The Italian Judicial System

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
- Knowledge and capability of comprehension: the student must demonstrate to have gained a fundamental knowledge on the organization and functioning of justice in our Country.
- Applicative capabilities: the student must prove to know how to apply the assimilated notions to concrete and specific contexts, also debated within jurisprudence, concerning the organizational structure of justice both judging and requiring.
- Anatomy of judgment: the student must prove to be able to assume a position based on valid arguments and juridically sustainable regarding the subject at hand.
- Ability to communicate: the student must show that he/she can express the acquired notions with a argumentative coherence, systematic thoroughness and language capabilities.
- Capability to learn: the student must prove to know how to rebuild historical and evolutionary profiles of the judicial system with confident knowledge of the normative sources.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge on the organization and functioning of justice (judging and requiring) in our Country under both the structural and functional profile, with particular regard to the relationships that exist between the organization of the offices and the implementation of the constitutional principles of the fair trial of law. Knowledge of the legal and deontological rules that regulate the Bar. Ability to apply the assimilated notions to concrete and specific contexts, also debated within jurisprudence. Use of a rigorous technical legal language.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course has the objective to study the organization of justice in Italy under both the structural and functional profile, with particular regard to the relationships that exist between the organization of the offices and the implementation of the constitutional principles of the fair trail and of the impartial judge as well as those related to the independence and the irremovability of magistrates. Particular attention will be paid to the judiciary and honorary judiciary (methods of recruitment, training, assessments of professionalism, civil liability and disciplinary ...). The latest judiciary reforms of the italian judicial system will be examined as well. The course will be completed with hints on the organization of the Bar and forensic deontological ethics.
There are no specific programs for Erasmus students, but any clarification can be discussed with the Professors.
Prerequisites for admission
The students, as expected by the Programme Description, must have succesfully passed the exams of Private Law and Constitutional Law.
Teaching methods
Besides the traditional lectures, seminar-style lessons will be held. To this end, will be provided practical cases and judgments, which will be discussed in the classroom. Students are reminded that all communications related to the course can be found on the Ariel platform.
Teaching Resources
The text books, both for attending and non attending students, are:
- Francesco Dal Canto, Lezioni di ordinamento giudiziario, Torino, 4 ed., 2024.
Further reference materials, particulary related to the forensic professional law and the new "Ufficio del processo", will be provided during the lessons and uploaded on the Ariel platform page.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam is oral and the evaluation is expressed with a mark out of thirty, with possible praise.
IUS/15 - CIVIL PROCEDURAL LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
wednesday, 11 a.m.