Life Sciences and Health Promotion

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
M-PSI/01 MED/42 MED/44 MED/50 SPS/10
Learning objectives
- Acquire the main knowledge related to the behavior and the main psychological functions people use to interact with the environment;
- Develop the ability to relate and communicate effectively and adequately with the individual and with the community, taking into account the cultural differences existing in multi-ethnic societies;
- Acquire the main knowledge concerning the environment-society relationship from the point of view of urban social systems, local communities and rural social systems;
- Know the theories and methods of education and health promotion of the individual and the community;
- Develop the ability to collaborate in the definition of communication methods, programs and training and information campaigns to promote health and safety in working and living environments.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student must be able to:
· Recognize risk factors in different working scenarios in agricultural settings, and biological risk in healthcare services;
· Implement "Health promotion" projects in the workplaces, including screening activities addressed at the relevant chronic and degenerative diseases.
· Organize the first aid system in a company
· Organize and implement training activities for the workers taking into account particular groups of workers (e.g: seasonal, migrants).
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge is required
Assessment methods and Criteria
The evaluation will be performed through a multiple-choice test or an open written test followed, for those who will be sufficient, by an oral evaluation.
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
Health education and health education: definitions, areas of intervention, analogies and differences
Reference theories for educational planning:
- Theory of reasoned action
- Ecological theory
- The diffusion theory of innovation
- Theory of stages of behavior change
- Social marketing theory
- Model precedes - proceeds
Intervention planning protocol:
- needs analysis
- targets
- constraints and resources
- definition of operating methods
- process evaluation
- efficacy evaluation
Research tools in health education:
- qualitative research
- quantitative research
Criteria for the construction of a questionnaire for educational interventions
Teaching methods
The course consists in lectures accompanied by moments of discussion and practical exercises in simulated scenarios
Teaching Resources
A.Pellai Educazione sanitaria, strategie educative e preventive per il paziente e la comunità. Piccin editore (2012)
Occupational medicine
Course syllabus
The concept of "Burden of Disease "for non-communicable diseases and of prevention in its three levels. The main actors of prevention in the occupational settings. Training workers and executives. Occupational risks: biological (in healthcare and non-healthcare structures); the risk of allergies. The organization of first aid in the company. Agriculture as an overall "case study" of what was presented in the course.
Teaching methods
The course consists in lectures accompanied by moments of discussion and practical exercises in simulated scenarios
Teaching Resources
Appunti e slides del docente
F.Auxilia/M. Pontello "Igiene Sanità Pubblica" - Salute e Ambiente A cura di P.A. Bertazzi , I. Grappasonni
Applied medical techniques
Course syllabus
1. Community diagnosis
2. Theories and reference models
3. How to develop a health education project
3.1 Knowledge of the problem
3.2 Identification of needs
3.3 Definition of educational objectives
3.4 Identification of the target population
3.5 Resources and constraints
3.6 Methods and subsides
3.7 Communications
3.8 Partner
3.9 Activity plan
3.10 Evaluation of results (process and result)
4. The qualitative interview (structured, semi-structured and unstructured)
5. The questionnaire (structure, administer and analyze)
6. The focus group
7. Basic techiniques for the production of information materials to support health education project(leaflets, brochures, posters, multimedia materials, etc.)
8. Life skills
9. Questionnaire and project exercise
Teaching methods
The course consists in lectures accompanied by moments of discussion and practical exercises in simulated scenarios
Teaching Resources
Auxilia e Pontello 2012 a cura di Pellai - Educazione Sanitaria. Strategie educative e preventive per il paziente e la comunità. Piccin editore
Letture consigliate:
· O.M.S., 1998. Glossario della Promozione della Salute
· O.M.S., 2006. Aggiornamento del Glossario O.M.S. della Promozione della Salute: nuovi termini
· Ragazzoni P., Di Pilato M., Longo R., Scarponi S., Tortone C., 2007. Gli stadi del cambiamento: storia, teoria ed applicazioni; Modello Transteorico Di Clemente e Prochaska. Centro Regionale di Documentazione per la Promozione della Salute, Regione Piemonte
· Reggio P.G., 2002. La valutazione qualitativa della formazione. Metodi Asscom & Aleph Milano
Siti consigliati:
· Regione Piemonte - Dors - Una Interpretazione Salutogenica Della Carta Di Ottawa.
General psychology
Course syllabus
- Health: definition and models of prevention and protection
- Risk perception and behavioral response
- Euristics and decision-making
- Attention and vigilance errors
- Emotions and motivation
- Stress
Teaching methods
The course consists of lectures accompanied by moments of discussion.
Teaching Resources
The slides of the lectures and other possible learning materials are available to students on Ariel platform.
Bassi, M., Delle Fave, A. (Eds.) (2019). Psicologia generale per le professioni medico-sanitarie (Seconda Edizione). Torino: UTET Università.
Urban and environmental sociology
Course syllabus
The profile of the sociologies of space, environment and territory: historical and thematic developments.
Fair and sustainable well-being: areas of analysis and related indicators.
The government of the territory; territorial mobility; housing problems; the social uses of energy.
Teaching methods
The course consists in lectures accompanied by moments of discussion and practical exercises in simulated scenarios
Teaching Resources
E. M. Tacchi (a cura di), Ambiente e società: le prospettive teoriche, Carocci, Roma 2011.
P. Monari, A. Patelli, E. M. Tacchi, G. Verga (a cura di), Città, ma quale?, Franco Angeli, Milano 2020.
Applied medical techniques
Lessons: 10 hours
General psychology
M-PSI/01 - GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Occupational medicine
MED/44 - OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Urban and environmental sociology
Lessons: 10 hours