Locomotor System and Physics and Rehabilitation Medicine 1 (second year)

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
MED/33 MED/34
Learning objectives
Knowledge of the etiology, diagnosis and therapeutic principles of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system, with particular regard to their manifestations affecting the lower limb and foot;
Expected learning outcomes
knowing how to manage the clinical case in its entirety. Using the knowledge acquired in the three years of teaching, make a clinical reasoning based on EBM, choosing the best therapeutic path for the patient based on the clinical picture
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
Notions of general anatomy, physiology and physiopathology are required
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exams will take place with a written test with open questions possibly supplemented with an oral examination always oriented to test the student's ability to know the pathologies described during lessons
Musculoskeletal system diseases
Course syllabus
Anatomy of the foot, ankle and leg.
- Physiology of foot, ankle and leg. history of foot and ankle biomechanics; outline of classical mechanics and musculotendinous physiology.
- Study of foot and ankle biomechanics (static and dynamic).
- Biomechanics of the physiological step (study of the determinants of walking, oscillations of the center of body mass, study of the role of the individual joints of the lower limb in the path, muscle activity).
- Biomechanics of the pathological step (excess of pronation and supination and compensation mechanisms, origin of the most common deformities of the foot and structuring mechanisms).
Running and jumping biomechanics.
- The main pathologies affecting the foot and ankle.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Teaching Resources
· R. L. Valmassy, Clinical bionechanics of the lower extremities, Mosby, 1996
· Merton L. Root, W. Orien, J. Weed La funzionalità del piede normale e patologico, volume I, Ed. Piccin 1971
· Merton L. Root, W. Orien, J. Weed La funzionalità del piede normale e patologico, volume II, Ed. Piccin 1971
· Donatelli, The biomechanics of the foot and ankle 1990
· Michaud, Foot orthoses and other forms of conservative foot care, 1997

· Recent advances in orthotic therapy improving clinical outcomes with a pathology specific approach paul r. scherer, dpm, ms
· Guida ai sentieri del corpo. Andrew Biel. Edi ermers
· Netter. Atlante di anatomia umana, Frank H. Netter

· Anatomia umana, Frederic H. Martini

· Le catene muscolari. Vol. 1; 2; 3; 4; 5, Léopold Busquet

· Chinesiologia del sistema muscolo scheletrico, fondamenti per la riabilitazione, Neumann Donald A.

· Anatomia funzionale 1-2-3 vol. I. A. Kapandji (Autore), P. A. Pagani, Marguier M.-C.
Physical and rehabilitation medicine
Course syllabus
Physiotherapeutic treatments of foot pathology:
Flat foot (adult / children), hollow foot, metatarsalgia, diabetic foot, foot trauma, Achilles tendon pathologies, congenital deformities, hallux valgus, hallux rigidus, axial deviations lower limbs.
- Foot surgery in the child.
- Foot surgery in adults.
- Foot and leg amputations.
- Physiotherapeutic treatments of foot pathology.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Teaching Resources
Chinesiologia del sistema muscolo scheletrico, fondamenti per la riabilitazione, Neumann Donald A.
· Anatomia funzionale 1-2-3 vol. I. A. Kapandji (Autore), P. A. Pagani, Marguier M.-C.
Musculoskeletal system diseases
MED/33 - ORTHOPAEDICS - University credits: 3
Lessons: 30 hours
Professor: Corradini Costantino
Physical and rehabilitation medicine
Lessons: 30 hours
Professor: Negrini Stefano
Professor: Negrini Stefano