A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with the basics of microeconomics. It aims to provide students with a general understanding of the theory of consumer choice (in the context of utility maximizing), the theory of firms decisions as regards the dual problem of maximizing production and cost minimization. Finally, the course provides students with the knowledge of different market structures. The goal is to supply students with instruments to understand the actual markets where consumers and companies interact. The students, at the end of the course, will be able to define and to investigate the real world.
Expected learning outcomes
The students will be able to analyze the real markets where companies and consumers interact, with a special focus on imperfect competition due to the strong interdependence among companies that characterizes the majority of markets in the real world. The students will gain the critical capacity of evaluating information supplied by newspapers, TV and social network, as regards interactions between companies and consumers. The critical capacity obtained at the end of the course will allow students to compare different studies and different analyses: studies with an impartial interpretation of data and analyses where there are potential attempts to manipulate data. Moreover, the students should be able to develop their own analysis in a critical way.
Lesson period: Third trimester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Lesson period
Third trimester
Course syllabus
1) What does microeconomics study?
the production function
international trade
2) demand curve and supply curve
elasticity of demand curve
3) market equilibrium
4) taxations
5) consumer theory
indifference curve
budget costraint
the best choice for consumers
6) firm's theory
cost curves in the short and long period.
the best choice for producers
7) different market structures
perfect competition
8) different oligopoly models, cartels
9) Public goods
10) Externalities
the production function
international trade
2) demand curve and supply curve
elasticity of demand curve
3) market equilibrium
4) taxations
5) consumer theory
indifference curve
budget costraint
the best choice for consumers
6) firm's theory
cost curves in the short and long period.
the best choice for producers
7) different market structures
perfect competition
8) different oligopoly models, cartels
9) Public goods
10) Externalities
Prerequisites for admission
some element of mathematics
Teaching methods
Frontal lectures , some invited guests on topics connected with the course.
Exercises with an assistant professor.
Exercises with an assistant professor.
Teaching Resources
Paul Krugman e Robin Wells, Microeconomia, Zanichelli
Assessment methods and Criteria
written examination with multiple choice answers: both theoretical question and both exercises
SECS-P/01 - ECONOMICS - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Giorgetti Maria Letizia
Giorgetti Maria LetiziaL-Z
Lesson period
Third trimester
Course syllabus
1) What does microeconomics study?
the production function
international trade
2) demand curve and supply curve
elasticity of demand curve
3) market equilibrium
4) taxations
5) consumer theory
indifference curve
budget costraint
the best choice for consumers
6) firm's theory
cost curves in the short and long period.
the best choice for producers
7) different market structures
perfect competition
8) different oligopoly models, cartels
9) Public goods
10) Externalities
the production function
international trade
2) demand curve and supply curve
elasticity of demand curve
3) market equilibrium
4) taxations
5) consumer theory
indifference curve
budget costraint
the best choice for consumers
6) firm's theory
cost curves in the short and long period.
the best choice for producers
7) different market structures
perfect competition
8) different oligopoly models, cartels
9) Public goods
10) Externalities
Prerequisites for admission
some element of mathematics
Teaching methods
Frontal lectures, some invited guests on topics connected with the course.
Exercises with an assistant professor.
Exercises with an assistant professor.
Teaching Resources
Paul Krugman e Robin Wells, Microeconomia, Zanichelli
Assessment methods and Criteria
written examination multiple choice: theoretical questions and exercises
11.30 a.m-13.30 a.m.,Thursday
aula 9- 2° piano via Conservatorio, 7