Internship (third year)

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The learning outcomes of the module are the development of knowledge regarding the educational planning carried out autonomously and in the context of working teams. In particular, the module aims to provide the participants with knowledge regarding:
· the recognition and support of the complexity of the professional role
· the recognition and enhancement of the resources of the context (formal and informal network)
· being able to provide their professional contribution in the service and training environment working group
· the management of the educational relationship with individuals with specific needs
· the planning, management and assessment of an educational intervention in its various stages
· use methods and techniques appropriate to the specific user
· the participation with professional autonomy
· the participation in innovative projects by experimenting with potential articulations of the educational role
· how to act with autonomy and conscientiousness in institutional relationships
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the module the student will be able to:
· recognise and support the complexity of the professional role
· recognise and enhance the resources of the context (formal and informal network)
· know how to provide their professional contribution in the service and training environment working group
· know how to manage the educational relationship with individuals with specific needs
· plan, manage and assess an educational intervention in its various stages
· use methods and techniques appropriate to individuals with specific needs
· participate with professional autonomy
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Sezione: Bosisio Parini

Prerequisites for admission
There are no prerequisites.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written and Oral Exam
Course syllabus
· rethinking about intership experience;
· self awareness and awareness about own relational style through rethinking about personal experience;
· knowledge about different kind of facilities (organization, clients and their needs, professional educator's roles);
· comparison between different methodologies used in different contexts;
· educational project work meaning and methodologies;
· in-depth analysis about subjects and problems that arise during internship experience;
· exercises about educational writing;
· study about Codice Deontologico (code of ethics and duties of professional educator).
Teaching methods
The lessons will be held through interactive methodologies in order to encourage the students to exchange views and thoughts about their internship experience.
Classroom lessons will be provided and enriched by means of collective works, brainstorming, role play, psychological and pedagogical games, educational writing exercises and autobiographical writing exercises.
In order to monitor the internship path, at least two tutoring interviews will be held for each student, along with other tutoring interviews that will be agreed with the teaching tutor.
The students will be requested that they write a diary as a tool for gathering their thoughts about the internship experience.
The students will deliver the diary according to the teacher's requests.
The students, in turns, will write a report about the classrom lessons.
Teaching Resources
Gardella, O. (2013). L'educatore professionale. Finalità, metodologia, deontologia.
Milano: Franco Angeli
2. Bimbo, A. (1997). Emanciparsi dalle dipendenze. Strategie di intervento per operatori ed
educatori. Milano: Franco Angeli
3. Palmieri, C. - Gambacorti Passerini, M.B. (2019) Il lavoro educativo in salute mentale.
Una sfida pedagogica. Milano: Guerini Scientifica
Internship guide
Course syllabus
· Rethinking about intership experience.
· Self awareness and awareness about own relational style through rethinking about personal experience.
· Knowledge about different kind of facilities (organization, clients and their needs, professional educator's roles).
· Comparison between different methodologies used in different contexts.
· Educational project work meaning and methodologies.
· In-depth analysis about subjects and problems that arise during internship experience.
· Exercises about educational writing.
· Study about Codice Deontologico (code of ethics and duties of professional educator).
Teaching methods
The lessons will be held through interactive methodologies in order to encourage the students to exchange views and thoughts about their internship experience.
Classroom lessons will be provided and enriched by means of collective works, brainstorming, role play, psychological and pedagogical games, educational writing exercises and autobiographical writing exercises.
In order to monitor the internship path, at least two tutoring interviews will be held for each student, along with other tutoring interviews that will be agreed with the teaching tutor.
The students will be requested that they write a diary as a tool for gathering their thoughts about the internship experience.
The students will deliver the diary according to the teacher's requests.
The students, in turns, will write a report about the classrom lessons.
Teaching Resources
Gardella, O. (2013). L'educatore professionale. Finalità, metodologia, deontologia.
Milano: Franco Angeli
2. Bimbo, A. (1997). Emanciparsi dalle dipendenze. Strategie di intervento per operatori ed
educatori. Milano: Franco Angeli
3. Palmieri, C. - Gambacorti Passerini, M.B. (2019) Il lavoro educativo in salute mentale.
Una sfida pedagogica. Milano: Guerini Scientifica
Practicals - Exercises: 500 hours
Internship guide
Lessons: 50 hours
Gruppo 1
Professor: Antonietti Ilaria Monica
Gruppo 3
Professor: Rigamonti Amos

Sezione: Don Gnocchi

Prerequisites for admission
There are no prerequisites
Assessment methods and Criteria
The internship driving test will take place in two parts. The ongoing examination, carried out in the March session, provides for the student to create and discussion a presentation of the power points in which he must describe I detail the analysis of the service, through the collection, study and processing of the documentation produced. The final exam, carried out at the end of the internship course, in the June- October session will consist of the discussion of a written report that will deal with both the educational work done with the users, in particular in reference to the educational planning, and the evaluation of the experience, declined through the competences that are believed to have matured during the three-years training course.
Course syllabus
The contents dealt with will concern the planning, programming, management and evaluation capabilities of the educational intervention. The students will be asked to ask themselves about the quality of the educational relationship with users in the service, about relationships with operators and any other professional figures encountered in the service, about understanding the objectives of the service and about the methods and tools used. The ability to establish pedagogical settings consistent with the definition of the service and with the educational needs of the specific user will be developed, as well as a reflective through on the action. The students will then be asked to evaluate their communication style in relation to taking up a professional role. The experience of training and knowledge of the different professional fields will have to be documented and processed through the writing of the internship diary and will be the object of reflection and comparison in the training group.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons , exercises.
Teaching Resources
La bibliografia verrà fornita nel corso dell'anno
Internship guide
Course syllabus
The contents dealt with will concern the planning, programming, management and evaluation capabilities of the educational intervention. The students will be asked to ask themselves about the quality of the educational relationship with users in the service, about relationships with operators and any other professional figures encountered in the service, about understanding the objectives of the service and about the methods and tools used. The students will then be asked to evaluate their communication style in relation to taking up a professional role. The ability to establish pedagogical settings consistent with the definition of the service and with the educational needs of the specific user will be developed, as well as a reflective through on the action.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons , exercises.
Teaching Resources
The bibliography will be provided during the year
Practicals - Exercises: 500 hours
Internship guide
Lessons: 50 hours
Gruppo 1
Professor: Demara Serena
Gruppo 2
Professor: Sacchi Federica
Gruppo 3
Professor: Barbieri Silvia