Mineralogy and Lithology Practicals

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
GEO/02 GEO/06 GEO/07
Learning objectives
Knowledge and understanding: learning the scientific method to observe, describe and classify minerals and rocks
Expected learning outcomes
Applying knowledge and understanding: basic knowledge of the principal rock forming minerals and lithotypes
Making judgements: ability to cross-correlate observations and phenomenological knowledge to formulate diagnoses
Communication skills: ability to write a report on mineral and rock features as observed in laboratory and in the field
Learning skills: ability to approach phenomenological studies; basic knowledge in view of advanced learning in mineralogy and petrography
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Synopsis: the rock forming minerals. Observation of the main features in minerals and rock samples. The main features of crystals. Chemical and physical features of minerals. Introduction on analytical methods in mineralogy. Systematic mineralogy. Ore and industrial minerals.
This Laboratory Course introduces Students to observation, description, classification and basic interpretation of Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks, both on hand specimen and on outcrops.
1) textures and mineralogical composition of Igneous Rocks
2) classification of Igneous rocks
3) Igneous process: silicate melts, properties and crystallization; field relations of intrusions and volcanic rocks bodies
4) components, textures and structures of Sedimentary Rocks
5) classifications of sedimentary rocks
6) sedimentary rocks as geological materials
7) cycle of sedimentary rocks in their lithosphere/atmosphere context
8) basic concepts on diagenesis and Sedimentary Rocks petrogenesis
9) Sedimentary Rocks in the outcrops: field methods for analysis of lithotypes
10) Fabric, composition and Classification of Metamorphic rocks
11) Metamorphism: variables, metamorphic facies, types of metamorphism
Prerequisites for admission
"Chemistry and Laboratory", "Introduction to Geology and Laboratory" and "Paleontolgy and Laboratory" are useful introductory courses for "Mineralogy and Lithology Practicals"
Teaching methods
The course includes lectures on theory, laboratory exercises and field activity, distributed as follows:
3 cfu (24 h) theory (1 credits part minerals, 2 credits part rocks)
6 cfu (72 h) laboratory exercises divided into shifts (2 credits for minerals, 4 credits for rocks)
1 cfu (12 h) field activity
Teaching Resources
Materials and Manuals by the teachers are availables at ARIEL website
C. Klein, A.R. Philpotts Earth Materials, Cambridge ed.
Tucker, The field description of Sedimentary Rocks, Geological Society of London ed.
Bosellini, Mutti, Ricci Lucchi Rocce e successioni sedimentarie (UTET ed.)
Assessment methods and Criteria
The test concerns written open questions on general mineralogy and description and identification of three macroscopic samples of minerals of geological and economical relevance.
GEO/06 - MINERALOGY - University credits: 3
GEO/07 - PETROLOGY AND PETROGRAPHY - University credits: 4
Field activity: 12 hours
Practicals: 72 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
Turno I A Laboratorio Rocce
Professor: Tumiati Simone
Turno I B Laboratorio Rocce
Professor: Bersezio Riccardo
Turno I Laboratorio Mineralogia
Professor: Merlini Marco
Turno II A Laboratorio Rocce
Professor: Tumiati Simone
Turno II B Laboratorio Rocce
Professor: Bersezio Riccardo
Turno II Laboratorio Minerali
Professor: Merlini Marco
Everyday 8.30 am - 6.30 pm
Earth Science Department, via Mangiagalli 34, 3rd floor
Monday-Friday with appointment
Via Botticelli 23 - office first floor
Ask for an appointment via email
Via Mangiagalli 34, 3rd floor
Mon-Fri, 9-11.
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra "Ardito Desio", Via L. Mangiagalli 34, 20133 Milano