Medical and Surgical Sciences 2

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
MED/31 MED/32
Learning objectives
- The purpose of the course is:
- To know the therapeutic possibilities of prosthetic nature of childhood and adult deafness
- To know the main oto-surgical interventions
- To know the phoniatric diseases (articulation disorders, primary and secondary language disorders) in childhood and adulthood
and their diagnostic and rehabilitative principles.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will possess the knowledge related to the clinical pictures of the main language disorders in childhood and adulthood and to the main surgical and prosthetic interventions related to ear and hearing disorders.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge on anatomy and physiology of the hearing system, anatomy of the central nervous system, child language and motor development, bilingualism
Assessment methods and Criteria
The assessment of the acquired knowledge will be
through written test with 90 multiple choice questions, 30 for the Phoniatrics module, 30 for the Otology module and 30 for the Audiology module. The expected duration is 1 minute for each question. The expected duration of the test will be 150 minutes.
The assessment criteria are the ability to list and organize the knowledge acquired as well as their application for the resolution of short questions.
The grade will be expressed in thirties and will be the result obtained by the weighted average of the three courses. No intermediate test are planned. The results the final test will be communicated to the students by email.
Course syllabus
- Surgery of the timpanic membrane and of the ossicular chain
- Surgery of otosclerosis
- Cochelar implants
- Implantable hearing devices
Teaching methods
Lectures. All the lectures are supported by PowerPoint presentations
Teaching Resources
Pignataro L, Cesarani A, Felisati G, Schindler A. Trattato di Otorinolaringoiatria e audiologia. EdiSes, 2012
Course syllabus
Conductive and sensorineural hearing loss.
- Outer ear disorders
- Middle ear disorders (otosclerosis, otitis media with effusion; acute otitis media; timpanosclerosis; colesteatoma)
- Cochlear and retrocochlear disorders (sudden deafness, acoustic trauma, acoustic neuroma)
- Hearing loss in children
- Hearing loss in the elderly
- Basic anatomy and physiology of the vestibular system. Vertigo and balance disorders: principles of assessment and treatment.
Teaching methods
-Lectures. All the lectures are supported by PowerPoint presentations
Teaching Resources
- Pignataro L, Cesarani A, Felisati G, Schindler A. Trattato di Otorinolaringoiatria e audiologia. EdiSes, 2012
Phoniatry: primary and secondary language disorders
Course syllabus
- Aphasia: etiology, types, diagnostic models and principles of rehabilitation
- Specific language disorders; subtypes and diagnostic creiteria
- Mental retardation: etiology and diagnostic principles
- Autism spectrum disorders: diagnostic principles
- Rehabilitation management of language diorders in the child deaf
- Languge development in the bilingual/bicultural child
- Clinical management of the bilingual child with primary or secondary language disorders
Teaching methods
Lectures. All the lectures are supported by PowerPoint presentations
Teaching Resources
Ruoppolo G, Schindler A, Amitrano A, Genovese E. Manuale di Foniatria e Logopedia. Società Editrice Universo, 2012
-Schindler A, Miletto AM. Il paziente afasico. Valutazione Multifattoriale. Ed. Omega, 2005.
MED/32 - AUDIOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Di Berardino Federica
MED/31 - OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Saibene Alberto Maria
Phoniatry: primary and secondary language disorders
MED/32 - AUDIOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Schindler Antonio
Professor: Schindler Antonio
Friday 11.00-12.00
Via Pace 9 - Audiology Unit - "Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico" hospital
Wednesday afternoon, starting 2 p.m. - email contact for scheduling required
Otorinolaringology department, 9th floor, building B, San Paolo hospital, Milan