A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course aims at providing a basic training and learning in Linguistics, and it leads to further deepening either in the field of linguistic sciences, or in the reflection about the (phonological, morphosyntactic, lexical) structures of the languages of the world. The course aims at offering a deeper knowledge of the structural features (concerning the different levels of linguistic analysis) and of the main phenomena shown by natural languages, in such a way to observe and to describe them according to a synchronic and a diachronic approach, with regard to the perspectives and the approaches of the historical and comparative (mainly Indo-European), typological, and areal Linguistics. This should be done also taking into consideration the history of linguistic thought and the different theoretical models that have characterized the Western tradition.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge: At the end of the course, the student will be able to identify, describe and explain specific structural features and phenomena specifically exhibited by individual languages, following both a diachronic and synchronic approach, and she/he will have to link them to the general categories and to the topics of linguistic analysis and description, to classify them with regard to the different methods and hermeneutic approaches of linguistic disciplines.
Skills: At the end of the course, the student will be asked, and to describe the topics of the course with an adequate and precise metalanguage, in order to show a basic possession of the methodological instruments and the founding notions of linguistic sciences. The student should be able to identify and to explain clearly the specific empirical phenomena exhibited by the languages with her/his own words and within the theoretical and methodological coordinates suggested by the course.
Skills: At the end of the course, the student will be asked, and to describe the topics of the course with an adequate and precise metalanguage, in order to show a basic possession of the methodological instruments and the founding notions of linguistic sciences. The student should be able to identify and to explain clearly the specific empirical phenomena exhibited by the languages with her/his own words and within the theoretical and methodological coordinates suggested by the course.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Group A (A-D)
Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The course is entitled "The human language: synchrony and diachrony" and is structured in 3 parts:
Part A (20 hours, 3 cfu): The architecture of human language
Part B (20 hours, 3 cfu): Language change: aspects and issues
Part C (20 hours, 3 cfu): Indo-European comparative-historical linguistics: methods and results
The three parts are indivisible. The course takes place in the first semester.
The course aims to provide a general introduction to linguistics and ideally represents for the students the occasion to acquire the theoretical prerequisites necessary to face other courses focusing on language science or on the linguistic structure of single languages.
The topics presented the course deals with will provide to the students:
a) theoretical and empirical tools for the analysis of the human language, of its structures and of its use
b) knowledge of the metalinguistic terminology in use in linguistics now and in the past
c) awareness of language change and methodology to describe it
d) specific abilities in applying the comparative methods to Indo-European languages
This program is valid until February 2026.
Part A (20 hours, 3 cfu): The architecture of human language
Part B (20 hours, 3 cfu): Language change: aspects and issues
Part C (20 hours, 3 cfu): Indo-European comparative-historical linguistics: methods and results
The three parts are indivisible. The course takes place in the first semester.
The course aims to provide a general introduction to linguistics and ideally represents for the students the occasion to acquire the theoretical prerequisites necessary to face other courses focusing on language science or on the linguistic structure of single languages.
The topics presented the course deals with will provide to the students:
a) theoretical and empirical tools for the analysis of the human language, of its structures and of its use
b) knowledge of the metalinguistic terminology in use in linguistics now and in the past
c) awareness of language change and methodology to describe it
d) specific abilities in applying the comparative methods to Indo-European languages
This program is valid until February 2026.
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of Italian language.
Teaching methods
The course is held in Italian and adopts the following teaching methods: frontal lessons, with theoretical explanations and analysis and discussion of linguistic data.
Teaching Resources
G. Berruto - M. Cerruti, La linguistica. Un corso introduttivo, Novara, UTET Università, 2011 or later edtions.
- E. Banfi - N. Grandi, Lingue d'Europa. Elementi di storia e di tipologia linguistica, Roma, Carocci, 2003 or later edtions.
- F. Fanciullo, Introduzione alla linguistica storica, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013 or later edtions.
- G. Graffi, Breve storia della linguistica, Roma, Carocci, 2019, chapters 5-7 (L'Ottocento, La prima metà del Novecento, La linguistica contemporanea).
- teaching materials pubblished on the platfom Ariel.
Non attending students will replace the materials pubblished on the platform Ariel with the study of the following book:
- R. Lazzeroni (a cura di), Linguistica storica, Roma, Carocci, 2002 or later edtions, chapters I (R. Lazzeroni, Il mutamento linguistico), III (R. Gusmani, Interlinguistica) e V (E. De Felice, Onomastica)
Non-attending students are requested to meet prof. Andrea Scala during his office hours before starting to study the exam program.
- E. Banfi - N. Grandi, Lingue d'Europa. Elementi di storia e di tipologia linguistica, Roma, Carocci, 2003 or later edtions.
- F. Fanciullo, Introduzione alla linguistica storica, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013 or later edtions.
- G. Graffi, Breve storia della linguistica, Roma, Carocci, 2019, chapters 5-7 (L'Ottocento, La prima metà del Novecento, La linguistica contemporanea).
- teaching materials pubblished on the platfom Ariel.
Non attending students will replace the materials pubblished on the platform Ariel with the study of the following book:
- R. Lazzeroni (a cura di), Linguistica storica, Roma, Carocci, 2002 or later edtions, chapters I (R. Lazzeroni, Il mutamento linguistico), III (R. Gusmani, Interlinguistica) e V (E. De Felice, Onomastica)
Non-attending students are requested to meet prof. Andrea Scala during his office hours before starting to study the exam program.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final assessment will derive from an individual oral exam concerning the contents of the program. The exam language is Italian. During the exam the teacher will pose questions and will request the students to analyze properly linguistic data. The duration of the oral exam can vary, but is generally estimated in 30 mins. The oral exam aims to verify the knowledge acquired by the students in the basic topics of linguistics and their capability to apply methods of linguistic description and analysis to linguistic data both in synchronic and diachronic perspective. The final evaluation will be expressed in thirtieths and can be refused by the student (in that case the result of the exam will registered as "ritirato", i.e. retreated). 18/30 is the minimum grade to pass the exam. International students and Erasmus incoming students are invited to contact the teacher in charge of the course in a timely manner. The examination procedures for students with disabilities, including learning disabilities, must be agreed with the teacher, in agreement with the competent office.
Lessons: 60 hours
Scala Andrea
Group B (E-O)
Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The course is adressed to students of the Degree course in Lingue e letterature straniere whose surnames begin with the letters E-O, it takes place in the first semester. The course involves the compulsory acquisition of 9 credits, so students will comply with the complete program. Students who intend to acquire only 6 credits will agree on the program with the teacher.
The course will deal with the organs of phonation, phones production and phonetic representations (IPA and other phonetic transcription systems); the definition and organization of phonemes; the definition of linguistic significant units (morphemes) and the formation of words. It will also deal with the definition of phrases and the principles and processes that govern the structure of the sentence; the relationship between syntax and semantic-pragmatic aspects; the typological classification of languages based on the formation of words and the order of the major constituents of the sentence. It will deal also with the beginnings of historical-comparative linguistics and the clues that led to establishing relations between related languages and the "discovery" of language families. Reading of a text with linguistic analysis will constitute an example of the application of the theory.
The course will deal with the organs of phonation, phones production and phonetic representations (IPA and other phonetic transcription systems); the definition and organization of phonemes; the definition of linguistic significant units (morphemes) and the formation of words. It will also deal with the definition of phrases and the principles and processes that govern the structure of the sentence; the relationship between syntax and semantic-pragmatic aspects; the typological classification of languages based on the formation of words and the order of the major constituents of the sentence. It will deal also with the beginnings of historical-comparative linguistics and the clues that led to establishing relations between related languages and the "discovery" of language families. Reading of a text with linguistic analysis will constitute an example of the application of the theory.
Prerequisites for admission
The course is held entirely in Italian. The exam materials and bibliography presuppose grammatical skills that each student possesses in relation to the functioning of their own language, of other languages they have learned, and in the basic linguistic analysis skills acquired in lower study courses.
Teaching methods
The course adopts the following teaching methods: frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
To start orienting yourself on the topics covered, you can consult the following:
1)G. Graffi-S. Scalise, Le lingue e il linguaggio, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2a edizione (2003) o 3a edizione (2013), capp. 1-10.
2)P. Maturi, I suoni delle lingue, i suoni dell'italiano. Nuova introduzione alla fonetica (3a ed.), Bologna, il Mulino, 2014.
3) Dispensa cartacea, a cura del docente.
4)M. Frascarelli-F.Ramaglia-B.Corpina, Elementi di sintassi, Caissa Italia, 2014.
5)G.Graffi, Breve storia della linguistica, Roma, Carocci, 2019.
6)S.Luraghi, Introduzione alla linguistica storica, Roma, Carocci, 2006.
7) A.Nocentini, L'Europa linguistica, Firenze, Le Monnier, 2004.
The definitive program will be communicated on ARIEL at the beginning of the course.
1)G. Graffi-S. Scalise, Le lingue e il linguaggio, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2a edizione (2003) o 3a edizione (2013), capp. 1-10.
2)P. Maturi, I suoni delle lingue, i suoni dell'italiano. Nuova introduzione alla fonetica (3a ed.), Bologna, il Mulino, 2014.
3) Dispensa cartacea, a cura del docente.
4)M. Frascarelli-F.Ramaglia-B.Corpina, Elementi di sintassi, Caissa Italia, 2014.
5)G.Graffi, Breve storia della linguistica, Roma, Carocci, 2019.
6)S.Luraghi, Introduzione alla linguistica storica, Roma, Carocci, 2006.
7) A.Nocentini, L'Europa linguistica, Firenze, Le Monnier, 2004.
The definitive program will be communicated on ARIEL at the beginning of the course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an individual interview (in Italian), which includes questions asked by the teacher and interactions between the teacher and the student. The interview aims to verify knowledge of the topics covered during the course, the ability to identify and analyze the relevant phenomena and the precision in the use of specific terminology. International or Erasmus incoming students are invited to promptly contact the teacher. The examination procedures for students with disabilities and / or with DSA must be agreed with the teacher, in agreement with the competent Office.
Lessons: 60 hours
Vai Massimo
Group C (P-Z)
Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The course aims to provide a basic learning in Linguistics with regard to the main structural properties (pertaining to phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics) and phenomena of natural languages, proposed and observed according to either a synchronic or a diachronic approach, and to their specific metalanguage. This should be done also taking into consideration the history of Western Linguistics and the different theoretical models that have characterized it, such as historical-comparative paradigm, typological paradigm, and areal approach. The course also deals, for that reason, either with main structures and facts common to the Indo-European linguistic family, and with other fields and topics of historical Linguistics such as linguistic change, linguistic variation, and linguistic contact.
Prerequisites for admission
Prerequisites for admission: none.
Teaching methods
Teaching methods: the course (60 h 9 ECTS) is taught by frontal lessons in Italian (either in presence or online), and offers an oline tutoring to help students to consolidate their skills in Linguistics. Teaching materials will be available online on the 2024-2025 myAriel e-learning platform of the course, in order to give the students tools and occasions for a deeper reflection and critical awareness.
Teaching Resources
Part A:
. G. Berruto - M. Cerruti, La linguistica. "Un corso introduttivo. Terza edizione", Novara, UTET Università, 2022.
. E. Banfi - N. Grandi, "Lingue d'Europa. Elementi di storia e di tipologia linguistica", Roma, Carocci, new edition 2021.
. G. Graffi, "Breve storia della linguistica", Roma, Carocci, 2019, chapters 1, 5-7 (pp. 13-16, 107-230).
Part B:
. G. Berruto - M. Cerruti, "La linguistica. Un corso introduttivo. Terza edizione", Novara, UTET Università, 2022.
. E. Banfi - N. Grandi, "Lingue d'Europa. Elementi di storia e di tipologia linguistica", Roma, Carocci, new edition 2021.
Part C:
. G. Berruto - M. Cerruti, "La linguistica. Un corso introduttivo. Terza edizione", Novara, UTET Università, 2022.
. E. Banfi - N. Grandi, "Lingue d'Europa. Elementi di storia e di tipologia linguistica", Roma, Carocci, new edition 2021.
-To this bibliography, non-attending students will have to add:
. F. Fanciullo, "Introduzione alla linguistica storica. Quarta edizione", Bologna, Il Mulino, 2022.
Validity of the program: February 2026.
Part A:
. G. Berruto - M. Cerruti, La linguistica. "Un corso introduttivo. Terza edizione", Novara, UTET Università, 2022.
. E. Banfi - N. Grandi, "Lingue d'Europa. Elementi di storia e di tipologia linguistica", Roma, Carocci, new edition 2021.
. G. Graffi, "Breve storia della linguistica", Roma, Carocci, 2019, chapters 1, 5-7 (pp. 13-16, 107-230).
Part B:
. G. Berruto - M. Cerruti, "La linguistica. Un corso introduttivo. Terza edizione", Novara, UTET Università, 2022.
. E. Banfi - N. Grandi, "Lingue d'Europa. Elementi di storia e di tipologia linguistica", Roma, Carocci, new edition 2021.
Part C:
. G. Berruto - M. Cerruti, "La linguistica. Un corso introduttivo. Terza edizione", Novara, UTET Università, 2022.
. E. Banfi - N. Grandi, "Lingue d'Europa. Elementi di storia e di tipologia linguistica", Roma, Carocci, new edition 2021.
-To this bibliography, non-attending students will have to add:
. F. Fanciullo, "Introduzione alla linguistica storica. Quarta edizione", Bologna, Il Mulino, 2022.
Validity of the program: February 2026.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Assessments methods and criteria: for both attending students and non attending students the exam involves an oral, individual interview in Italian, in order to verify either learning outcomes concerning the specific topics proposed, or the ability to report them with critical and autonomous awareness, by using a precise and adequate metalanguage.
The course includes tutoring activities.
Attending students must take a written test in progress, during the course, concerning A and B parts of the program and including a phonetic transcription of an Italian word, by using IPA symbols. This written text in progress will be evaluated for the final vote. The final mark of the entire exam will be determined by making a weighted average of the mark obtained in the written test (parts A-B) and in the final interview (part C). Marks are out of 30; minimum passing grade 18/30. If the attending students fail the written test, the final oral exam will concern the whole program of the course (parts A-B-C).
Non attending students will take an oral interview corresponding to the A-B-C parts of the course and including the phonetic transcription of an Italian word, by using IPA symbols.
International or Erasmus incoming students are kindly requested to contact the teacher of the course. Also students with disabilities (SLD) should contact the teacher, in order to discuss alternative examination methods, in agreement with the competent Office.
The course includes tutoring activities.
Attending students must take a written test in progress, during the course, concerning A and B parts of the program and including a phonetic transcription of an Italian word, by using IPA symbols. This written text in progress will be evaluated for the final vote. The final mark of the entire exam will be determined by making a weighted average of the mark obtained in the written test (parts A-B) and in the final interview (part C). Marks are out of 30; minimum passing grade 18/30. If the attending students fail the written test, the final oral exam will concern the whole program of the course (parts A-B-C).
Non attending students will take an oral interview corresponding to the A-B-C parts of the course and including the phonetic transcription of an Italian word, by using IPA symbols.
International or Erasmus incoming students are kindly requested to contact the teacher of the course. Also students with disabilities (SLD) should contact the teacher, in order to discuss alternative examination methods, in agreement with the competent Office.
Lessons: 60 hours
Biondi Laura
Educational website(s)
Tuesday, 9.00-12.00 (First Semester). Tuesday, 16.30-18.30, Wednesday, 9.00-10.00 (II Semester)
Microsoft Teams Platform. Please, contact the teacher via email.