Marketing to Breeding
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
Knowledge of the consumers analysis therory and techniques.
Knowledge of the main marketing theory and techniques.
Knowledge of the software for on line and in person survey.
Knowledge of the business plan and techniques.
Knowledge of the main marketing theory and techniques.
Knowledge of the software for on line and in person survey.
Knowledge of the business plan and techniques.
Expected learning outcomes
Acquire skills to understand and measure the consumers' behavior and attitudes.
Acquire skills to develop and distribute questionnaires using specific software.
Acquire skills to analyse data and perform statistical analysis using specific software.
Acquire skills to develop market segmentation and targeting.
Develop a simplified business plan and a marketing strategy.
Acquire skills to develop and distribute questionnaires using specific software.
Acquire skills to analyse data and perform statistical analysis using specific software.
Acquire skills to develop market segmentation and targeting.
Develop a simplified business plan and a marketing strategy.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
1. Analysis of consumer behavior
1.1. Consumer Behavior Theory
1.2. Elements to enhance the value of the consumer
1.3. Quantitative and qualitative methods for analyzing consumer behavior
2. Marketing
2.1 New Product Development
2.2. Pricing
2.3. Distribution channels
2.4. Promotion
3. Business plan
1.1. Consumer Behavior Theory
1.2. Elements to enhance the value of the consumer
1.3. Quantitative and qualitative methods for analyzing consumer behavior
2. Marketing
2.1 New Product Development
2.2. Pricing
2.3. Distribution channels
2.4. Promotion
3. Business plan
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of essentials of economics
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons and projecting
Students with specific learning disabilities or other disabilities are requested to contact the teacher via email at least 15 days before the exam session to agree on any personal compensatory measure. In the email addressed to the teacher, the respective University services must be reported in CC: [email protected] (for students with LD) and [email protected] (for students with other disabilities).
Students with specific learning disabilities or other disabilities are requested to contact the teacher via email at least 15 days before the exam session to agree on any personal compensatory measure. In the email addressed to the teacher, the respective University services must be reported in CC: [email protected] (for students with LD) and [email protected] (for students with other disabilities).
Teaching Resources
Materials provided by the teacher (e.g. slides, scientific papers, reports, etc.)
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral examination
Lessons: 48 hours
Corsi Stefano
Corsi StefanoProfessor(s)