Molecular Biology

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims at providing students with the fundamental knowledge of the molecular mechanisms by which prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells regulate and control the maintenance and the flow of genetic information. Main experiments useful to achieve current knowledge will be presented. Moreover, whenever possible, applications of the acquired knowledge in the field of medical biotechnology will be mentioned.
At the end of the course, students will have attained a good knowledge of the main molecular biology techniques and the ability to make a correct use of these methodological approaches to theoretically solve specific biological problems.
Expected learning outcomes
In-depth knowledge of the main mechanisms of molecular biology (replication, transcription, RNA processing and maturation, protein synthesis and DNA repair) and their regulation.
Knowledge of the main techniques of molecular biology useful in basic and applied research for the study of the molecular mechanisms underlying the correct flow of genetic information and its use.
Ability to correctly design simple molecular and cellular biology experiments always including the correct positive and negative controls.
Ability to describe acquired knowledge using a scientifically correct and clear language.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Frontal teaching:
Biological macromolecules: DNA, RNA, proteins (structure, function and purification techniques).
Model organisms for molecular biology studies.
Main molecular biology techniques for DNA, RNA and protein analysis and their manipulation (nucleic acid hybridization, Southern, Northern and Western blot, in situ hybridization, DNA sequencing, PCR, antibody production mono and polyclonal, HIC, Ip, ChIP, transcriptome analysis, genome editing).
DNA topology and topoisomerases.
Chromatin condensation in eukaryotes: structure of nucleosomes and higher levels of condensation.
Epigenetics: basic concepts (DNA methylation, post-translational modifications of histones and the hypothesis of the existence of an histone code). Role of epigenetics in human health.
Brief review of transcription in prokaryotes: structure of the transcriptional apparatus, promoters and regulation mechanisms. The transcription cycle. The lactose and tryptophan operon.
Transcription in eukaryotes: structure of transcriptional systems, promoters and regulation mechanisms. Particular emphasis will be given to class II transcription.
Non-RNA coding: synthesis and function.
RNA splicing: molecular mechanisms.
Translation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
DNA replication in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
Notes on the mechanisms of onset of mutations and DNA repair.
The students will work in groups of 4/5 students and develop, in a theoretical way, a research project up to the elaboration of a classroom presentation.
Prerequisites for admission
Students must have fulfilled all the prerequisite requirements indicated in the study plan: General and cellular biology, Genetics.
Teaching methods
Most of the course consists of lectures. During the lessons, students are encouraged to try to find experimental strategies useful for solving small scientific problems or for critically analyzing the results of some experiments.
The teaching material consisting of presentations in PDF format that is made available at the end of the lesson on the Ariel platform.
Course attendance is strongly recommended.
In the practical part, students are divided into small groups which are assigned the task of setting up the experimental procedures useful for solving a specific scientific problem connected to the topics explained in class.
Teaching Resources
Students are expected to study on at least one molecular biology textbook.
The teachers recommend one of the following texts (indicated in random order):

1. G. Capranico, E. Martegani, G. Musci, G. Raugei, T. Russo, N. Zambrano, V. Zappavigna Biologia Molecolare. Edito da EdiSES
2. Watson et al. Molecular Biology of the gene.
3. L. Allison Fundamental Molecular Biology
Assessment methods and Criteria
The level of learning is verified only at the end of the course, without any intermediate exam. The first two sessions consist of a written test in which students must answer multiple choice questions or short answers. In subsequent appeals the exam is oral. The interview is generally organized in two parts.
In the first part, the student is asked two or three questions aimed at evaluating the knowledge of the main topics carried out in class (including also the laboratory experience). In this first phase the property of language, the ability to organize a linear discourse and, in general, the speaking capacity are also evaluated. The second part of the interview is generally proposed only to those students who have demonstrated a good familiarity with the subject. In this phase of the interview, a solution to a particular scientific problem is requested, using the molecular biology techniques explained in class. This phase of the interview, certainly more complex, serves to understand the student's ability to handle molecular biology and its methodological approaches by making diversified use of what has been learned in class. In this phase, it will be also evaluated the capacity of the student to organize a correct experiment, including the necessary controls and, when requested, the appropriate internal standards.
BIO/11 - MOLECULAR BIOLOGY - University credits: 8
Practicals: 8 hours
Lessons: 60 hours
By appointment