Juvenile Criminal Procedure
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course intends to analyze the jurisdiction specialized in juvenile criminal justice (R.d.l. 20 July 1934, n. 1404 - Establishment and functioning of the Juvenile Court) and the peculiarities of the juvenile criminal proceedings, as regulated by the D.P.R. 22 September 1988, n. 448 (Provisions on the criminal proceedings against juvenile defendants), highlighting the differences with respect to the legislation contained in the code of criminal procedure.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course students will be able to achieve:
- the knowledge of the juvenile justice system and the rules of juvenile criminal procedure, as well as the understanding of these principles and rules;
- the ability to apply the knowledge acquired to specific cases;
- the capacity for critical analysis and interpretation of the provisions concerning juvenile criminal justice;
- the use of an appropriate legal language;
- the acquisition of a level of knowledge eligible to continue their studies by themselves.
- the knowledge of the juvenile justice system and the rules of juvenile criminal procedure, as well as the understanding of these principles and rules;
- the ability to apply the knowledge acquired to specific cases;
- the capacity for critical analysis and interpretation of the provisions concerning juvenile criminal justice;
- the use of an appropriate legal language;
- the acquisition of a level of knowledge eligible to continue their studies by themselves.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The course will be focused on: juvenile criminal justice (structure and subjects); the general principles of juvenile criminal trials; the investigations (the checks on the age and personality); the restrictive measures of personal freedom; the preliminary hearing (peculiarities); the special proceedings (restrictions); the typical epilogues of the juvenile procedure (judgment of not to prosecute for irrelevance of the fact; judicial pardon; the suspension of the trial and probation); the hearing trial (and its derogations); the right of appeal (peculiarities); the "misure di sicurezza" (assumptions and application); the enforcement phase.
Prerequisites for admission
In according to the didactic regulation of the degree course, Institutions of private law and Constitutional law are preparatory.
It is mandatory to have already taken the exam of Criminal Law.
It is also recommended, but no mandatory, the exam of Criminal Procedure.
It is mandatory to have already taken the exam of Criminal Law.
It is also recommended, but no mandatory, the exam of Criminal Procedure.
Teaching methods
The teaching activity will be dedicated to the analysis of the regulatory discipline and will be integrated by the study and discussion of practical cases.
During the lessons slides will be used, which will be made available to students through the Ariel page, where it is also possible to find the most relevant legislative texts and judgments of jurisprudence.
Taking into account the evolution of the epidemic and compliance with the relevant regulations, the interested students will also have the opportunity to attend a formative stage at the Juvenile Court in Milan.
During the lessons slides will be used, which will be made available to students through the Ariel page, where it is also possible to find the most relevant legislative texts and judgments of jurisprudence.
Taking into account the evolution of the epidemic and compliance with the relevant regulations, the interested students will also have the opportunity to attend a formative stage at the Juvenile Court in Milan.
Teaching Resources
M. BARGIS (ed.), Procedura penale minorile, Torino, Giappichelli, 2024.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam will consist of an oral test, with a vote out of thirty, which aims to verify: knowledge of the subject and understanding of the peculiarities of juvenile criminal procedural law; the autonomy of judgment of the student also through the analysis of the cases discussed during the course or published on the Ariel page; the mastery of specific language and the ability to present the arguments in a clear and orderly way.
IUS/16 - CRIMINAL PROCEDURE - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Camaldo Lucio Bruno Cristiano
Camaldo Lucio Bruno CristianoEducational website(s)
Monday and Tuesday 6.15 PM
Department "Cesare Beccaria"