Microbiology and Hygiene

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
MED/07 MED/42
Learning objectives
The course is designed to provide students with:
1. A general picture of health determinants, of the etiological agents involved in the onset of infectious diseases (viruses, prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms), of the natural history and epidemiology of diseases and their prevention.
2. Basic notions and terminology necessary for understanding the microorganism-host relationship, microbial virulence factors that mediate pathogenicity, preventive measures and microbial growth control tools.
3. Useful tools for assessing food safety throughout the production process.
4. Knowledge about the impact on health of lifestyles and, in particular, eating habits.
Expected learning outcomes
The student will know the general context of the pathogenetic mechanisms and routes of infections and will understand how microorganisms can contribute to the health (microbiota) or disease status of the host.
He will also know the basic characteristics of epidemiology and prevention of diseases, with particular attention to foodborne diseases of significant impact in Italy and in Europe.
Finally, he will acquire knowledge on the impact of lifestyles, and in particular on eating habits, on the health of the individual and the community.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge is required
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists in a written test with 40 multiple-choice questions on the topics covered by the program according to the disciplinary modules 8 MCQs/ECTS).
Passing the test will result in a mark expressed in thirtieths (0.75 points/MCQ); wrong questions do not give negative score. No intermediate tests are planned.
Microbiology and clinical microbiology
Course syllabus
- General characteristics of bacteria (prokaryotic cell, bacterial pathogenicity, antibacterial drugs)
- General characteristics of animal viruses (structure and classification, replication cycle, viral pathogenic action)
- General characteristics of fungi (structure of the fungal cell, yeasts and filamentous fungi
- General characteristics of single- and multicellular parasites (protozoa and helminths)
- Microbiota (composition, main functions, role in health and disease)
- Microbiology of food and drinks (microbiological contamination of food, quality, safety and risk indicators)
- Foodborne bacterial infections (Salmonellosis, Shigellosis, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Campylobacter, Yersinia enterocolitica and Escherichia coli, Brucellosis, Listeriosis)
- Foodborne viral infections (Norovirus, HAV, HEV, Enterovirus)
- Bacterial intoxication (Botulism, staphylococcal poisoning)
- Intoxication by toxins produced by microscopic fungi (mycotoxicosis)
- Intoxication due to histamine release (sgombroid syndrome)
- Parasite-related syndromes
Teaching methods
The program will be carried out through lectures (2 ECTS) with the help of teaching material (slides and/or videos).
Teaching Resources
1. Patrick R. Murray, Ken S. Rosenthal, Michael A. Pfaller: Microbiologia Medica, Edra Masson, Milano
2. Microbiologia Clinica. IV edizione.E Lanciotti. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
- Epidemiology (health and health determinants, causes and risk factors, measures in epidemiology, indicators of the health status of the population, epidemiological methodology)
- Health prevention and promotion: principles and methods; prevention of non-communicable diseases (screening) and communicable diseases (notification and surveillance, isolation, diagnostic assessment, disinfection and sterilization, vaccines and vaccinations)
- Foodborne diseases: etiology and epidemiology; epidemiological surveillance systems (general and special); the study of food-borne outbreaks; the burden of food-borne diseases in Italy and in Europe; main food contaminants (biological, chemical, physical) and associated risks; food contamination routes (endogenous and exogenous); environmental hygiene and hygiene of personnel in the food sector; prevention and control of foodborne diseases
Teaching methods
The program will be carried out through lectures (4 CFU) with the help of teaching material (slides and/or videos).
Teaching Resources
1. Roggi C., Turconi G. Igiene degli alimenti e nutrizione umana. La sicurezza alimentare. EMSI, Roma
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 3
Lessons: 30 hours
Professor: Amendola Antonella
Professor: Amendola Antonella
Microbiology and clinical microbiology
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Ottaviano Emerenziana