Multiband Imaging Techniques for Cultural Heritage

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course is dedicated to learning the principles and techniques of diagnostic imaging applied to the study of objects of historical and artistic interest. The topics covered will include the basics of multiband imaging techniques, both from a technical and phenomenological perspective. The use of visible, UV, infrared, and radiographic bands will be illustrated to obtain information on conservation, materials, and the execution techniques of artifacts through the interpretation of the obtained images. Post-processing aspects will be addressed for correct color management and for the processing and interpretation of images in false colors and pseudocolors. The potential of multi- and hyperspectral imaging techniques will also be illustrated. In addition to traditional techniques, some computational techniques such as reflectance transformation imaging and 3D photogrammetry will be presented. A lesson will be dedicated to a practical workshop on the post-processing of multiband and RTI images. For each technique covered, numerous case studies of particular interest will be presented and discussed.
Expected learning outcomes
The student will develop basic knowledge of the principles of proper multiband photographic acquisition: understanding and distinguishing the methods for reading, analyzing, and interpreting image data of the multiband techniques covered in the course. The student will be able to correctly apply basic post-processing methods, understanding their limitations and potential. They will also understand the potential and limitations of using image data as a method of analysis not only for materials and morphology but also for the execution techniques of the historical-artistic object. Finally, the student will be able to evaluate, during the diagnostic project phase, which standard or advanced imaging techniques are most suitable for the specific characteristics of the object under examination.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
FIS/07 - APPLIED PHYSICS - University credits: 6
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Gargano Marco