Learning and Development

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
This course focuses on the main theoretical contributions (learning theories and methodologies) regarding Employee Training and development and the competitive advantage that Companies using innovative training and development practices are more likely to have. It will include upskilling and reskilling methodologies and a continuous learning approach in light of the work environments' progressive digitalization.
Learning goals are:
- Describe the role of training and development in companies.
- Explain how training practices and the organization's training function can support business goals and when training is appropriate.
- Address the learning process and the characteristics of a learning environment.
- Provide practical suggestions regarding what can be done to facilitate learning and transfer it before, during, and after a training program.
- Develop a critical understanding of traditional training methods (e.g., lecture, hands-on methods, on-the-job training, and behavior modeling), group methods (e.g., adventure learning), and "Technology-Based Training Methods" (e-learning, mobile learning, social media, simulations, serious games, massive open online courses, virtual worlds, and blended learning).
Finally, the course will connect Employee Development with Career Management, introducing developmental methods (assessment, job experiences, and formal courses) and explaining how to use development plans to help employees succeed in their self-directed careers.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
- Understand the role of the Training and development function within organizations.
- Focus on how adults learn and define proper training approach.
- Assess training and development needs according to current business strategy and future scenarios.
- Know the different training methodologies and choose the most appropriate ones according to goals, organizational constraints, and business environment.
- Measure the effectiveness of training initiatives.
- Connect training and development initiatives to the employee career paths and succession plans.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First trimester
Course syllabus
Goals of the course is to describe the main theoretical contributions (learning theories and methodologies) regarding Employee Training and development and connect with the competitive advantage that Companies that use innovative training and development practices are more likely to have. This will include upskilling, reskilling and continuous learning approach in light of the progressive digitalization of the work environment
Learning goals are: describe the role of training and development in companies, how training practices and the organization of the training function can support business goals. how to identify when training is appropriate, address the learning process and characteristics of a learning environment, provide practical suggestions regarding what can be done to facilitate learning and transfer of training before, during, and after a course or program, explore traditional Training Methods," (e.g., lecture, hands-on methods , on-the-job training and behaviour modelling), and group methods (e.g., adventure learning) and "Technology-Based Training Methods", (e-learning, mobile learning, social media, simulations, serious games, massive open online courses , virtual worlds, and blended learning ). Finally, the course will connect Employee Development and Career Management, introducing developmental methods (assessment, job experiences, and formal courses), and the use of development plans to help employees succeed in their self-directed careers.
Prerequisites for admission
No pre requirement needed
Teaching methods
Teaching methods will include frontal lesson, group discussion, project work to be presented to the class.
Teaching Resources
· R.A.Noe "Employee Training and development" 8th Edition Mc Graw Hill

Additional suggested
· K. Lawson "The Trainer's Handbook of Leadership Development: Tools, Techniques, and Activities"
· S. Collins " Neuroscience for Learning and Development: How to Apply Neuroscience and Psychology for Improved Learning and Training"
· S. Boller et alt "Design Thinking for Training and Development: Creating Learning Journeys That Get Results"
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam is a written test with multiple choice questions and open questions to evaluate both theoretical knowledge and the ability to apply that knowledge to business cases.
It lasts for 1 hour.
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Lupi Massimo
Professor: Lupi Massimo