Internship (first year)

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Educational objective of this teaching is to develop skills about observation, self-observation and communication. More in detail, the purpose of the teaching is to allow students acquiring knowledge and understand how:
· to orient themselves in educational work complexity, given different kind of contexts and fields of intervention
· to verify their own relational ways towards users
· to recognize their own personal peculiarities in order to develop suitable listening and interaction abilities
· to use working practices in internship, about observation of single users, of user groups, of contexts
· to be able to respect the rules and working practices in the internship environment
· to study local contexts trying out survey tools
· to communicate and argue in a small group
· to describe and provide documentary evidence of the work done
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the teaching the student will have to be able to:
· orient themselves in educational work complexity, given different kind of contexts and fields of intervention
· verify his own relational ways towards users
· use working practices inside internship, about observation of single users, of user groups, of contexts
· study local contexts trying out survey tools
· communicate and argue in a small group
· describe and provide documentary evidence of the work done
Furthermore, the student will have to know:
· his own personal peculiarities in order to develop suitable listening and interaction abilities
· working practices in the internship environment by means of respect its rules
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Sezione: Bosisio Parini

Prerequisites for admission
There are no prerequisites.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written and Oral Exam
Course syllabus
· Analysis of professional educator's profile: skills, roles, duties, working environment.
· The internship. Definition and meanings, reference theoretical models, rules and procedures.
· The internship project: analysis of the learning objectives.
· Intern's role throughout the internship path.
· Direct and indirect knowledge about different kind of facilities and about the professional educator's role inside the different professional contexts.
· Educational styles and methods inside the different professional contexts.
· Professional educator's work both direct with clients and indirect.
Teaching methods
Classroom lessons will be provided and enriched by means of collective works, brainstorming, meetings and interviews.
At least two tutoring interviews will be held for each student, along with other tutoring interviews that will be agreed with the teaching tutor.
Teaching Resources
N. Scarpa, Centro Studi nazionale ANEP (a cura di), L'educatore professionale. Una guida per orientarsi nel mondo del lavoro e prepararsi ai concorsi pubblici, Maggioli Editore 2018

Durante il corso saranno suggeriti articoli di riviste di settore sui temi trattati.
Verrà indicata un'ampia bibliografia di testi di narrativa anche autobiografica su disabilità, anziani, minori, come
stimolo per un approccio diretto alle tipologie di utenza.
Internship guide
Course syllabus
· Analysis of professional educator's profile: skills, roles, duties, working environment.
· The internship. Definition and meanings, reference theoretical models, rules and procedures.
· The internship project: analysis of the learning objectives.
· Intern's role throughout the internship path.
· Direct and indirect knowledge about different kind of facilities and about the professional educator's role inside the different professional contexts.
· Educational styles and methods inside the different professional contexts.
· Professional educator's work both direct with clients and indirect.
Teaching methods
Classroom lessons will be provided and enriched by means of collective works, brainstorming, meetings and interviews.
At least two tutoring interviews will be held for each student, along with other tutoring interviews that will be agreed with the teaching tutor.
Teaching Resources
N. Scarpa, Centro Studi nazionale ANEP (a cura di), L'educatore professionale. Una guida per orientarsi nel mondo del lavoro e prepararsi ai concorsi pubblici, Maggioli Editore 2018

Durante il corso saranno suggeriti articoli di riviste di settore sui temi trattati.
Verrà indicata un'ampia bibliografia di testi di narrativa anche autobiografica su disabilità, anziani, minori, come
stimolo per un approccio diretto alle tipologie di utenza.
Practicals - Exercises: 250 hours
Internship guide
Practicals - Exercises: 80 hours

Sezione: Don Gnocchi

Prerequisites for admission
There are no prerequisites.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written and Oral Exam
Course syllabus
· Analysis of professional educator's profile: skills, roles, duties, working environment.
· The internship. Definition and meanings, reference theoretical models, rules and procedures.
· The internship project: analysis of the learning objectives.
· Intern's role throughout the internship path.
· Direct and indirect knowledge about different kind of facilities and about the professional educator's role inside the different professional contexts.
· Educational styles and methods inside the different professional contexts.
· Professional educator's work both direct with clients and indirect.
Teaching methods
Classroom lessons will be provided and enriched by means of collective works, brainstorming, meetings and interviews.
At least two tutoring interviews will be held for each student, along with other tutoring interviews that will be agreed with the teaching tutor.
Teaching Resources
N. Scarpa, Centro Studi nazionale ANEP (a cura di), L'educatore professionale. Una guida per orientarsi nel mondo del lavoro e prepararsi ai concorsi pubblici, Maggioli Editore 2018

Durante il corso saranno suggeriti articoli di riviste di settore sui temi trattati.
Verrà indicata un'ampia bibliografia di testi di narrativa anche autobiografica su disabilità, anziani, minori, come
stimolo per un approccio diretto alle tipologie di utenza.
Internship guide
Course syllabus
· Analysis of professional educator's profile: skills, roles, duties, working environment.
· The internship. Definition and meanings, reference theoretical models, rules and procedures.
· The internship project: analysis of the learning objectives.
· Intern's role throughout the internship path.
· Direct and indirect knowledge about different kind of facilities and about the professional educator's role inside the different professional contexts.
· Educational styles and methods inside the different professional contexts.
· Professional educator's work both direct with clients and indirect.
Teaching methods
Classroom lessons will be provided and enriched by means of collective works, brainstorming, meetings and interviews.
At least two tutoring interviews will be held for each student, along with other tutoring interviews that will be agreed with the teaching tutor.
Teaching Resources
N. Scarpa, Centro Studi nazionale ANEP (a cura di), L'educatore professionale. Una guida per orientarsi nel mondo del lavoro e prepararsi ai concorsi pubblici, Maggioli Editore 2018

Durante il corso saranno suggeriti articoli di riviste di settore sui temi trattati.
Verrà indicata un'ampia bibliografia di testi di narrativa anche autobiografica su disabilità, anziani, minori, come
stimolo per un approccio diretto alle tipologie di utenza.
Practicals - Exercises: 250 hours
Internship guide
Practicals - Exercises: 80 hours