
A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Objectives of the bachelor's degree program in medical radiology, imaging and radiotherapy techniques are to.
1) possess a good knowledge of the fundamentals of the preparatory (physics, mathematics, computer science, statistics and electronics) and biological (biochemistry, biology, human anatomy, physiology, pathology) disciplines;
2) possess the knowledge of the disciplines characterizing the profession of Medical Radiology Health Technician (M.D. 26/9/1994 no.746: radiobiology and radiation protection, equipment and techniques in the area of diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy, image processing and archiving techniques);
3) possess the methodological skills of care planning using the nursing process;
4) possess the skills to intervene, in the immediacy of the event, in clinical emergency situations, putting in place, to the extent of their competence, the necessary first aid measures to ensure survival and the best care allowed;
5) deepen knowledge of infection prevention and control techniques;
6) be familiar with labor and health legislation related to their profession;
7) possess knowledge of integrative and related disciplines in the humanities and health management sciences and interdisciplinary sciences;
8) be familiar with the scientific method and be able to apply it in concrete situations with adequate knowledge of regulations and deontological and bioethical issues;
9) possess the ability to understand and relate to users, colleagues and other professionals, health care and non-health care;
10) be able to work in a team, operate with defined degrees of autonomy and fit readily into work environments;
11) be able to use methodologies and tools for quality control, evaluation and review;
12) possess the ability to assess in advance the technical justification, optimization, and limitation of radiation exposure as outlined in European radiation protection regulations;
13) be able to participate in various forms of professional development, as well as participate in research activities in different areas of application of diagnostic imaging and radiation therapy;
14) be able to use at least one language of the European Union, in addition to Italian, in the specific area of expertise and for the exchange of general information; and
15) possess adequate communication and information management skills and tools;
16) be able to write technical and scientific reports.

Through these objectives, graduates in medical radiology, imaging and radiotherapy techniques carry out with technical-professional autonomy, on medical prescription, and in direct collaboration with other health figures, all interventions that require the use of ionizing radiation sources, both artificial and natural, thermal energy, ultrasonic, nuclear magnetic resonance as well as interventions for physical or dosimetric protection; they participate in the planning and organization of work within the structure in which they work and in respect of their own competence; they plan and manage the provision of polyvalent services within their competence in direct collaboration with the radiodiagnostic physician, the nuclear physician, the radiation oncologist and the medical physicist, according to diagnostic and therapeutic protocols defined in advance by the head of the facility; they are responsible for the acts within their competence, in particular by monitoring the proper functioning of the equipment entrusted to them, providing for the elimination of minor inconveniences and implementing verification and control programs to ensure quality according to predefined indicators and standards; they contribute to the training of support staff and directly contribute to updating related to their professional profile and research. As part of graduate education, the University ensures adequate training in the field of protection from ionizing radiation.
Expected learning outcomes
The teaching aims to illustrate to students the clinical aspects of the most frequent urological pathologies studied with imaging, urological pathologies that can be treated with interventional radiology procedures, and surgical procedures that require radiological support, so that they can learn how to perform their role in a critical and informed manner.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

- University credits: 1
Laboratories: 15 hours
Professor: Gitto Salvatore