
A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to generate the essential knowledge for a suitable learning of all the disciplines related to the Earth Sciences. Minerals are, in fact, fundamental components of the rocks, which, in turn, are derived from particular geological processes, each with its own evolution. Knowing structure, symmetry and chemical composition of minerals means understanding in a deeper way the processes in earth science.
Expected learning outcomes
The students will be able, from the practical point of view, to recognize massive minerals and their crystal system. From the theoretical point of view, they will know the main families (silicates and non-silicates) of rock-forming minerals.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
1) crystal chemistry: chemical composition of the crust, atoms and ions, ionic radius, oxidation numbers, cubic and hexagonal close packing, Pauling's rules, common structures. Solid solutions (substitutional, interstitial). Colours in minerals and gemmology (basics).
2) crystallography: symmetry elements without translation and their combinations (32 point groups). Symmetry elements typical of the six crystal systems. MIller's index. Difference between form and crystal habit. Twinning. Translations and lattices (basics).
3) analytical techniques: chemical analysis (atomic absorption, X-ray fluorescence, electronic microprobe), X-ray powder diffraction, polarised light microscope.
4) systematic mineralogy: silicates and non-silicates, main rock forming minerals.
Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of maths, physics and chemistry.
Teaching methods
Traditional lectures, sometimes using slides, sometimes using the whiteboard. 3D movies of minerals will be used during the lectures. Web sites will be used during lectures for a better understanding of the subject. At the end of each lecture, the students will be asked to reply (in an anonymous way) on-line to some questions regarding the lecture, for a quick check of their understanding. Some of the lectures will be more interactive by using one of the softwares that asks questions 'live' to the audience (anonymously).
Teaching Resources
sito MyAriel (https://myariel.unimi.it/course/view.php?id=2844)
Choose any one from the list:
1) OPEN source book https://opengeology.org/Mineralogy/
2) Cornelis Klein, Mineralogia, Zanichelli
3) Cornelis Klein, Anthony Philpotts, Earth materials, Cambridge university press
4) Klein, Philpotts, Mineralogia e petrografia, Zanichelli
Assessment methods and Criteria
Exam: one practical exam and one written exam (to be taken in the preferred order, even in the same day)
- practical exam: description and recognition of one or more minerals, plus recognition of a 3D symmetry.
- written exam with open questions. The exam must be finished within 70 minutes.
Rating parameters: ability of reasoning and deduction, specific language skills, knowledge of the main aspects of mineralogy
Rating type will be out of 30. Periodic table can be used during the exam.
The final mark will be the average of two marks, weighted with the same proportion as the CFU of the course (5:1 theory: practice). The results of the two parts of the exam will remain valid for the whole academic year.
Results communication: on Ariel with the registration number only. Students can accept or refuse the mark, and they can ask for an additional oral examination on the whole program (the mark will be averaged with the previous one).
GEO/06 - MINERALOGY - University credits: 6
Practicals with elements of theory: 12 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Dapiaggi Monica
turno 1
Professor: Dapiaggi Monica
turno 2
Professor: Marinoni Nicoletta
turno 3
Professor: Marinoni Nicoletta
turno 4
Professor: Dapiaggi Monica
anytime, just send an email with the request
office, first floor, via Botticelli 23