Management of Corporate Disputes
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
I risultati di apprendimento attesi sono i seguenti : i) comprensione dei principali istituti della materia e della metodologia specifica della tutela giurisdizionale civile; ii) acquisizione di una buona capacità di comprensione del lessico specialistico e del suo appropriato utilizzo; iii) comprensione del rapporto funzionale della tutela processuale rispetto ai diritti soggettivi; iv) capacità di individuazione degli opportuni strumenti di risoluzione, giudiziali e stragiudiziali, del contenzioso civile e commerciale.
Expected learning outcomes
The expected learning outcomes are the following: i) understanding of the main institutes of the subject and of the specific methodology of civil judicial protection; ii) acquisition of a good understanding of the specialised vocabulary and its appropriate use; iii) understanding of the functional relationship of procedural protection with respect to subjective rights; iv) ability to identify the appropriate means of judicial and extrajudicial resolution of civil and commercial litigation.
Lesson period: Second trimester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second trimester
Course syllabus
PART I (40 h)
The types of actions: cognition, precautionary and enforcement proceedings. - Constitutional, European and supranational principles on judicial protection: the right of action, the right of defense, the impartiality of the judge, the adversarial principle, the fair trial, the reasonable length of the trial, the reasoning of judgements, the extraordinary appeal in the Court of Cassation. - The judicial protection: ascertainment, condamntaion and constitutive proceedings. - The jurisdiction. - The competence. - Internal and international lis pendens. - The parties: procedural capacity, legitimacy to act and interest to act. - The claim - Defendants' defenses. - The role of the Public Procecutor in civil litigation - The multiparties proceedings. - The nullity of the acts. - Res iudicata and its objective, subjective and temporal limits. - Notifications and communications.
II PART (20 h)
Elements on insolvency law - Class action - Civil and commercial mediation and negotiazion assisted by lawyers
The types of actions: cognition, precautionary and enforcement proceedings. - Constitutional, European and supranational principles on judicial protection: the right of action, the right of defense, the impartiality of the judge, the adversarial principle, the fair trial, the reasonable length of the trial, the reasoning of judgements, the extraordinary appeal in the Court of Cassation. - The judicial protection: ascertainment, condamntaion and constitutive proceedings. - The jurisdiction. - The competence. - Internal and international lis pendens. - The parties: procedural capacity, legitimacy to act and interest to act. - The claim - Defendants' defenses. - The role of the Public Procecutor in civil litigation - The multiparties proceedings. - The nullity of the acts. - Res iudicata and its objective, subjective and temporal limits. - Notifications and communications.
II PART (20 h)
Elements on insolvency law - Class action - Civil and commercial mediation and negotiazion assisted by lawyers
Prerequisites for admission
For the useful attendance of the course, a basic knowledge of the fundamental institutes of private law and public law is required.
Teaching methods
The course consists in frontal lectures, during which the application of the law offered by Italian and supranational case law will also be examined and students' active participation in the course will be encouraged.
The judgements illustrated in class and any further in-depth material available to students will be available on the Ariel website of the course.
The judgements illustrated in class and any further in-depth material available to students will be available on the Ariel website of the course.
Teaching Resources
- E. Merlin, Elementi di diritto processuale civile. Parte generale, Giappichelli, 2022, with exclusion of chapters XII, XV, XVI, XVIII
or, in the alternative,
F. Danovi, L. Salvaneschi, Diritto processuale civile. I principi, Milano, 2023, with exclusion of chapters XVI e XVIII.
S. Di Amato, Diritto della crisi di impresa, last edition, only chapters I, II e IV
F.P. Luiso, Diritto processuale civile, voll. IV e V, only the chapters on the themes in the program.
- E. Merlin, Elementi di diritto processuale civile. Parte generale, Giappichelli, 2022, with exclusion of chapters XII, XV, XVI, XVIII
or, in the alternative,
F. Danovi, L. Salvaneschi, Diritto processuale civile. I principi, Milano, 2023, with exclusion of chapters XVI e XVIII.
S. Di Amato, Diritto della crisi di impresa, last edition, only chapters I, II e IV
F.P. Luiso, Diritto processuale civile, voll. IV e V, only the chapters on the themes in the program.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an oral interview, aimed at verifying the student's knowledge of the program topics and the ability to understand the underlying problems. The criteria for the evaluation will take into account the correctness of the contents, the argumentative clarity, the use of the appropriate language.
Educational website(s)
Friday h. 9
Microsoft Teams