A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The teaching aims to explain the basic principles for professional error handling, for the legality of the professional competence and for the management of special situations (minors and interdicted patients, patients with religious objections to health procedures, emergency).
Expected learning outcomes
At the end, students must:
- know how to handle the professional error
- know the principles behind the acquisition of informed consensus
- understand the role of radiology in support of forensic medicine.
- know how to handle the professional error
- know the principles behind the acquisition of informed consensus
- understand the role of radiology in support of forensic medicine.
Lesson period: Second semester
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Course syllabus
- Legal Medicine, general principles.
- Forensic Radiology.
- Legal framework of the profession; abusive practice.
- Introduction to criminal and civil law. The criminal proceeding. The civil proceeding.
- Legal capacity, civil capacity, imputability.
- Crime report.
- The main crimes of interest for health professionals.
- The secret, the consent.
- Criminal liability; civil liability.
- Forensic Radiology.
- Legal framework of the profession; abusive practice.
- Introduction to criminal and civil law. The criminal proceeding. The civil proceeding.
- Legal capacity, civil capacity, imputability.
- Crime report.
- The main crimes of interest for health professionals.
- The secret, the consent.
- Criminal liability; civil liability.
Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge required.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Teaching Resources
GENTILOMO, ZOJA: Medicina Legale e delle Assicurazioni. Manuale per i diplomi di laurea delle professioni sanitarie - Raffaello Cortina Editore
Assessment methods and Criteria
The learning assessment includes a written test (multiple choice questions) at the end of the course.
The booking on the UNIMIA portal, within the dates established for each appeal, is mandatory for the examination.
The booking on the UNIMIA portal, within the dates established for each appeal, is mandatory for the examination.