Laboratory of Risk Assessment

A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
Laboratory of risk assessment offers the possibility to the students to add their free credits to the scheduled credits for the preparation of their thesis.
Expected learning outcomes
The evaluation of the students is based on their performances during the experimental thesis period. Such evaluation will take into account their ability to get integrated in the working environment, to learn the methods required for the required project, to apply them and also to discuss the result of their work in a critical manner.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
Development of a different project for each student depending on the chosen thesis topic and the place where it is carried out
Prerequisites for admission
At least 50 credits acquired within the SAXBi courses
Teaching methods
This course is completely experimental and consists of an increase in the period spent in the internship
Teaching Resources
To be decided with the thesis tutor, in agreement with the thesis project.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The evaluation of the students is based on their performances during the experimental thesis period. The thesis tutor is invited to give a mark that takes into account their ability to get integrated in the working environment, to learn the methods required for the required project, to apply them and also to discuss the result of their work in a critical manner.
- University credits: 8
Individual study and practice: 0 hours