Law Sciences

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
IUS/07 IUS/09 IUS/17 MED/50
Learning objectives
The aim of the integrated course is to obtain: a) a thorough knowledge of the origin, sources, structure and functioning of the preventative system in Italy in the field of health and safety at work; the ability to critically address the issues and to resolve the legal issues required for the assumption of tasks of a technical-legal nature related to the conduct of business and professional activity; b) the mastery of the technical language relevant to the subject; c) the ability to connect the different topics and to apply the knowledge acquired in interpreting the sources of law and contract regulations in force with method and autonomy of evaluation.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the integrated course, the student who has successfully learned the subject will have an understanding of the aims, contexts, issues and possible consequences of national health and safety law policies employees with the acquisition of a method of reasoning suitable to deal with legal issues of discrete complexity.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge is required for any of the supplementary modules.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The verification is oral and attests to the acquisition of the basics of all teaching modules. The overall rating consists of the average of the supplementary modules and is expressed in thirty-three (the score of the exam is reported on a 0-30 scale).
Labour law
Course syllabus
The obligations of protection and safety of subordinate, autonomous and parasubordinate work
- those involved in the management of occupational safety
- rights, obligations, tasks and responsibilities
- risk and emergency management: the risk assessment document
- the "new" risks projected by "Industry 4.0" and work-related stress
- health surveillance
- training, information and training
- the tasks of the workers' safety representative
- emergency management and sanctions
Teaching methods
The students will learn in all the supplementary modules the functioning of the institutions treated and the related problems in the field of health and safety at work through the reading and interpretation of the relevant legal provisions and the study of case studies. Particular attention will be paid to the learning of specific terminology, and the discussion, legal reasoning and presentation of individual critical positions will be encouraged. The teaching material is supported by slides made available on the University's Ariel website in the respective supplementary modules.
Teaching Resources
In general, the study material is provided by the individual teachers of the supplementary modules.
Labour law module: Tullini P., Introduzione al Diritto della sicurezza sul lavoro, Giappichelli, Torino, 2022.
Public law
Course syllabus
- introductory notes on public law
- sources of law
- criteria for interpretation
- the individual sources of law: the Constitution, ordinary law, decrees and legislative decrees, government regulations
- the sources of European Union law
- constitutional rights: classifications
- the right to health
- freedom of economic initiative.
- the fundamental principles in the field of administrative activity
Teaching methods
The students will learn in all the supplementary modules the functioning of the institutions treated and the related problems in the field of health and safety at work through the reading and interpretation of the relevant legal provisions and the study of case studies. Particular attention will be paid to the learning of specific terminology, and the discussion, legal reasoning and presentation of individual critical positions will be encouraged. The teaching material is supported by slides made available on the University's Ariel website in the respective supplementary modules.
Teaching Resources
In general, the study material is provided by the individual teachers of the supplementary modules.
In particular, for the labour law module, the study of the Manual of M. Persiani - M. Lepore, Il nuovo diritto della sicurezza sul lavoro, Utet, Torino, 2015 (only the chapters indicated in the lesson) or, alternatively, M. Squeglia, Lezioni di diritto della sicurezza del lavoro, Torino, 2020, currently being published, is recommended.
Criminal law
Course syllabus
the principle of legality and its corollaries
- the non-retroactivity of criminal law
- the principle of offensiveness
- the quadripartition of the crime (fact, legality, guilt, punishability)
- attempt and participation of persons in the crime
- concrete applications of criminal law in the health and safety of the workplace on the basis of the sanctions regime specifically adopted by the legislator.
Teaching methods
The students will learn in all the supplementary modules the functioning of the institutions treated and the related problems in the field of health and safety at work through the reading and interpretation of the relevant legal provisions and the study of case studies. Particular attention will be paid to the learning of specific terminology, and the discussion, legal reasoning and presentation of individual critical positions will be encouraged. The teaching material is supported by slides made available on the University's Ariel website in the respective supplementary modules.
Teaching Resources
In general, the study material is provided by the individual teachers of the supplementary modules.
In particular, for the labour law module, the study of the Manual of M. Persiani - M. Lepore, Il nuovo diritto della sicurezza sul lavoro, Utet, Torino, 2015 (only the chapters indicated in the lesson) or, alternatively, M. Squeglia, Lezioni di diritto della sicurezza del lavoro, Torino, 2020, currently being published, is recommended.
Applied medical techniques
Course syllabus
- The Prevention Technician and the title of UPG
- Judicial Police Activities
- Sanctions procedure in the field of OSH (Legislative Decree 758/94)
- Judicial investigation of occupational accidents
Teaching methods
The students will learn in all the supplementary modules the functioning of the institutions treated and the related problems in the field of health and safety at work through the reading and interpretation of the relevant legal provisions and the study of case studies. Particular attention will be paid to the learning of specific terminology, and the discussion, legal reasoning and presentation of individual critical positions will be encouraged. The teaching material is supported by slides made available on the University's Ariel website in the respective supplementary modules.
Teaching Resources
Compendio di polizia giudiziaria 2. Ed, Giovarelli L., Simone, Napoli, 2022.
Applied medical techniques
Lessons: 10 hours
Criminal law
IUS/17 - CRIMINAL LAW - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Labour law
IUS/07 - LABOUR LAW - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Public law
IUS/09 - PUBLIC LAW - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Nardocci Costanza
Professor: Nardocci Costanza