Introduction to Logic

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Logic, in its broad sense, can be seen on the one hand as a set of unifying languages for the systematization of scientific knowledge, on the other as a set of tools for any practical application in which there is a need to process information in order to fully deploy its implicit content. The general aim of this course is to provide students with an overview of a variety of logical methods useful for both theoretical and practical applications. By attending this course, students will learn how to design formal languages to be used in a variety of logical tools and apply these tools in theoretical and practical problem-solving. The approach is at the same time abstract and practically oriented, so as to make the course potentially useful for science as well as philosophy students.
Expected learning outcomes
Students are expected to acquire a full understanding of the formal notions underlying the application of logical methods in problem-solving and acquire a basic knowledge of the following broad topics
- Foundations of Computing
- Classical logic and its applications
- Non-classical logics and their applications
Students are also expected to develop an ability to apply this basic knowledge to solve simple problems and to engage in further research within more advanced projects in specific applications of their interest.
Notions and methods will be introduced in a problematic way so as to stimulate a critical, rather than passive, attitude towards knowledge. We also expect that training students in the use of formal languages and logical tools will improve their capability of communicating ideas, both at a theoretical and practical level, with the required precision and a sufficient amount or rigour.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
1. Discrete mathematics
- Elementary notions (sets, relations and functions)
- Lists, trees and graphs
- Algorithms and complexity
2. Elementary classical logic
- Propositional logic
- Reasoning with quantifiers
- Logical methods for problem solving
3. Intuitionistic and modal Logic
- Intuitionistic logic and natural deduction
- Kripke semantics for Intuitionistic logic
- Kripke semantics for modal logics

6-CFU examinable material covers module 1-2 (20 lectures). 9-CFU examinable material includes all 3 modules (30 lectures)
Prerequisites for admission
English, level B2. Certification required to take the exam.
Teaching methods
In-person lectures. The approach will be problem-oriented and students will be trained to solve basic logical problems through exercises.
Teaching Resources
Handouts provided by the lecturer.

Further suggested readings (not required to take the exam):
M. D'Agostino, H. Hosni. Le vie della Logica. Einaudi 2024. (Not available in English.)
Assessment methods and Criteria
Each test includes open questions (30%), multiple-choice questions (20%), and exercises (50%), all weighted depending on their degree of difficulty. Open and multiple-choice questions are aimed at broadly verifying the understanding of concepts and definitions, whereas exercises are designed to evaluate problem solving skills.
M-FIL/02 - LOGIC AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE - University credits: 6
Lessons: 48 hours