Management (Constitutional law, Business administration, Sociology of economy and labour, Statistics)
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course provides knowledge of the basic elements for understanding the work contexts in which the dental hygienist will operate, both public and private, in relation to institutional and regulatory aspects. It provides the tools to communicate effectively. The course teaches the use of information technology to perform data collection and simple statistical analysis for health research.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course students have the knowledge to understand the health sector in which they work and will have adequate preparation in the tools of organization and management of their work.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge is required
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam will be performed as an oral assessment. To access the final exam, it is necessary to pass preliminary written tests in multiple choice or open questions test.
Public law
Course syllabus
Outlines of general theory of law
The Italian Republic legislation
Territorial autonomies
Fundamental rights
Insights into the health field
The Italian Republic legislation
Territorial autonomies
Fundamental rights
Insights into the health field
Teaching methods
Frontal lectures with case study discussion in small groups and film clips.
Teaching Resources
Barbera, Fusaro- Corso di diritto pubblico - Il Mulino
Organization studies
Course syllabus
1. The company system.
The notions of institutions, company, enterprise and organization (in the healthcare sector).
2. The companies of the National Health Service.
Corporatization in public healthcare. Classifications of NHS companies.
The management autonomy of companies. The Company's bodies.
3. The organizational structure and organizational design in healthcare.
Notions, organizational problems, the micro and macro levels, the underlying tensions to be balanced.
Case analysis: analysis of some organizational charts of healthcare organizations.
4. The organization of the health services company
The notion of service, the production process and the service management system, the service culture, the H.R. management in the provision of services.
5. Process management and Lean management in healthcare.
6. Change management.
7. Organizational behavior.
The mechanisms of motivation.
Conflict management.
Authority and Leadership.
The notions of institutions, company, enterprise and organization (in the healthcare sector).
2. The companies of the National Health Service.
Corporatization in public healthcare. Classifications of NHS companies.
The management autonomy of companies. The Company's bodies.
3. The organizational structure and organizational design in healthcare.
Notions, organizational problems, the micro and macro levels, the underlying tensions to be balanced.
Case analysis: analysis of some organizational charts of healthcare organizations.
4. The organization of the health services company
The notion of service, the production process and the service management system, the service culture, the H.R. management in the provision of services.
5. Process management and Lean management in healthcare.
6. Change management.
7. Organizational behavior.
The mechanisms of motivation.
Conflict management.
Authority and Leadership.
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Slides and didactic material given or proposed during the course
Work and Organizational Psychology
Course syllabus
Work in different disciplinary contexts
Origins, developments and perspectives of occupational psychology
Work performance and its evaluation
The potential
Professional skills
Values, needs and psychological contract
The working group
Organizational cultures
Work motivation theories
Decision-making models in organizations
Job satisfaction
stress, burnout, mobbing
Organizational coexistence
Chronic diseases and return to work
Origins, developments and perspectives of occupational psychology
Work performance and its evaluation
The potential
Professional skills
Values, needs and psychological contract
The working group
Organizational cultures
Work motivation theories
Decision-making models in organizations
Job satisfaction
stress, burnout, mobbing
Organizational coexistence
Chronic diseases and return to work
Teaching methods
Frontal lectures using slides, exercises, teamwork and viewing of film and video.
Teaching Resources
The teacher provides slides that comprehensive retrace the topics covered in the lesson. The adoption of the text is no required. For any further information that the student deems appropriate it is recommended: Avallone F. 2011 Psicologia del lavoro e delle organizzazioni, Roma Carocci Editore.
Information processing systems
Course syllabus
Cumulative Incidence and Incidence Rate
Epidemiological Study Design - Descriptive and Analitycal studies (Cohort, Case-control, Cross-Sectional)
Measure of Association
Randomized Clinical Trials
Screening methods
Epidemiological Study Design - Descriptive and Analitycal studies (Cohort, Case-control, Cross-Sectional)
Measure of Association
Randomized Clinical Trials
Screening methods
Teaching methods
LECTURES, Interactive electronic supports.
Teaching Resources
Epidemiologia di base R. Beaglehole, R. Bonita, T. Kjellstrom (WHO, Geneva, 1993; Ed. Italiana: Editoriale Folini, 2003)
Statistica medica, Martin Bland (Ed. apogeo, 2009)
Statistica medica, Martin Bland (Ed. apogeo, 2009)
Statistics for experimental and technological research
Course syllabus
Clinical Critical Question
Descriptive and Inferential Statistics
Sample Distribution
Descriptive and Inferential Statistics
Sample Distribution
Teaching methods
LECTURES, Interactive electronic supports.
Teaching Resources
La conoscenza condivisa, verso un nuovo modello di organizzazione aziendale. Guido Zaccarelli. Franco Angeli.
Biostatistica clinica. Una introduzione alla evidence-based medicine. Graham Dunn, Brian Everitt. Pensiero scientifico (1999).
Dove sono le prove: una migliore ricerca per una migliore assistenza (
Biostatistica clinica. Una introduzione alla evidence-based medicine. Graham Dunn, Brian Everitt. Pensiero scientifico (1999).
Dove sono le prove: una migliore ricerca per una migliore assistenza (
Information processing systems
Lessons: 10 hours
Muti Paola Cornelia Maria
Organization studies
Lessons: 20 hours
Botta Matteo
Public law
IUS/09 - PUBLIC LAW - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Ciocia Paolo
Statistics for experimental and technological research
Lessons: 20 hours
Muti Paola Cornelia Maria
Work and Organizational Psychology
Lessons: 20 hours
Di Bisceglie Mjriam