Latin Literature (advanced)

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course presents an anthology of texts written in Latin, to improve the students' ability to comment them, at the light of the most up-to-date and exhaustive commentaries (CEFR - Level B2).
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students will strengthen their ability to appraise and evaluate the language, the style and the socio-cultural function of a few Latin texts, of various typologies and literary genres, belonging to any chronological context.
Students are expected to be able to carry out a bibliographic research, with particular reference to the analysis and evaluation of the most useful commentaries to a few set texts.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Petronius' Satyricon, style and models. The analysis of some parts of the Satyricon, in particular taken from the Cena Trimalchionis (part A) and from the following section (part B) will allow us to deal with: philological and language and style issues; poetologic choices; intertextuality both with minor genres (Greek novel, satire) and with epos and tragedy; problems of imperial culture and society; aspects of Petronian reception. Part C will be mainly dedicated to reports (written and oral) by students and lectures by invited speakers; in addition to the Satyricon, the theme of forgery in Latin literature will also be discussed.
Prerequisites for admission
12 ECTS in Latin Language or Latin Literature
Classics students, only, or from the course Latin literature 'senza istituzioni di lingua'
B2 Latin Level.
Teaching methods
Lectures in interaction with students; online interactive exercises.
Class attendance is therefore strongly recommended.
Teaching Resources
Editions: Konrad Müller, Petronii Arbitri Satyricon reliquiae, Berlin, Boston 1995. Commentaries: Gareth Schmeling, A commentary on the Satyrica of Petronius, Oxford 2016 (online on Minerva); G.F. Gianotti (ed.), La cena di Trimalchione: dal Satyricon di Petronio, Aci Reale-Roma 2013. Also useful the BUR editon by A. Aragosti. Further materials will be added on the website of the course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral exam. It consists of four parts. The examination aims to verify:

- the ability to discuss the texts presented during classes (Parts A,B,C) with critical readings (see the Ariel website);
- the ability to understand and comment the latin texts in program;
- the ability to understand some short texts at first sight (this part can be substituted by the active participation to the online interactive exercises and the classroom exercises).
- Presentation and discussion of an exegetic problem chosen by the student.

The passing mark is 18/30, the top mark is 30/30 (cum laude). The exam aims to evaluate the ability of students to understand and to comment on any Latin text; the skill in analysing and presenting the contents of a pre-defined set of texts (learned in class or autonomously); the appropriateness in the use of the technical language.

International or Erasmus incoming students are kindly requested to contact the teacher of the course. Also students with disabilities should contact the teacher of the course, in order to discuss alternative examination methods, in agreement with the competent Office.
L-FIL-LET/04 - LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Merli Elena
Wednesday 15-18.
Microsoft team: "Prof. Merli RICEVIMENTO". Code: aacfc3v