Many Body Theory 1
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The main objective of the course is to provide an accurate presentation of important techniques needed in the study of many-particle systems in condensed matter, statistical mechanics, nuclear physics. It is a course in non-relativisti, low-energy field theory, with many particles. The main topics are: second quantization, Hartree-Fock equations, the Gell-Mann and Low theorem, Wick's theorem, time-ordered and retarded Green functions, Feynman's diagrams, Dyson equations and resummation of Hartree and RPA terms, Hedin's equations, linear response theory, quasiparticles. The theory is illustrated by applications to
The homogeneous electron gas.
The homogeneous electron gas.
Expected learning outcomes
To write operators in second quantization.
The comprehension of the Hartree Fock approximation, and knowledge of the HF properties of the electron gas.
The meaning of T-ordered and retarded Green funcions, and their relation in frequency space. To evaluate a Lehmann expansion.
To pass from an equation of motion to a Dyson equation. The structure of poles and their meaning.
The meaning of normal ordering and contraction, and the conditions for the validity of Wick's theorem, evaluation of correlators.
Knowledge of the Feynman rules and their origin. To write the analytic expression of a Feynman diagram in x and k spaces.
Meaning of the generalized dielectric function, and of the RPA approximation.
To know and apply the linear response theory.
Evaluate the effective mass and the dispersion law of a quasiparticle.
The comprehension of the Hartree Fock approximation, and knowledge of the HF properties of the electron gas.
The meaning of T-ordered and retarded Green funcions, and their relation in frequency space. To evaluate a Lehmann expansion.
To pass from an equation of motion to a Dyson equation. The structure of poles and their meaning.
The meaning of normal ordering and contraction, and the conditions for the validity of Wick's theorem, evaluation of correlators.
Knowledge of the Feynman rules and their origin. To write the analytic expression of a Feynman diagram in x and k spaces.
Meaning of the generalized dielectric function, and of the RPA approximation.
To know and apply the linear response theory.
Evaluate the effective mass and the dispersion law of a quasiparticle.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Second quantization. Field operators.
Hartree-Fock and Thomas-Fermi approximations.
Green functions for fermions in ground state.
Gell-Mann and Low theorem and reduction formula.
Wick's theorem and Feynman's diagrammatic expansion. Self-energy, polarisation, effective potential vertex function.
Hedin's equations.
Lehmann's expansion and retarded functions.
Linear response. Applications to the interacting electron gas (RPA, screening, plasma oscillations, total energy).
Poles and quasiparticles.
Hartree-Fock and Thomas-Fermi approximations.
Green functions for fermions in ground state.
Gell-Mann and Low theorem and reduction formula.
Wick's theorem and Feynman's diagrammatic expansion. Self-energy, polarisation, effective potential vertex function.
Hedin's equations.
Lehmann's expansion and retarded functions.
Linear response. Applications to the interacting electron gas (RPA, screening, plasma oscillations, total energy).
Poles and quasiparticles.
Prerequisites for admission
- Basics of structure of matter (Fermi gas, dielectric function, specific heat)
- Basics of mathematical methods (complex integration and residues, Fourier transform, convolution, Euler's Gamma function, distributions)
- Basics of quantum mechanics (harmonic oscillator, H atom, Dirac's formalism, Heisenberg and interaction pictures, Dyson expansion of propagator, translations and rotations, spin and Pauli matrices, identical particles)
- Basics of mathematical methods (complex integration and residues, Fourier transform, convolution, Euler's Gamma function, distributions)
- Basics of quantum mechanics (harmonic oscillator, H atom, Dirac's formalism, Heisenberg and interaction pictures, Dyson expansion of propagator, translations and rotations, spin and Pauli matrices, identical particles)
Teaching methods
Lesson with blackboard (if the lesson is online the presentation will be live use of graphic tablet. Written notes, tablet screenshots and recording are available in ARIEL repository)
Teaching Resources
Online notes: and posted in ARIEL
Main textbook: Fetter e Walecka, Quantum theory of Many Particle Systems reprint Dover Ed.
During the course some specific books and readings are suggested.
Main textbook: Fetter e Walecka, Quantum theory of Many Particle Systems reprint Dover Ed.
During the course some specific books and readings are suggested.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral colloquium of about 1H duration, with discussion of 3 written exercises (prepared at home and freely chosen among proposed ones, or from the textbook), discussion of a free topic of the program, followed by questions to ascertain comprehension of main aspects of the course, orders of magnitude and links with other courses.
Lessons: 42 hours
Molinari Luca Guido
Educational website(s)