Law of International Organizations

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The significant role that international governmental organizations play within the International Community requires investigating thoroughly the issue of institutionalized international cooperation. Therefore, the course will be devoted to analyse, from a legal perspective, the nature of the cooperation carried out through intergovernmental organizations, making students grasp the extent to which their activities impact on international relations. The course aims, firstly, at transmitting knowledge and understanding of the basics of the subject matter, and, secondly, at providing students with the opportunity to look in depth to some specific legal issues that arise within the current context of international multilateral relations. Lastly, it also intends to enable students to address and asses such issues autonomously, by developing their attitudes to critical thinking, enhancing their research and communication skills, and their mastery of legal lexicon.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be acquainted with the founding aspects of the law of international organizations, and in the position to grasp the essence of their functioning; they will know and understand the provisions applicable to different thematic areas and mastering legal lexicon. Furthermore, they will be able to resort to the theoretical, and normative toolbox of international law in order to deal autonomously with the most frequent and urgent issues in field of multilateral international relations. By the flipped classroom activities, attending students will also enhance their ability to perform hands-down research tasks and to presents the outcomes in the appropriate fashion.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Third trimester
Course syllabus
A) Students taking part in the flipped classroom
Part 1
Law of international organizations, the basics: The concept of "international organization" - The membership issues - The institutional framework: the different structures and operative models - The international legal personality of international organizations - The internal legal system of international organizations - Rights and duties of the members, and institutional sanctions - The budget issues - The immunities and privileges of international organizations and of their officials - Dispute settlement within international organizations .
Part 2
The United Nations: Overview - The membership issues - The institutional framework and its functioning - The UN Legal system - The functions of the UN and their limits - Maintaining international peace and security: the role of the Security Council, of the General Assembly and of the Secretariat - The role of Regional Organizations in maintaining international peace and security.
Part 3
Evolutions in the Law of International Organizations: analysis issues of topical interest in light of the recent praxis.

B) Non-attending students/students not taking part in the flipped classroom activity
Law of international organizations, the basics: The concept of international organization - The membership issues - The immunities and privileges of international organizations and of their officials - The budget issues - The institutional framework: the different structures and operative models - The international legal personality of international organizations - The internal legal system of international organizations.
The United Nations: Overview - The membership issues - The institutional framework - The UN functions and their limits - The budget issues - The UN Legal system.
The WHO's response to COVID-19.
Prerequisites for admission
Mastery of the basics of international law. Recommended readings to students who want to reinforce their knowledge of the basics of international law: Dixon, Textbook on International Law, Oxford University Press (possibly, the most recent available edition), or an analogous textbook on this subject.
Teaching methods
Lectures, Power Point presentations, case studies, practical examples and debates.
A flipped classroom approach will be adopted during the last part of the course: students will investigate specific topics in depth, working in team. Each team will present the results of its research and lead the debate in the classroom under the supervision of the teacher. Students taking part in the flipped classroom are required to attend all the classes in which the different working-groups deliver their presentations.
Teaching Resources
A) Students taking part in the flipped clssroom activity:
Part 1: Law of international organizations, the basics:
· Ugo Draetta, "Principi di diritto delle organizzazioni internazionali", Giuffrè, 2020, ISBN 9788828821120, pp. 1-208 (§ 17.7 included).
Part 2: The United Nations, selected issues:
· Benedetto Conforti, Carlo Focarelli, "Le Nazioni Unite", CEDAM-Wolters Kluwer, 2023, ISBN 9788813383503, §§ 1-18; §§ 22-34; §§ 42-61; §§ 63-70; §§ 91-99.
Part 3: Evolutions in the Law of International Organizations:
PPT with the results of the research works carried out by the team together with the notes taken during the presentations.
Further materials (primary sources, such as case-law and legal acts) will be made available through the Ariel web-site of the course.

B) Non-attending students/students not taking part in the flipped clssroom activity:
Law of international organizations, the basics:
· Ugo Draetta, "Principi di diritto delle organizzazioni internazionali", Giuffrè, 2020, ISBN 9788828821120, pp. 1-235.
The United Nations:
· Benedetto Conforti, Carlo Focarelli, "Le Nazioni Unite", CEDAM-Wolters Kluwer, 2023, ISBN 9788813383503, §§ 1-37, 42-75, 84-85, 88-99.
The WHO's response to COVID-19:
· Donato Greco, "L'Organizzazione mondiale della sanità davanti alla pandemia di COVID-19, Lemonnier Università, 2022, ISBN 9788800862837, Chapters 1, 2, 3, 6.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written exam at the end of the course (six dates will be available; please check the University's website in due time:

A) Students taking part in the flipped classroom activity:
The written exam will consist of two open questions (one on the first and one on the second part of the programme); the final grade will result from the weighted sum of the exam grade (2/3 of the final grade) and the grade obtained in the flipped classroom activities (1/3 of the final grade).

B) Non-attending studens/students not taking part in the flipped clssroom activity:
The written exam will consist of three open questions, one on each part of the programme.
IUS/13 - INTERNATIONAL LAW - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Sandrini Lidia
Professor: Sandrini Lidia