Labour Law

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The teaching of Labor Law is part of Ema's training path, aiming at the knowledge of the principles and legal norms governing the system of collective and individual labour relations, both at the macro-regulatory level and at the company level, for the training of experts and operators of the companies in the field of labor and trade union management, as well as within the associations and exponential bodies of economic operators that deal with the regulation of labour.
Expected learning outcomes
The expected learning outcomes are the knowledge and understanding of the principles and laws that govern labour and industrial relations; as well as the ability to apply the knowledge learned through the concrete framing of individual cases within the general system of rules, including the identification of the rules applicable to the specific case-law examined, through a correct application in the legal field of the techniques of problem solving. Students will also learn to express autonomous assessments on the regulatory system and on the effects that the rukes have on the concrete dynamics of labour and work in the workplace. They will learn how to work in groups through activities carried out both in the classroom and independently and with the results achieved in the classroom, with the aim to developing interpersonal and communication skills. The course also aims at acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to know how to maintain an adequate update on the evolution of the regulatory framework over time.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First trimester
Course syllabus
the legal framework - trade unions rights - collective bargaining and strike - the labour market legal framework - the employment relationship: its establishment, rights and obligations of the employer and of the employee, dismissal and resignation
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of the basic rules of private law is highly recommended
Teaching methods
Lessons- Learning by doing - Problem based learning
Teaching Resources
Di Stasi, Giubboni, Pinto, Lezioni di diritto del lavoro, Il Mulino 2022
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam is in written form and consists of two parts. The first part aims at verifying the knowledge of the entire program of the course and is composed of multiple choice questions with a single correct answer. The second part aims at verifying the quality of learning through three open questions. In two questions the student is asked to deepen one of the main topics of the course; the third question aims at verifying the ability to apply the knowledge acquired and the autonomy of judgment through the analysis of a specific case law: teh student is asked to expose the legal framework and the legal positions of the various subjects involved in the case.
Cross questions are awarded 1 point for each exact answer; the open questions are awarded from 1 to 6 points, with joint application of the criteria of completeness of the discussion, the ability to master the case and the property of language
IUS/07 - LABOUR LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Bonardi Olivia
Educational website(s)