Laboratory of Precision Agronomy

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
To develop, apply, and evaluate modeling solutions aimed to the formulation of fertilization and weed control prescription maps within field case studies.
Expected learning outcomes
Capability of analyzing and interpreting site-specific data on soil and crop conditions for precision agriculture management purposes.
To develop simple algorithms for the formulation of prescription maps related to fertilization and weed control using computer applications such as spreadsheets, GIS, programming languages, and statistical packages.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Course syllabus
· Description of the course: presentation of the program and the modalities for the exam
· Introduction to precision agronomy: definitions, objectives, methodologies, diffusion
Conceptual framework for the formulation of prescription maps: necessary inputs and expected outputs.
· Specific site management: sensor-based and map-based approaches; Prescription map definition; Definition and properties of information layers; Scale and spatial resolution; Spatial variability
· Monitoring of the state of the crop - Sensors for measuring the state of the crop; operating principles, characteristics and supports; yield maps
Sowing and site-specific soil tillage: principles, techniques and agronomic and environmental considerations
· Types and tillage strategies
· Map-based approaches for site-specific soil tillage
· Sensor-based approaches for site-specific soil tillage
· Strip-tillage and Controlled Traffic Farming
· Site-specific sowing: control of density and depth
Site-specific fertilization: principles, techniques and agronomic and environmental considerations
· General principles: types of fertilization; approaches to site-specific fertilization; the fertilization plan
· Site-specific nitrogen fertilization by map-based approaches: simplified budget and simulation models applied to site-specific nitrogen application
· Site-specific nitrogen fertilization by sensor-based approaches: general principles and multispectral sensors for measuring the nitrogen availability of the crop
· Reactive models based on control line and proximal optical sensors for variable rate distribution
· Dual models for proximal optical sensors - NFOA (N Fertilization Optimization Algorithm) and Holland & Schepers algorithms for variable rate distribution
· Combined Map & Sensor-Based approaches
· Satellite-based algorithms (FARM STAR) and Nitrogen Nutrition Index
· Phosphatic and Potassic Fertilization, Organic Fertilization and pH Correction
Site-specific weed control: principles, techniques and agronomic and environmental considerations
· Weeding strategies and techniques
· Methods of sampling and use of sensors to detect the spatial variability of weeds
· Methods for weeding prescription maps and site-specific management of weeds

1. Procedures for the preparation of VRA nitrogen fertilization prescription maps through the integrated use of crop models and remote sensing images
- Setting of simulation scenarios based on historical series of meteorological data
- Analysis of simulation results to evaluate the effect of limiting factors on potential yields
- Application of crop models for the identification of the expected nitrogen removals through the study of the crop response to different levels of nitrogen fertilization and as a function of variable soil characteristics
- Calculation of the optimal dose of N
- Development in QGIS of algorithms based on vegetation indexes and user-supplied data for the production of nitrogen fertilization prescription maps

2. Procedures for the preparation of site-specific weed control prescription maps based on sensors and models
- Definition and quantification of the state of the infestation through emergence models and indices calculated from RGB and multispectral images
- Development of algorithms in QGIS for the production of prescription maps based on the density of the infestation

3. Organization of methods and results obtained and preparation of papers for the final exam
Prerequisites for admission
- Geomatics for agriculture.
- Statistics.
- Agronomy.
- Cultivation techniques of the main herbaceous crops.
- Sustainable Crop Systems
Teaching methods
The course includes 4 frontal credits and 2 of practical lessons and it develops over two semesters.
The first semester includes frontal lessons aimed at providing the student with a general overview of the possible applications in the agronomic field of site-specific management techniques and variable rate applications. The lessons will offer moments of discussion based on the presentation of applied examples and case studies, allowing the student to verify his own agronomic knowledge according with the techniques and principles of precision agriculture. At the end of the first semester there will be a first evaluation of the knowledge acquired through a written test.
During the second semester the student will be involved in project activities, aimed at consolidating, through the practice, the theoretical principles and knowledge acquired, at improving the use of software and analysis tools, at stimulating an active and critical involvement towards limits and potential of the techniques and technologies of precision agriculture.
The project activities will be organized and carried out in groups and will conclude with the elaboration of a presentation that will be showed and discussed during the final exam.
Teaching Resources
- Casa, R., 2016. Agricoltura di precisione, Collana Edagricole Università e Formazione. Edagricole-New Business Media, Milano, Italy.
- Heege, H.J. (Ed.), 2013. Precision in Crop Farming. Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-6760-7ti.
Assessment methods and Criteria
In-progress oral exam at the end of the first semester (mark out of thirty).
At the end of the second semester and after having successfully passed the in-progress test, students will be able to access the final exam that will consist in the presentation of the projects carried out during the exercises of the second semester. During the presentation, knowledge, clarity of exposition, reasoning ability and appropriate use of terms will be assessed.

The final vote is out of thirty

Students with SLD or disability certifications are kindly requested to contact the teacher at least 15 days before the date of the exam session to agree on individual exam requirements. In the email please make sure to add in cc the competent offices: [email protected] (for students with SLD) o [email protected] (for students with disability).
AGR/02 - AGRONOMY AND FIELD CROPS - University credits: 6
Computer room practicals: 32 hours
Lessons: 32 hours