operating systems and issues for real-time or near-real-time media delivery and interaction.
Synchronization of multimedia data.
Quality of service, both technical and concerning user perception
Real-time scheduling. Real-time network protocols.
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
Lectures with discussions and presentations of case studies
Teaching Resources
Slides of the lectures:

In the slides are reported books, articles websites useful both for studying and insight.
Basic Readings:
- Z. Li, M. Drew. Fundamentals of Multimedia, Pearson Educational, 2004
- Multimedia Applications. In B. Fuhrt (ed), Handbook of Internet Computing, CRC Press, 2000
Assessment methods and Criteria
Methods of verification are:
1. Written test (max grade 30/30)
2. Oral test, Thematic Deepening, Project (optional) that will result in an increase or decrease in the grade of the written test by + or - 3 points

The evaluation criteria of the written test concern:
- Knowledge of the content
- Adherence of the response to the track
- Ability to make connections
- The relevance of the contents in relation to the question

The evaluation criteria of the oral test/thematic deepening/project concern:
- the focus of the issue
- logical rigour and use of technical language
- fairness and clarity of exposure
- The critical awareness, personal interpretation skills, richness and relevance of the oral presentation
INF/01 - INFORMATICS - University credits: 6
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Valtolina Stefano
Professor: Valtolina Stefano
On appointment
via Celoria 18, Third floor, Room 3006