Latin Literature

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims at: a) improving language skills of students, in agreement with level A2 of the Linguistic Certification of Latin (; b) leading students to the comprehension of Latin texts read in the original language, through the analysis of significant passages of prose and verse; c) transmitting tools and methods for a deep exegesis of Latin texts aiming to highlight their cultural complexity; d) providing a short picture of the history of Latin literature; e) highlighting challenging correspondences between language, literature and the arts, from Antiquity to Contemporary Age .
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will have achieved: a) a proper knowledge of morphology and syntax of the Latin language, and of the fundamentals of prosody; b) the understanding of the passages read in class; c) the knowledge of contents and relation with the historical-social context; d) the full knowledge of the main features of Latin literary history; e) the awareness of the development of Latin literature with respect to the permanence of Latin classics in modernity.
Pursuing the study, the student will be able to face the original Latin texts, placing each of them in the historical and cultural context. The student will also be able to apply the acquired skills to improve his competence in Italian and evaluate the importance of the permanence of the Latin classics in a wider cultural context.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization


Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course is composed of three parts. It is about "Theatre and spectacles in Ancient Rome"

The first part aims to build a vocabulary of Latin words and sentences, in order to enhance the development of linguistic and metalinguistic skills and increase the awareness of the permanence of Latin in the modern languages and cultures. It also aims to develop language activities and skills, in agreement with level A2 of Latin Language Certificates

The second part aims to improve an understanding of the texts in original language, through the analysis of sentences or short passages of Latin authors. Also this unit aims at developing language activities and skills, in agreement with level A2 of Latin Language Certificates.

The third part aims to offer an overview of Latin literature, with a focus on its sharpest turning points and their reception in the modern cultural heritage.

Not attending students are required to contact the teacher before the beginning of the course. However, please note that the syllabus for attending students applies also to non-attending ones.
Prerequisites for admission
It is required a language proficiency (vocabulary and grammar) corresponding to level A1 of Latin Language Certificates (
N.B. The course is reserved for undergraduate students of Letteratura latina Beni culturali of Unimi. Not others students will be admitted.
Teaching methods
Frontal Teaching (lectures); interactive exercises with Wooclap and similar didactic tools; Self- or in-class corrected written exam simulations.
Class attendance is strongly recommended.
Teaching Resources
Part 1 and Part 2: didactic resources, suiting each lesson, will be available on the Ariel website of the course.
Part 3: G. Garbarino, L. Pasquariello, M. Manca, Roma senza tempo. Letteratura e cultura latina, Paravia, 2022. However, students can use also other Latin literature handbooks if approved by the teacher. The knowledge of these topics and authors is mandatory:
Old Age Poetry (general survey); Ennius.
Old Republican Age Theatre: tragedy (general survey); commedy: Plautus and Terence.
Late Republican Age: Catullus and Lucretius.
Historiography: Cato the Censor, Caesar, Sallust, Livy, Tacitus.
Augustan Age poetry: Horace, Vergil, Propertius, Tibullus, Ovid.
Technical and Scientific Literature: Varro, Vitruvius, Pliny Maior
Neronian Age literature: Seneca Minor and Lucan.
Flavian Age literature: Statius and Martial.
The Novel: Petronius and Apuleius.

Not attending students are required to know also these texts in translation (number pages are referred to handbook G. Garbarino, L. Pasquariello, M. Manca, Roma senza tempo. Letteratura e cultura latina, Paravia, 2022):

Pseudolus 562-573 (p. 72)
Miles gloriosus 1-78 (p. 89)
Carmina 1 (p. 184), 13 (p. 188), 99 (p. 190), 51 (p. 197), 5 (p. 201), 11 (p. 210)
De rerum natura: 1, 1-43 (p. 236), 3, 1053-1075 (p. 250)
Tusculanae 5, 2, 5-6 (p. 318), Pro Caelio 47-49 (p. 307), De oratore 1, 18-20 (p. 315)
Eclogue 4, 1-45 (p. 505), Georgics 1, 118-146 (p. 510), 453-503 (p. 516), Aeneid 4, 651-671 (p. 536), 6, 847-887 (p. 537), 12, 919-952 (p. 542)
Sermones 1, 9 (p. 574); Carmina 2, 10 (p. 583), 1,11 (p. 599), 3, 30 (p. 587)
Tristia 4, 10 1-2; 17-26, 33-34, 37-40 (p. 668), Ars amatoria 1, 611-614; 631-646 (p. 673), Metamorphoses 1, 525-567 (p. 676)
Epistulae 1 (p. 780), De providentia 2, 1-2 (p. 790), Thyestes 970-1067 (p. 806)
Agricola 30-31 (p. 972), Germania 4 (p. 983), Annales 15, 44, 2-5 (p. 1001)
Metamorphoses 3, 24-25 (p. 1044), 11, 13-15 (p. 1050), 6, 28-31 (p. 1053)
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of two parts: a test to evaluate the level of language skills is required (part 1 e 2), according to Level A2 of Latin Language Certificates, and an oral examination. The test will value the level of accuracy of linguistic and grammatical skills. The test is mandatory: only if passed, it allows access to oral examination. Information about the test will be illustrated at the beginning of the course. The vote obtained in the test contributes to the final vote obtained in the exam. Students who have already attained Level A2 of Latin Language Certificates are exonerated from the test.
Oral examination shall consist of some questions about the history of Latin literature (part 3). Students are required to know the main trends of the history of Latin literature and its reception in the cultural heritage. The oral examination will test also the property of language and clearness of argumentation. The vote (test + oral examination) is expressed in 30/30.
L-FIL-LET/04 - LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Torre Chiara


Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course is composed of three parts. It is about "Theatre and spectacles in Ancient Rome". The general purpose of the course is to provide an overview of the culture and institutions of ancient Rome.

The first part (Prof. M. Rossetti) aims to provide general outlines of the history of Latin literature from its origins to the fourth century AD. The main literary genres will be illustrated through the reading (in translation) and analysis of some poetic and prose texts.

The second part (Prof. M. Rossetti) The second part aims to develop language abilities and skills, in agreement with level A2 of Latin Language Certification.

The third part (Prof. S. Stucchi) aims to build a vocabulary of Latin words and sentences, in order to enhance the development of linguistic and metalinguistic skills and increase the awareness of the permanence of Latin in the modern languages and cultures. Lexical skills will be developed through reading and the contextualization of literary texts concerning the Theatre and spectacles in Ancient Rome. It also aims to develop language abilities and skills, in agreement with level A2 of Latin Language Certification. The Module delves into historical and literary content covered in Module A.

Not attending students are required to contact the teacher before the beginning of the course. However, please note that the syllabus for attending students applies also to non-attending ones.
Prerequisites for admission
It is required a language proficiency (vocabulary and grammar) corresponding to level A1 of Latin Language Certificates ( N.B. the course is only open to Bachelor's Degree in Cultural Heritage (L - 1) students. Not others students will be admitted.
Teaching methods
Frontal Teaching (lectures); online interactive exercises; classroom exercises. Class attendance is strongly recommended.
Teaching Resources
Part 1: It is necessary to supplement the lecture content with the study of one of the following manuals:
G. Garbarino - L. Pasquariello - M. Manca, Roma senza tempo. Letteratura e cultura latina, Paravia, 2022.
G. B. Conte, Profilo storico della letteratura latina. Dalle origini alla tarda età imperiale, Le Monnier, 2019.
P. Fedeli - E. Malaspina - L. Antonelli, Le parole di Roma. Storia della letteratura latina, Utet Università, 2023.

The knowledge of these topics and authors is mandatory:
Old Age Poetry (general survey); Ennius.
Old Republican Age Theatre: tragedy (general survey); comedy: Plautus and Terence.
Late Republican Age: Catullus and Lucretius.
Historiography: Cato the Censor, Caesar, Sallust, Livy, Tacitus.
Augustan Age poetry: Horace, Vergil, Propertius, Tibullus, Ovid.
Technical and Scientific Literature: Varro, Vitruvius, Pliny the Elder
Neronian Age literature: Seneca Minor and Lucan.
Flavian Age literature: Quintilian, Statius and Martial.
Trajan's age literature: Juvenal, Pliny the younger
The Novel: Petronius and Apuleius.
Early Christian literature: Minucius Felix and Tertullianus
Jerome Augustine and Ambrose
Ammianus Marcellinus Ausonius and Claudianus
An anthology of texts in translation present in the indicated textbook will be indicated at the beginning of the course.

Part 2: Materials and texts will be provided during the course. A high school grammar book is recommended.

Part 3: Materials and texts will be provided during the course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written + oral examination. A mandatory written test is required to assess the lexical and linguistic skills achieved (part two and part three of the course). The written test verifies the achievement of A2 level, according to the Latin language certification. The exam will test the level of accuracy of linguistic, and grammatical skills also through the comprehension of a short Latin text. The written exam is divided into two sections: the first assesses lexical competence, while the second evaluates linguistic analysis skills. Detailed information about the test will be provided at the beginning of the course. It will be possible to take the test before each oral examination: successful completion of the test is a requirement for admission to the oral examination. The oral examination shall consist of a question about the history of Latin literature (part 3). Students are required to know the main trends of the history of Latin literature and its reception in the cultural heritage. The exam will test also the property of language and clearness of argumentation. The vote is expressed in 30/30.
L-FIL-LET/04 - LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours


Lesson period
Second semester
L-FIL-LET/04 - LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Mantelli Francesco
Spring term: before or after class. The teacher, by appointment, is available for an online meeting.
Online (Mc. Teams) and Via Noto 8
From 23th June to 1st September 2024): by email appointment only
Online_Teams. Team: "ricevimento Prof. Chiara Torre" CODE: qia34rx