Morpho-Physiology and Genetics

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
AGR/17 VET/01 VET/02
Learning objectives
The course "Advanced Morpho-Physiology and Genetics" aims to provide students with in-depth knowledge of the physiology of domestic animals, including the nervous system, sensory organs, integumentary system, cardiovascular system, and the musculo-tendinous and articular apparatus. It also delves into the anatomy of the integumentary system and sensory organs in domestic animals such as dogs and cats, as well as in non-conventional animals like hamsters, rats, mice, rabbits, reptiles, and birds. Additionally, it examines the detailed anatomy of the distal limbs of horses and the macroscopic and microscopic structure of hooves. Lastly, it imparts fundamental principles for identifying genomic regions linked to phenotypes of interest, both morphological and hereditary traits. Furthermore, it addresses estimations of gene substitution effects and analogies with the infinitesimal model. It also provides comprehensive information
Expected learning outcomes
1 Knowledge and understanding: At the end of the course, students must demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the functioning and regulation of the central and peripheral nervous systems, sensory organs, integumentary system, cardiovascular system, and musculo-tendinous and articular apparatus. They should also be able to describe the microscopic and macroscopic structure of tissues and organs in the integumentary and sensory systems. Additionally, they must grasp the stratigraphy of distal limb regions and the anatomy of reptiles and birds. Lastly, they should possess a solid knowledge of genetic principles related to domestic animal pathologies, including genetic improvement and genetic variability.
2 Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: Students must demonstrate the ability to apply the knowledge acquired during the year to enhance and deepen their preparation in the anatomy and physiology of both conventional and non-conventional domestic animals. Similarly, they should be capable of applying this knowledge to broaden their understanding of domestic animal genetics, including both common and non-conventional species.
3 Critical thinking and judgment skills: the student will be expected to demonstrate the ability to critically argue the information acquired by proactively interacting with the lecturer during lectures and elaborating on the contents of slides in recommended textbooks or other materials, including those shared with the class
4 Ability to communicate what has been learned: the student will be expected to demonstrate the ability to express himself/herself with scientifically appropriate terminology during lectures, both when asking questions of the lecturer and in response to questions that are formulated by the lecturer or colleagues.
5 Ability to pursue study independently in the course of life: the student should demonstrate the ability to use the knowledge acquired to interpret effectively deal with the study of professionalizing subjects in order to have a complete preparation for entering the world of work, helping himself/herself with available sources of knowledge and good mental organization.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of Histology, Embryology, Anatomy acquired during the course of Anatomy of Companion Animals I and Physiology acquired during the course of Veterinary Physiology
Assessment methods and Criteria
Anatomy: Written exam consisting of 31 multiple choice questions (four answers for each question, one exact). Examples of questions and their answers will be presented to the student at the end of each topic covered, in order to direct the study and make learning more effective.

Physiology: Written exam consisting of 40 true/false questions (four answers for each question, only one correct).

Genetics: Written test. Exercises and open questions
The test will be graded out of thirty and the final grade will take into account the accuracy and quality of the answers

The three tests will be held on the same day at the computer room, each test will be held valid for 2 exams
Anatomy and physiology
Course syllabus
Lectures, 3 credits (24 hours) carried out with the aid of presentation in ppt
· Hand and foot of the horse 6 hours
· Integument of cat, dog, rabbit, horse and companion rodents, 4 hours
· The sense organs of cat, dog, rabbit, horse and companion rodents, 7 hours
· Anatomy of non-conventional pet species 7 hours

For physiology hours:
- One exercise credit (16 hours) on endocrinology, central and peripheral nervous system, sense organs
- For face-to-face hours: exercise physiology (4 hours), cardiovascular physiology (4), metabolism (4) and endocronology (4 hours)
Teaching methods
Lectures and exercises
Teaching Resources
· Slides published on the teacher's Ariel website

· Textbook
Koning- Liebich: Anatomia dei Mammiferi Domestici, Piccin Editore, 2016

Physiology:jaastad, Sand e Hove, Fisiologia degli animali domestici. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 2013.
.Avallone, Caola, Clement et al., Fisiologia Veterinaria. Point Veterinaire Italie; 2010.
. Cunningham James G. - Manuale di fisiologia veterinaria. Delfino Antonio Editore; 2005
. G. Aguggini, V. Beghelli, L.F. Giulio - Fisiologia degli Animali Domestici con elementi di Etologia. UTET; 1998
. The slides of the course are available on the Ariel site.
Pet breeding
Course syllabus
Basic Genetics (4 hours F)
Structure and organization of the animal genome: Differences between genomes, mutations, SNPs, causative mutations, anonymous, synonym, locus and alleles.

Technologies applied to the study of the animal genome (2 hours F)
DNA Sequencing Methods and the DNA Chip (Bead Chip)

Principles of population genetics: (4 hours F + 2 practical hours)
Genes and population: Genotypic and gene frequencies; Hardy-Weinberg's law; Effect of selection, migration, mutation and genetic drift on gene frequencies.

Genetic variability (within and between breeds). (4 hours F)
Variability between breeds: genetic distances, Variability within breeds: kinship (pedigree and molecular). Use of genomic data for the analysis of genetic variability between and within breeds.

Selection for genetic improvement (12 hours F, 10 Practice hours)
- Selection criteria and objectives
- Phenotype and genotype
- Qualitative and quantitative characters (infinitesimal model)
- Phenotype adjustment for environmental effects
- Genetic parameters: heritability, repeatability and correlations
- Genetic evaluation
- Genetic progress.
- genetic and genomic selection index
- Selection schemes.

Genetic Association (10 hours F + 2 practical hours)
Basic principles for the identification of genomic regions linked to phenotypes of interest (morphological characters and hereditary diseases). Estimation of the gene substitution effect, analogy with the infinitesimal model.

Analysis of the main online genomic databases (4 hours Frontal + 2 exercises)
Teaching methods
Lectures and exercises
Teaching Resources
Animal genetics zootechnical and veterinary applications G. Pagnacco Ambrosian publishing house.
- Teaching material on the ARIEL portal
Anatomy and physiology
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Vigo Daniele
Pet breeding
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Minozzi Giulietta
Professor: Minozzi Giulietta
Professor: Minozzi Giulietta
Professor: Minozzi Giulietta
Appointment by email