Laboratorio di progettazione ambientale urbana

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
AGR/04 ICAR/15
Learning objectives
The Laboratory consists of three closely integrated modules: Environmental Design, Use of Plant Species and Ecological Quality of the Urban Environment. The laboratory deals with the issues of environmental design in urban contexts from the system to the punctual scale. It promotes the design of urban open spaces in a sustainable (in terms of choice of species, materials and furnishings, and post-project management and maintenance) and multifunctional way: recreational, social, environmental, ecological and technical functions.
Expected learning outcomes
This laboratory helps students to design urban open spaces (from large parks to small green spaces) in an ecological and environmentally sustainable way.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Prerequisites for admission
Basics of landscape analysis, evaluation and design. Basic knowledge of Botany, Ecology, Agronomy.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination consists of the presentation of a group design work (using A1 plates and technical report) of an area proposed by the lecturers. An individual detailed design work will also be assessed.
Progettazione ambientale urbana
Course syllabus
Elements of urban green area design: compositional principles, choice of materials and furnishings with a view to sustainability, green technology, NBS and urban drainage systems. National and international virtuous design examples.
Teaching methods
The module includes frontal lectures, specialised seminars, technical visits, support and reviews of individual and group project work.
Teaching Resources
Texts, articles, websites and lecture slides will be provided by teachers during the course.
Qualità ecologica dell'ambiente urbano
Course syllabus
- Biodiversity and floristic richness in the urban environment. Assessment of the quality of the urban environment through ecological parameters.
- Selection of species for the design of urban green areas to improve the urban environment and mitigate climate change. Species selection for green technology (green roofs and vertical greenery), NBS and SUDS.
Teaching methods
The module includes frontal lectures, specialised seminars, technical visits, support and reviews of individual and group project work.
Teaching Resources
Texts, articles, websites and lecture slides will be provided by teachers during the course.
Utilizzo delle specie vegetali
Course syllabus
-Illustration of the morpho-physiological criteria to be considered when choosing ornamental species for use in urban and peri-urban environments;
-Features of species resistant to shade, drought, low fertility, major soil pollutants (e.g. heavy metals), salinity and salinity and saltiness (coastal urban areas);
-Botanical characteristics of species potentially usable in urban environments;
-Description of the physiological parameters to be taken into consideration
for the nursery selection of new species to be used in environments
over exposed environments.
Teaching methods
The module includes frontal lectures, specialised seminars, technical visits, support and reviews of individual and group project work.
Teaching Resources
Texts, articles, websites and lecture slides will be provided by teachers during the course.
Progettazione ambientale urbana
ICAR/15 - LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE - University credits: 7
Lessons: 56 hours
Professor: Burlando Patrizia
Professor: Burlando Patrizia
Qualità ecologica dell'ambiente urbano
AGR/04 - VEGETABLE AND ORNAMENTAL CROPS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 16 hours
Professor: Vagge Ilda
Professor: Vagge Ilda
Utilizzo delle specie vegetali
AGR/04 - VEGETABLE AND ORNAMENTAL CROPS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 16 hours
Professor: Ferrante Antonio
Professor: Ferrante Antonio
Wednesday from 09:00 to 12:00 (please make an appointment by e-mail)
DISAA - Agronomy