Laboratory "gender and Society"

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The 'Gender and Society' lab aims to provide participants with an overview of different perspectives useful for analysing gender differences and inequalities in contemporary society. In particular, after exploring the main developments in gender theories, including feminist, queer, intersectional and post-colonial perspectives, the lectures will focus on the relevance and application of these theories in different social fields such as work, family, university, LGBTQIA+ rights, access to spaces, and anti-discrimination law.

By the end of the lab, participants will be able to explore different perspectives on gender and society. In particular, they will be able to develop an understanding of how gender interacts with other social categories such as class, migration status, and sexuality, shaping individual experiences and social structures. In addition, participants will be encouraged to reflect on their own position and the implications of gender dynamics both in academia and in everyday life. The lab also aims to foster a collaborative learning environment and provide participants with the knowledge and skills to contribute to the advancement of gender equality in society.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the lab, participants will be able to articulate developments in the main approaches used to investigate gender differences and inequalities in contemporary society. In particular, skills will be acquired to critically evaluate how gender intersects with other social categories and how these intersections influence individuals' experiences and wider social structures.

The expected learning outcomes thus include the development of enhanced analytical and critical thinking skills capable of deconstructing gender stereotypes and combating social inequalities. Participants will be prepared to engage in discussions and debates on gender differences and inequalities by demonstrating the ability to synthesise and engage with complex issues. In addition, analytical and writing skills will be strengthened through the production of a text on one of the topics covered within the lab.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First trimester
Course syllabus
1. Wed 9/10
Gender and intersectional approaches: an introduction

2. Thu 10/10
Presentation of the book 'Aspettando Godot. Cittadinanza e diritti LGBTQ+ in Italia'.
Meeting with the authors: Giulia Selmi, University of Parma, and Beatrice Gusmano, University of Padua

3. Wed 16/10
Gender differences in work and organisations

4. Thu 17/10
Gender certification. Meeting with Elena Bonetti, former Minister for Equal Opportunities and the Family. Seminar as part of the events organised to celebrate UNIMI's centenary

5. Wed 30/10
Integrating a gender perspective in public administration and health. Meeting with Camilla Veneri, Planning Office of the Pianura Est Social and Health District, Metropolitan City of Bologna

6. Thu 31/10
Gender inequalities in domestic and care work: theoretical approaches and empirical evidence. Meeting with Giulia Dotti Sani, University of Milan

7. Wed 6/11
Gender differences in research and teaching

8. Thu 7/11
Anti-discrimination law and complexity: the intersectional approach. Meeting with Barbara Bello, University of Tuscia

9. Wed 13/11
Gender differences and urban spaces. Meeting with Alina Dambrosio Clementelli, University of Milan

10. Thu 14/11
Gender, youth, and work: A focus on young women and feminist activists. Meeting with Christina Scharff, King's College London
Prerequisites for admission
There are no requirements for prior knowledge and skills.
Teaching methods
The lectures include both lectures and moments of collective discussion. Each week the slides and material used during the lectures will be made available on the course's Moodle page. Some invited speakers will present their work in the lab with the aim of providing students with examples of recent research on gender differences in various areas of society.
Teaching Resources
A reading list will be provided during each lab meeting.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The assessment consists of writing a 3,000-word paper on one of the topics addressed during the lab. The paper will be discussed during an oral examination aimed at testing the students' knowledge and analysis skills in line with the expected learning outcomes.
SPS/07 - GENERAL SOCIOLOGY - University credits: 3
: 20 hours
Professor: Murgia Annalisa
Professor: Murgia Annalisa
Tuesday 17.00-19.00 ; Wednesday 9.00-10.00
Please, get in touch via email to schedule a meeting