Molecular Analysis and Traceability of Biotechnological Products

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to provide the basic knowledge of the implementation and uses of analytical tools for the analysis of biotechnological products, and for the traceability of foods and the quantitative determination of selected ingredients through the analysis of DNA and proteins. The course will have a strong hands-on connotation based on lab activities (1.5 CFU) and practical sessions of experimental design in classroom and computer room (1.0 CFU).
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to manage the most common biomolecular analysis methodologies to implement new molecular tools for biomolecular analysis of biotechnological and food products.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Current national and EC regulations about traceability.
Molecular methodologies for the traceability of plant and animal species and varieties in foods and ingredients and other matrixes.
DNA and protein purifications and assessment of matrix effects.
GMO detection and quantification.
Molecular characterization and assessment conformity of typical and niche foods.
ODP traceability.
Geographical origin of foods.
Molecular characterization of biotechnological products and new foods.
Detection of potential allergens and predictive methods for unveil potential allergens.
Development of analytical kits based on the analysis of nucleic acids.
Development of analytical kits based on the analysis of proteins and enzymes.
Prerequisites for admission
General knowledge of biomolecular techniques and methodologies of applied biochemistry and molecular biology (PCR, immuno-enzymatic methods, protein and nucleic acids electrophoresis) and of enzymatic activities.
Teaching methods
Classroom lessons, bioinformatic lab and practical labs.
Lessons: 40 hours (5.0 CFU)
Practical labs: 16 hours (1.0 CFU)
Teaching Resources
Suggested textbook:
Montet and Ray, Eds. "Food Traceability and Authenticity with Analytical Techniques", Boca Raton : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, [2018].
Reference material (slides of the lessons and relevant scientific papers) will be illustrated during the lessons. All material is present on the ARIEL site of the course
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral exam based on the discussion of one of the scientific papers proposed by the teacher and on consequent questions about the topics of the course. The exam can be taken by appointment with the teacher, to be requested by e-mail, after registering to an appeal on the SIFA platform.
The learning verification will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
1. Proof of understanding of the topics covered during lectures and laboratory practicals
2. Ability to discuss, in a critical and integrated way, the concepts and problems of traceability along the agri-food chains and of biotechnological products.
3. Ability to manage the most common biomolecular analysis methodologies to implement new molecular tools for biomolecular analysis of biotechnological and food products.
4. Knowledge of the principles at the basis of the laboratory methodologies used
5. Correct terminology
6. Completeness of the answers

Specific procedures for students with disabilities or specific learning disabilities (DSA) will be applied also for telematic exams. Here the complete information:
In case you need specific procedures, please inform the teacher by mail at least 10 days before the exam, including in the addresses [email protected] or [email protected].
BIO/10 - BIOCHEMISTRY - University credits: 6
Laboratories: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Scarafoni Alessio
Professor: Scarafoni Alessio
Thursday afternoon only by appointment (by e-mail)
Building 21040, first floor